Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment.

On Facebook, an “Impeach Barack Obama” group has attracted more than 700 members and a lively debate about the Democrat’s election victory on Tuesday over Republican John McCain. Another Facebook group of the same name has 160 members and urges others to join because “we might as well get a head start on the impeachment of Obama.” “There are a lot of Americans out there that do not fully understand the concept of Socialism or Communism which is why they’ve elected Obama as president,” it says.

Yet another Facebook group, “Impeach Barack Hussein Obama,” has 160 members.

It decries that Obama “has voiced support for various unconstitutional programs such as the assault weapons ban, universal healthcare, and various schemes for wealth distribution.”

“What are we going to do about it? IMPEACH HIM!” it says.

Obama still has some way to go, however, to equal the number of “Impeach George Bush” groups on Facebook, which lists at least 95 such groups with varying membership.

Get your spot on the bandwagon before it’s too late….

  1. Les says:

    Uh, maybe you didn’t notice that GWB wasn’t running in this election.

    First of all, my point was that it is equaly valid to use BHO as GWB. You may get all upset, but those are the mans initials.

    Secondly, here is the proof you reuested about Obama being present for the hate speech sermons:

    Or before the Heller (2nd ammendment decision):
    In November 2007, after the Supreme Court agreed to hear the Heller case, the Obama campaign told the Chicago Tribune that “Obama believes the D.C. handgun law is constitutional”

    After the Heller decision:
    “I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms”

    And one of the biggest, taking public campain funding.

  2. Les says:

    Mister M, being a drinker of the coolaid, somehow finds it easy to beleive that BHO attended the church for 20 years, and never heard this stuff.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #69 – Les Crane

    >>Uh, maybe you didn’t notice that GWB wasn’t
    >>running in this election.

    Sure I did, but YOU were the one who brought up pre-inaugural misbehavior. Since Obama hasn’t engaged in any of that, I assumed you were talking about Dumbya. Oh, that’s right; McCain has a long and sordid history too, doesn’t he?

    >>Secondly, here is the proof you reuested
    >>about Obama being present for the hate
    >>speech sermons:

    Either you are dumb as a box of rocks, Lester, or you must think I am. You post a link to some spittle-flecked wingnut ranting on the New Republic blog, and the only “proof” provided of HUSSEIN Obama being present during Wright’s hate speech is McCain’s “too risky” campaign sliming ad showing HUSSEIN sitting in front of a monitor with Wright speaking in the background.


    He wasn’t actually THERE, Einstein, they superimposed his face in profile over some TV monitors showing Wright speaking.

    You’re not claiming that’s “proof”, I hope!! Please tell me you’re not.

    You’ve got me rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off!!

  4. Les says:

    “I am going to cut taxes for 95% of people”
    That is an absolute lie. 40% of people pay no taxes. You can’t possibly cut the taxes for more than 60% of the people.

  5. Les says:

    the reporter was there, Obama was there, secret sevice was there. Obama admited it. There is a real video, although I cant find it now. No not the stupid superimposed one.

  6. Les says:

    Noticing that you are not addressing heller or the tax thing.

  7. Les says:

    Or the campain funding thing.

  8. FC says:

    People are mad. We just had a car torched around here and they spray painted Obama on the rear of the thing. They have a topic for this sort of thing at
    It said, “There is no content to display for the current topic at this time.” Kind of odd, to set up a topic for content you don’t have. Maybe they are expecting more content as things develop. They had a credit card ad running with no content. Go figure. I have content running with no ads. I still do paper ads and cash. With the tough economy, coupons are going to be good business.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #72 – #57 Lester

    Give it up. I’m not going to spend all night tracking down your allegations of misbehavior by our preseident elect. If you find anything, let me know.

    In the meanwhile, why don’t you just cool your jets, and hope that Obama does something wrong AFTER he’s inaugurated.

    Don’t hold your breath, though. He’s been squeaky clean so far. I’m sure he’ll maintain that record in office.

    After all, Obama is a man of honor, not a disgrace to the Oval Office like his predecessor. At least McCain managed to clean himself up a little and try to suppress any discussion of his pre-campaign raunch. Dumbya went the whole 8 years without any attempt at rehabilitating himself.

    Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  10. GregA says:

    LOL, les is gonna pop!


    No one who cares about your raving lunatic opinion has any power anymore;). In fact you seem to have an overwhelming case of denial. No one in any position anywhere gives a shit what you think, in fact at this hour all the DC republicans are attempting to distance themselves from you and your ilk.

