Since our new President likes large events I’ve been wondering about the overall security. Here is an exclusive report from Andrew Haas in Chicago on his encounters at the Obama acceptance speech.

The Obama Security at Grant Park
Andrew Haas, Chicago

I was there, one of the first 10,000 they let in. Everyone who went into the rally had to go through three security checkpoints. At the first one, you just had to show your ticket and they briefly looked in your bag if you had one on you. At the second, you had to show your ticket, photo ID (your name was on your ticket), and they again looked in your bag. The first two check points were manned by just rent-a-cops. The third check point made me laugh. They had 15 metal detectors, each with three or four TSA — TSA!! — employees, and it was just like the airport except you didn’t have to take off your shoes. (A few shows ago you or Adam mentioned something about TSA employees being armed as a joke — it’s not a joke anymore. The TSA supervisors with white shirts are now armed. Anyway.) All people at the rally went through this process. There were at least three military type helicopters circling the rally, and as far as I could tell it was a no-fly zone for news and other aircraft. The field was surrounded on two sides by tall skyscrapers, and we saw secret service on top of every building around the area. Also, there were secret service on top of the giant light poles that they had (like they have in football and baseball fields). And those are only the ones we saw. They also had the whole place wired up with security cameras, the whole deal.

  1. Rakarich says:

    Downtown Chicago has always been a no fly zone since 9/11

  2. Jay says:

    I recall a rally with Bush in my home state and it had tighter security than this from the sound of the report. Big difference was that Obama was in Downton Chicago while Bush was in a small town in New Hampshire…

  3. Higghawker says:

    I didn’t vote for the man, but I absolutely don’t want to see him harmed. The barrier may have been broken, but it seems he will have to be looking over his shoulder always. Why is this? I ask myself this question, and it truly baffles me why in 2008 we still have this problem? I hope he proves to all that he can be a great leader?

  4. ECA says:

    I love to see a NO FLY zone in the MIDDLE of a large METRO AREA…

    TOTALLY entertaining..
    1. HOw long to ID the craft and report it?
    2. HOW long to get aircraft to SPOT it and TURN it away?
    3. EVEn if you used AA guns, and SHOT at ANY aircraft in the area…
    3.A. Where are the bullets landing?
    3.B. Where will the Aircraft CRASH?

    You have 20+ miles in MOSt directions of a Metro area PEOPLED by Civilians, HOMES, BUSINESS, CHILDREN…LARGE BUILDINGS…

    Unless you DICTATE, that Aircraft can NOT fly over ANY CITY or town..there is NOTHING you can do..

  5. FC says:

    Avoid popularity; it has many snares, and no real benefit.
    William Penn

    Now all this money and manpower is used to protect the popular from possible enemies they have. Of course they don’t pay for their own security. You do and you are lucky if you even have job security or can keep a roof over your head and the kids fed. One news report showed McCain driving himself and noted that he no longer has SS protection. They made a point of filming the vehicle. It sort of seemed like they were inviting trouble or at least reporting details that did not need reported or were not newsworthy. McCain isn’t popular and is better off in a way. The media doesn’t like backing off until somebody gets hammered into the ground. Most in the media aren’t the brightest people. They look good and are popular though.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Have fun, Mr Haas…

  7. Micah says:

    #1. “Downtown Chicago has always been a no fly zone since 9/11”

    No it hasn’t. Daley tried to get one and failed.

  8. moss says:

    The no-fly zone in Chicago has the Sears Tower as its center. Daley tried to have it extended to a 25-mile radius and that was what didn’t succeed.

  9. McCullough says:

    The answer to this….cheesy holograms.

  10. ChuckM says:

    All that security for Obama’s double?

    I personally prefer it when he give’s the speaches and not the double.

  11. deowll says:

    Anyone with this high an office is the target of nut cases some of whom are both very smart and willing to die to carry out their plans or help someone else die.

    You have to wonder if anyone who wants the job is sane.

  12. deowll says:

    On what to do about no fly.

    You just blow out of the air with smart missiles anyone heading for the tall buildings to keep down the body count.

    If it was just a reporter or somebody who didn’t know jack…They just earned a Darwin awared and people will be more careful in the future.

    I don’t like it but its what you have to do to keep down the body count.

  13. I hope he stays well protected, I would hate to see this man die.

  14. VC says:

    The Army is building some sort of new human being now. “One of the things that we’re trying to realize in the Army is realistic
    virtual humans. These are virtually humans that recognize human speech but
    understand language, also are capable of perception, thought, cognition,
    incorporating emotions into them as well as cultural attributes. So at the Army
    Science Conference we’ll have the state of the art in virtual humans. In addition, in immersive technology, for the first time that I know of
    in the world we’ll be able to actually project a three- dimensional image from
    one part of the Army Science Conference through a high bandwidth line to another
    part of the Army Science Conference where you’ll be able to walk around that
    image. It’s a three- dimensional holographic-like image. And this is something
    that will be demonstrated by one of our institutes in California, the Institute
    for Creative Technologies, which the Army funds.”

    Maybe the hologram person is not really a person. Maybe we’re going to end up with a bunch of virtual Obamas roaming around. Nobody can imitate that Obama voice, so maybe it’s a computer modification that’s encrypted.

    Check this, ““He can impersonate anyone,” Andrews said. “Just look at the other people he’s copied. The list is endless … George Bush, and even John Madden … I bet he could make it work.”

