– Fuel-Making Fungus Challenges Oil Creation Theory — Is it possible that the whole “fossil” fuel notion is bogus and this goop just keeps forming 24/7 forever? Quick, suppress this fast!!!

A newfound fungus living in rainforest trees makes biofuel more efficiently than any other known method, researchers say.

In fact, it’s so good at turning plant matter into fuel that researchers say their discovery calls into question the whole theory of how crude oil was made by nature in the first place.

While many crops and microbes can be combined to make biofuels — including the fungi that became infamous as jungle rot during World War II — the newfound fungus could greatly simplify the process, its discoverers claim.

  1. Many interesting and controversial comments BUT the most important things to think of at this stage are…
    Do these people need more finance for their research?
    Will this fungus work on Biomass i.e.. the rubbish, garbage and trash that our civilization is so good at making.
    If this becomes possible then we won’t need corn, just organic waste of any type.
    Examples would be waste from sustainable forestry, agricultural by products and or course your local municipal trash heap!!

  2. chris says:

    #26 Methane occurs naturally. It is often found with other forms of hydrocarbons. It sometimes leaks to the surface and spontaneously ignites. Ancient peoples noted this, and it still happens today.

    The real story here is that there is much more oil out there than we know about. People have been drilling in certain areas because of their beliefs about how oil is formed. If they are wrong about that then it opens a ton of other areas for exploration.

    Peak oil is obviously bunk. Proven reserves, which is a somewhat misleading term, have been increasing every year in the modern era. That is the aggregate. Specific fields, including many of the largest, are in decline. Both statements can be, and are, true.

    There are huge reserves off of Africa and South America, especially Brazil. Technology is vastly improved to drill in deeper water than was previously possible. It is also very expensive. Oil might become more expensive due to these costs.

    Huge spikes in the price of oil, like the one we just saw, are the result of one of three things. Artificial constraints of supply, as in the Arab Oil embargo. Political uncertainty, like around the First Iraq War. Or market manipulation, which caused the recent price spike.

    A gradual rise in the price of oil is to be expected, as newer fields are found and developed. We are not about to run out of oil, though, as much as some people would like to think otherwise.

    As to the mold, or microbes, look up Thomas Gold’s book. Google him if you think he’s a crank.

  3. Floyd says:

    #31 Don’t you just love it when people think they can get their “science” out of books written well over 2000 years ago, well before the scientific method was even being developed?

  4. bobbo says:

    I enjoy noting the “either/or” thinking that is going on. As always, when given a choice, I say “Why not all?”

    Some oil from this source, other oil from other sources, some old, some new.

    But Oil is so 20th Cent. Unless fungus is used to recycle waste, or to assemble nanotubes to harvest the ionisphere, they will have little to do with our energy future.

    Knowledge and science marches on while too many turn to religion, sports, and heroes.

  5. Oil Schmoil says:

    At one time there was no evidence that the earth was flat either. Now we have proof due to advances in technology.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #9 Chuck lied, “The other catch is, we are now consuming it faster that it can be pumped out of the ground. That is what peak oil really means – we have reached the maximum production capacity.”

    Umm, no. OPEC is decreasing production because they are pumping MUCH faster than consumption.

    Nice try on the FUD though.

  7. grog says:

    well if it’s true that’s awesome.

    thank god the gop is out of power, because the fungus grows in a rain forest, and you know how much the gop cares about rain forests.

  8. grog says:

    oh right, forgot that this is going to furiously spun as evidence for the young earth creationists.

    wtf. give it the F up already.

    the only reason they want it to match the bible exactly is because they’re too stupid or too lazy to understand science.

    the idea that god could not have created the world through processes that so far have defied human comprehension strikes me as blasphemous.


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