    You and your opinions are irrelevant, and no one care about whiny little bitches like you.

    On the otherhand, if you would like to talk about various brands of lube to make it easier getting ass raped I’m all ears;). no sorry I’m not in a possition to offer you a reach around.

  11. Buzz says:


  12. web says:

    Curious Barack has been living a lie and associating with scum all of his half-breed life including Ayres and Jeremiah the bullfrog.

    The only thing that got him elected was the black vote and Dumbcrats with little education.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #80 – webfingers

    >>Curious Barack has been living a lie and
    >>associating with scum all of his half-breed

    Ooooh nooo! Not a half-breed!! You mean we elected a half-breed to the oval office! Dang! I hate when that happens! Arrghh! ARRRGHHHH!

    >>The only thing that got him elected was the
    >>black vote and Dumbcrats with little

    Yee-haw! I heer’d them Kolumbeea and Harvurd folks was real stoopid. I’ll bet neether Obammuh ner his haff-breed skum frendz got thayre mother-humpin’ GEDs, did thei? I knows how hard YOO werked fer that gawd-dammed peece of payper!

    An everrbody noes how hard it is to rite with them thar webbed fingers.

  14. GF says:

    # 16 Gareth
    Thank you for your interest but it’s not really for you to decide now is it? If you would like to become a citizen of the U.S. you could apply at the U.S. embassy in London. Maybe you’ll even get to meet Oprah in the near future!

  15. Les says:

    Mister M,
    I wouldn’t expect you to take the time to read up on you messiah’s lies. Thats ok. I am not a sore looser. In fact, I am just enjoying watching how fast he falls.

  16. GregA says:


    You should change your nick to Baghdad Bob. Obama won another state today, and the D’s picked up another senate seat.

    Yup, pretty obvious, Obama is crashing and burning…


  17. Glenn E. says:

    My elderly father would get something in the mail, at least once a week, about impeaching one democrat or another. But they all always wanted money to do it. And I’m certain that this is all these clowns really want. They just sucker all the hardcore republicans, on some listing they bought, into thinking impeachment will happen if they send them enough money. And then these clowns take the money and live high on the hog with it. So far, the various news organizations have failed to look into this. Only into some bogus charities. Liberal press, my ass! At least 95% of the press is covering up this swindle, to protect the Republican party’s reputation. But these “let’s impeach…” are still mostly a bunch of pie-eyed, over-fed, parasites.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #80, web,

    The only thing that got him elected was the black vote and Dumbcrats with little education.

    So the “black vote” went one way. Is there anything wrong with that? Would you rather their vote didn’t count? What if the majority of white men voted in a particular pattern, would that be the equivalent?

    And the dumbcrats with little education. OK, then why were those voters with a college degree or better more likely to vote for Obama? Do you think they learned anything in school that inclined them to vote for a man with brains? Well how about they know there is something terribly wrong with this country and see Obama as someone better suited to fix it.

    Maybe blacks, educated people, and everyone else who voted for Obama want something better than more of the same crap we’ve had for the past eight years.

    Maybe we want out of Iraq.

    Maybe we want to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs overseas.

    Maybe we want to stop the government spying on its own citizens.

    Maybe we want stem cell research to proceed to help cure some diseases.

    Maybe we want to have alternative energy sources out of the laboratory and on-line now.

    Maybe we want oversight of the financial sector to actually take place.

    Maybe we want someone independent verifying our food is safe.

    Maybe we want universal health care.

    Maybe we want our veterans to be given the health care they were promised.

    Maybe we want to stop paying CEOs multi million dollar bonuses for laying off thousands of people.

    I know you think that is asking too much, but we don’t. And we voted with our heads.

  19. magwa999 says:

    This is what causes hatred and promotes it. By putting this on his site Dvorak has showed he is a racist. Promoting and giving attention to something like this is why america is where it is now. I am thrilled Obama was elected but think it will be a hard and hurtful road ahead because of people like this and for John D promoting it.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Less,

    Lets see, I was never in the church when Rev Wright was saying those things, then the video comes out and he change his story.

    When Rev. Wright was saying WHAT things?

    I’ve asked several times and for some reason the wing nuts that like to bring Wright’s name up can never actually point out anything he said.

    I’m white, blue eyed, fair hair (what’s left) and come from a middle class background. I don’t have any bitterness in me about my upbringing. If I was denied the right to vote, had police dogs set on me, always worried about those guys in white sheets coming to the door around mid-night, not allowed to attend schools, or allowed to sit in a public bus station I too might be a little bitter.


