A little known fact: When Obama was running for the Senate he was running against Republican Mike Ryan who was in the process of getting divorced from his wife Jeri Ryan, the actress who played the Borg “7 of 9” in Star Trek Voyager. In her divorce papers she accused her husband of some twisted sex stuff and because he was a Republican he had to drop out of the race leaving Obama with no real opposition to winning the election.

  1. James Hill says:

    The Ditka connection is more interesting, because Ditka would have won.

    Ditka always wins.

  2. doug says:

    actually, it is pretty well-known in Illinois.

    Ryan assured the honchos of the IL GOP that nothing embarrassing would come out during the divorce.


    so, when it came out that Mike pressured Jeri to go to sex clubs, said GOP honchos kicked him to the curb.

    and because this is Illinois (where the GOP is determined to self-destruct), they did not give the nomination to Jim Oberweis, instead going to Maryland to pick Alan Keyes.

    both of these guys are far-right wing-nuts, and probably would have lost, but at least Oberweis was a local.

    and the rest, as they say, is history.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ditka in congress would have been almost as much fun as, Al Franken. I was really pulling for, Al Franken, that would have been fun.

    He could have passed a law making Limbaugh illegal.

  4. Mr. Fusion, says:

    And who ever thought they needed some variety when married to someone as hot as Jeri Ryan doesn’t have what it takes to become a US Senator.

    I love my wife, but Jeri, …

  5. J says:

    # 2 doug

    Jim Oberweis is a douchbag but he does make good ice cream. I don’t eat it anymore though because of his politics. There is no way he would have beaten Obama.

  6. prk60091 says:

    @mr. fusion
    i totally agree with you
    i live in the same town as the ryan’s did… one sat morning my wife and i went for local breakfast and there sitting @ the next table was 7 of 9 (minus star trek stuff) and her kids i dont remember what i had for breakfast – but i remember ms jerilynn ryan for sure….

  7. doug says:

    #5. Oberweis is actually enough of a jerk that he even alienated his wingnut peers who run the IL GOP. that’s why he did not get the nod when Ryan tanked.

    No, he would not have beaten Obama, but his candidacy would not just have been the GOP saying, “Ok, well, we give up.”

    And there are issues of fairness – if the leader drops out, shouldn’t the runner-up get the chance?

    #4. Yeah, that’s the thing. Star Trek fans all over this great land of ours were thinking – “You have Jeri Ryan … what more do you want?!?”

  8. the answer says:

    and… That’s it?

  9. J says:

    # 7 doug

    Yeah the Alan Keyes thing was hysterical.

    Oberweis is an incredible asshole. He makes Right-wingers seem like liberal hippies. What really pisses me off is I really like their ice cream but simply can not give them my business because of him.

  10. Carcarius says:

    #1 – Ditka with Chuck Norris as VP – Oh my!!! Now that would be a ticket. 🙂

  11. doug says:

    #9. sadly, they do turn out some tasty ice cream. I will cop to indulging on a couple of occasions, but always with second thoughts.

    couldn’t we just buy liberalism offsets, like carbon offsets – give a few bucks to the ACLU for every cone 😉

  12. MaxPoert says:

    Little known fact? Only if you don’t pay attention to politics… Cripes!

  13. MikeN says:

    Not just tasty ice cream, but the whole organic thing too. Liberals must be really conflicted.

  14. MikeN says:

    So Obama won his State senate race by throwing everyone else off the ballot, then won his US Senate race by unsealing the divorce papers of a primary opponent, and then his Republican opponent.

    I’m wondering if he did anything underhanded in this election?

  15. Rich says:

    Jesus! I do remember that. I had no idea he ran against Obama. So- we Republicans can blame this debacle on Gene Roddenberry? (Six Degrees of Star Trek, I suppose).

  16. JimD says:

    # 3 Olo Baggins of Bywater, I would have liked Franken to make some law that would send Limbaugh to GITMO FOR SOME “COLLEGE HAZING” !!! And see hot THE BIG FAT IDIOT LIKES IT !!!

  17. Improbus says:

    If Karma doesn’t get Limbaugh a heart attack will. If no one brought him up on this blog I wouldn’t even think about him.

  18. James Hill says:

    #10 – LOL! Call that the “fuck it” ticket.

    #17 – Liberal worship of Limbaugh after a victory? At least you know who your daddy is.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    #4, Agreed.

  20. natefrog says:

    @ #0;


  21. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Little known? I thought everyone knew that.

    #4 – I agree 101%.

  22. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #14, Lyin’ Mike,

    So Obama won his State senate race by throwing everyone else off the ballot, then won his US Senate race by unsealing the divorce papers of a primary opponent, and then his Republican opponent.

    Not quite. The Republican challenger was giving Jewish transvestites blowjobs in the Church basement. What really turned off the GOP leadership was when he started with his eating fetuses on TV.

    Actually, the wife (Jeri Ryan) of the Senate GOP contender (Mike Ryan)opened the papers and gave them to the media. Typical Republican phuccer got phucced. Obama had nothing to do with it.

    When Ryan dropped out of the race, they parachuted in Alan Keyes, who’s dreams were only slightly bigger than his height. Obama got something like 65% of the vote.

  23. thadco says:

    #23) Yes, he goes by Jack.

    I actually knew them slightly better than acquaintances when they were still married and when to their house for a number of 4th of July parties. They were quite nice, but like most divorced couples, they were both at fault. I know this because my lucky ass had her flirting with me (she was tipsy) on the 4th before she made her debut as Seven. She was clearly already looking for a replacement and moved out west very soon after. It was kinda sad actually seeing this seemingly magical couple right at the failure point.

    Anyway, Jack likely would have beaten Barack for that US Senate seat if he had stayed married and still might have had a chance of winning if not for being outed. I do wonder sometimes why Jeri did publish the records and how different things might be today.

    Oh, and Jim Oberweis is indeed an asshole and I am a liberal, but I guiltily drink his milk every single day. But man, if that shithead ever wins anything, I’m sure gonna rue the day.

  24. MikeN says:

    Yeah it’s just a coincidence that the media went after unsealing the divorce records of his two main opponents.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Lyin’ Mike,

    Don’t blame Obama’s camp for what disenchanted Republicans did. The guy was a turd and outed by his ex. Don’t blame anyone but Ryan himself for being unable to keep his one-eyed snake in the den.

  26. Angel H. Wong says:

    So in the end it really was the Republican’s fault that Obama became a president.

  27. Mayor McCheese says:

    I was the first person to think of this, except maybe the judge who released the divorce papers.


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