Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment.

On Facebook, an “Impeach Barack Obama” group has attracted more than 700 members and a lively debate about the Democrat’s election victory on Tuesday over Republican John McCain. Another Facebook group of the same name has 160 members and urges others to join because “we might as well get a head start on the impeachment of Obama.” “There are a lot of Americans out there that do not fully understand the concept of Socialism or Communism which is why they’ve elected Obama as president,” it says.

Yet another Facebook group, “Impeach Barack Hussein Obama,” has 160 members.

It decries that Obama “has voiced support for various unconstitutional programs such as the assault weapons ban, universal healthcare, and various schemes for wealth distribution.”

“What are we going to do about it? IMPEACH HIM!” it says.

Obama still has some way to go, however, to equal the number of “Impeach George Bush” groups on Facebook, which lists at least 95 such groups with varying membership.

Get your spot on the bandwagon before it’s too late….

  1. Montanaguy says:

    That’s beautiful. The supreme charlatan has been elected. He will fall hard. When the press tires of adoring His Holiness, his thin skin will lie in tatters. He’s ALREADY, as I predicted repeatedly, talking about renigging on his promise that nobody making under $250000 wil pay higher taxes:

    “Obama left the door open to the possibility that economic conditions might prompt him to change his tax plan that would give a break to most families but raise taxes on those making more than $250,000 annually.
    I think that the plan that we’ve put forward is the right one, but obviously over the next several weeks and months, we’re going to be continuing to take a look at the data and see what’s taking place in the economy as a whole,” Obama said.’ AP

    It’s only been 3 days since the election; I thought he would at least wait a month to reveal his real tax plan which goes something like this: ‘You’re ALL going to take it up the ass with my tax plan.’

  2. Montanaguy says:

    I see that ConFusion and Mustard are posting feverishly – it’s a new game isn’t it guys? Playing defense now? Nobody to hate in the oval office anymore after Jan 1? Oh, where will all of that liberal anger go now?

  3. GF says:

    Holy Crap.
    Berg v. Obama looks like it may move forward. The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a Writ of Certiorari and Obama must reply by 12/1/08. If he does not the Supreme court may hear Bergs arguments as to why Obama is not eligiable to be President. So, there is some doubt as to Obama’s birth certificate. Amazing.

    Clintonista payback is a bitch.

  4. mister mustard says:

    #98 – Les Crane

    >>Of course the black demographic voted for
    >>the democrat.

    Of course they did. Just as did the “intelligent” demographic, the “educated” demographic, and a number of other demographics.

    It was mostly the “moonshine-swigging dropout” demographic, the “right-wing Aryan Nation” demographic, and of course the “fascist overlord oppressor” demographics that voted for McCain.

  5. mister mustard says:

    #101 – John Jaykob Jingleheimer Schmidt

    >>What will you sacrifice for your country and
    >>the laws of the land?

    I’ll stuff a sock in your mouth.

    How’s that, blowhard?

  6. mister mustard says:

    #105 – Hannah

    >>Playing defense now? Nobody to hate in the
    >>oval office anymore after Jan 1?

    Uh, that’s Jan 20, scholar.

    And no, not playing defense. Just toying with you disenfranchised acolytes of Dumbay, as a cat toys with a mouse.

    YOUR heartache is that there’s soon to be someone in the Oval Office who will be doing a good job (after 8 years of agony), and there’s NOT A FUCKING THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

    Sure, you can bitch and whine: “Oh, Obama’s daughter is allergic to dogs”, or “Did you see that gawdawful dress Michelle had on last night”, but complaints of substance? Fageddaboudit.

  7. Montanaguy says:

    #109 – Mooseturd
    Thanks for making my point for me – there you are – on defense. This will be so much fun….
    Keep raving.

  8. mister mustard says:

    #110 – Hannah

    >>on defense.

    Keep saying it, if it makes you feel manly, Hannah.

    But you know in your heart of hearts that it’s YOU who are on the defensive, trying to smear Obama’s well-spoken articulate missives with Swift-Boat-Liar-like slime.

    Hee hee! This is going to be a great four years!!! And another great four after that!!

    Maybe you guys can run Rick Santorum


    in 2012!

  9. Les says:

    So did people who didn’t finish high school, whats your point?

    Glad to hear about Berg

  10. Les says:

    Hypotheticly, if Berg is right and BHO either was born in Kenya, or gave up his US citizenship when he was adopted by his step father in Indonesia, does it matter?

    If you say no, then you fall into the same group as:
    Bush’s ‘goddamned piece of paper’
    Obama’s ‘Judges who wont be constrained by the letter of the law’.

  11. John Jay says:

    #103 Mr. Fusion said:

    Bullshit. You might be a neo-con but you don’t serve. You might be a fighting man in some backwoods militia, but you don’t guard the country. You are just another braggart bullshitting asswipe.

    Mister,I’m afraid you’re wrong there, but I have little doubt that being wrong about many things is something that comes quite easily and naturally to you. I’ve never been, nor will I ever be, a part of a backwoods militia.
    Yes, I have stood guard over this country and continue to do so. I fairly certain that my twenty years of active duty in the US Army qualifies my statement. Service to country is something that comes quite naturally to me and my family. Three generations of my immediate family, from my father down to my own two children, have voluntarily given over one hundred years of difficult and selfless service to you and this country in the US Army.

    Can you say the same…asswipe. What form of community service have you performed? What have you sacrificed?

    As for you, mister mustard-ass (#108), I seriously doubt you would even know the proper technique for stuffing a sock in a mouth. You might be able to talk the talk but I’m certain you can’t walk the talk. Blowhard? Look in the mirror you pretentious fool.

  12. QB says:

    Obama deserves impeachment. He won the election with a majority of the votes. I prefer US presidents who rig and steal elections the old fashioned way.

  13. JulioHM says:

    Universal health care? Unconstitutional?

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 116 JulioHM said, “Universal health care? Unconstitutional? Really???”

    No, not unless it’s mandatory.

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    Is this all you guys do all day?

  16. Joe Wiseman says:

    Obama lied to the country over and over and many ignored this. The majority of people were so angry with Bush they voted “against” him by voting for Obama. BUT NOW the country is truly fally apart at the seems because we have a President that does not understand anything economical at all. He referred to the PE ratios of stocks as “profits to earnings” and even an amatuer knows it is Price to earnings ratios… why should he know this? Because he is the firggin President of the greatest capitalist nation in history that is why! He should be impeached for shear incompetence along with Reid. Pelosi and the rest of these whack jobs…..!


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