    Others disagree and believe that if Obama takes office, Caliendo’s career is sadly over.”

    We’re facing the end of comedy as we know it and the start of virtual human beings. It’s a new era and the sad fact is that we just aren’t good enough, at least compared with Obama who is portrayed as perfect. We’re doomed and Army virtual human beings are going to take over the country.

  15. ECA says:

    shoot down another AIRLINER over populated areas…
    Flying, Burning SCRAP over a 10 mile area…
    Go for it…

    Iv suggested before, that we MOVE washington DC..and ALL it stands for..To a location thats DEFENDABLE…
    Out in the middle of a FIELD with 50 miles of NOTHING around it. Cant hit it from E.W.N.S without SEEING whats coming..
    Collateral damage is Inequitable.
    and THEY CAN build to suit, insted of having all that OLD Underground stuff.. BUILD the bunkers UNDER each building, insted of 20 miles away.

  16. Ron Larson says:

    With the Intertubes, cable TV, 24 news channels, Obama really doesn’t need to expose himself to danger in order to be seen and heard. Unfortunately for him and his family, this will have to be their reality for next 4+ years.

    As much as people would like to meet and/or see him in person, and as much as he would like to do the same, I think the risk is just too high right now. We will have to settle on controlled access of small groups, and the rest of us get video.

  17. VC says:

    Moving DC would be smart, but nearly impossible to do. The executive branch could be moved. Congress would be the impossible part. If it could be done, Washington could be Fort Washington and be used as a large military base. Once we get these virtual human beings built up, they could run Washington D.C. and maybe better than it’s being run now. I’m looking forward to a virtual human congress and senate.

  18. lets not have history repeating says:

    After what happened to Abraham, Martin, John & Bobby this seems appropriate.

    Bush gets pretty much the same level of security

  19. lets not have history repeating says:

    After what happened to Abraham, Martin, John & Bobby this seems appropriate.

    Bush seem to get pretty much the same level of security and only the comics would miss him.

  20. contempt says:

    >>I hope he stays well protected, I would hate to see this man die.

    You got that right, every town and city in the nation will have to name a street after him.

  21. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    republicans on other forums i’m are more bleeding hearted then any democrats I met after bush won the 2nd time!

    Most of those guys are nuts. My co workers also are already doubting. They sure don’t like being other way.

  22. chuck says:

    With all this security for Obama, can you imagine all the extra security for Dick Cheney and the shadow government?

  23. moss says:

    And none of y’all noticed the bullet-proof glass at the podium. Only showed in a few camera angles.

  24. brendal says:

    And it couldn’t have helped that Michelle was wearing a dress that looked like a target.

  25. ECA says:

    to ADD…

    Can you say Martial LAW??

    Anyone remember WHAT was past, in the legislator??
    ABOUT Martial LAW and changing presidents??

  26. Malcolm says:

    Well, we have the nut jobs like Paddy O-Door in these forums who desparately wants to assult Obama, so why wouldn’t you have maximum security? Nothing I can think of would be worse than a direct attack on our next president.

  27. amodedoma says:

    Hopefully whatever security they give Mr. Obama will be sufficient. Because if just one nutcase gets through and hurts him it’s gonna be HELTER SKELTER folks! Yeah, like Rodney King times a thousand. The US has a chance to close some historical racial wounds here, or open a breech that may never be sealed. If I were him I’d start thinking along the lines of popemobile.

  28. Bryan P. Carney says:

    ECA: I read this blog often and am constantly annoyed by your capitalization. You’ve been given the right the express yourself, yes, but more would hear you if you’d conform to standards. Standards, which are free to change, are necessary in language.

    I always skip your statements. Since you seem to have something to say about everything, it’s probabaly good that you do warn us to stay away. Only idealogues and idiots can’t shut up.

  29. VC says:

    Rights can never be bestowed or given because they must be earned. That’s the story of Iraq and that mess which the federal government created. Now the Democrats are responsible for the mess in Iraq and the mess in the United States. The Dow lost more value in the last two days and we’ll see more losses. These losses and increased federal debt will cost people jobs and cost the government money. At the state level, we are looking at big problems as states like California struggle with record public debt. Obama was the best thing that could happen to the Republicans, because they get to walk away from the mess Bush created of the country. Now he gets security for life in exchange for his destruction of so much life as well as liberty. The standard of living is going to keep going down in the United States and the poor are going to have a harder time of it. The $700 billion Wall Street giveaway is a bonus for the rich who helped Bush run the economy into the ditch. They’re all looking to get paid twice as the market continues to fall apart. The government solution is another stimulus package which will only help raise the debt. Real estate will keep losing value and more mortgage defaults are ahead. The war in Iraq is lost, at least financially. Now it’s time to pay the price and that’s going to be unpopular. Many people are going to find themselves in the dark. Utility shutoffs around here are up by 20% and rising. Bush really did a number on the United States along with Cheney. Hate isn’t going to help anybody because it is what it is. Of course all the government and political types will be taken care of. They’ll have security and the average person gets to struggle just to survive. The country has changed and the federal government is an oppressive force full of selfish people. There are some good people in it, just not enough to make a difference. The media is worse than the government, so we get fed nonstop propaganda. Good luck feeding your kids. I’ll shut up now. Thanks.

  30. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    I wouldn’t want to be on the security detail for any POTUS. Yikes.


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