    I remember hearing a story about a black seaman on an American destroyer in WWII. During WWII blacks were only allowed to serve below decks in the kitchen. He ship went aground on some rocks and sank off of Newfoundland. Most of the crew were saved.

    He was very well treated as an equal by his rescuers and thought he was in heaven.

    But the thing that most got my attention was when he was sent to another posting. As he traveled through a train station, there were a large group of Germans being transferred to POW camps. They were being fed in the station restaurant. When this black man went to be fed, he was ordered to go to the kitchen back door. An American sailor, fighting for his country, being treated as inferior to the very people our country was fighting.

    Now you can take any criticism about Wright being bitter about his treatment and shove it up your rectal cavity without the lube previously offered.

  21. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    If he follows up on his campaign promises, then yes, he should be impeached for being unamerican if not actually committing treason.

    If, on the other hand, he realizes that it’s in his own interest to fight his own party and governs from the center, even I would be willing to give him a chance.

    If, in 4 years, we can still afford to drive real vehicles, live in evil urban sprawl, have more private property per individual and more money in the bank for our own private use, then I’ll vote for him next time.

    I hope to see all the yahoos that were crying with the Rapture at the acceptance speech, crying at Barry’s “betrayal” soon. That would be a good sign that we are still a free nation.

  22. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #90 – yeah, right. Everything is racist. It’s people like you who are the real reason the race issue will never die.

    The only thing less relevant than race is man-made climate change.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #94, peedrool,

    Maybe he has a small brain, but it is extremely evident that that is one small brain more then you have.

  24. grog says:

    this isn’t racist, it’s just the extreme right doing what they always do, try to implement their agenda at any cost.

    they won’t be happy until america is like red china — one party with a dictator.

    they’re no better than the extreme left who won’t be happy till we’re like red china — communist.

    extremists always seem envious of red china, and nothing is more un-american than that.

  25. Les says:

    Of course the black demographic voted for the democrat. According to cnn in 2000 90% of black voters voted democrat, and in 2004 88% of black voters voted democratic.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #96, peedrool,

    If you were a Democrat your intelligence wouldn’t be questioned. But you’re not so that makes you a loser. Your man Chavez, how’s he doing?

    #98, Less,

    So? You have a problem with that? Maybe “blacks” are a lot more intelligent than you give them credit for.

  27. Les says:

    I never said I had a problem. Just commenting on the political affiliation of different groups.

  28. John Jay says:

    Okay, okay… so a messiah has been chosen. Oh what fun we’ll have with this one! In January this ‘chosen one’ will appear for his anointment, triumphantly riding his Democratic Jackass through the streets of the capitol with all his little kiss-ass jackasses in tow. We have to at least wait until then before we crucify…uh…I mean impeach him. And we will.

    This process will take some time. In my opinion we’ll see how it will all come together…oh, I’d say around the time of the 2010 mid-term elections or very shortly thereafter. It’s going to be so much fun and exciting, not to mention satisfying and delicious when we crucify this Candy Man, his surrogates and his cohorts. The successes of their deceit and vile linguistic chicanery will be short-lived. Trust me, there will be more than just three crosses erected for that purpose when the time comes.

    Please don’t be misled by my reference to crosses. I am neither a religious zealot nor an advocate of any form of white supremacy. I’m definitely an opponent of both of these kinds of zealous bigotry and ignorance. Nor do I support or advocate anything unlawful or violent. No, it will all be done cleanly and legally. We’re going to impeach this charlatan and liar. Many of his gang will go down with him.

    It’s kinda funny talking with you about it because…heh heh..all you know-it-all liberal dimwits should already realize that the precedent for the political demise of the Obamites has already been established as well as the preliminary homework. Now it’s merely a matter of a little bit of time. In this mean time you may begin to wring your hands and gnash your teeth in earnest. There’s really little else you can do. It’s inevitable.

    I am an American fighting man. I serve in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I will give my life in their defense.

    What will you sacrifice for your country and the laws of the land?

    I am The Neocon!

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #100, Less,

    Then why bring it up?

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #101, John Jay.

    I am an American fighting man. I serve in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I will give my life in their defense.

    What will you sacrifice for your country and the laws of the land?

    I am The Neocon!

    Bullshit. You might be a neo-con but you don’t serve. You might be a fighting man in some backwoods militia, but you don’t guard the country. You are just another braggart bullshitting asswipe.


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