PodCastAwards.com — Under the category “political” the No Agenda Show has been nominated. Please vote for us. Click here.

Adam and I did a special post election show linked here.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select 'Save Link As...' to download the mp3 file.

Last Week’s show.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select 'Save Link As...' to download the mp3 file.

  1. Special Ed says:

    Betty Crocker Gold Medal I presume…

  2. Hastur says:

    I went to vote for you but then I saw Common Sense was also nominated in the same category, and honsetly, in that category, I have to give my vote to Dan.

  3. jptm says:

    my vote’s going to free talk live.

    they talk about real liberty-minded ideals.


  4. I says:

    Adam is a secret plant employed by the real secret World Government Cabal to distract us by talking about a false secret government conspiracy. By talking about things in a manner that will get him labelled as a near-nutjob his hidden agenda is to keep the secret secret government secret.

    How cunning is that!

    I think John is beginning to suspect! If John starts agreeing with Adam, he’s been brainwashed.

    Warning: The above may not be in concordance with facts/truth/evidence/the real world but if it doesn’t stop Adam why should I let it stop me.

  5. I admit, I voted for you guys.
    …someone has to do it!

    Next time i hope your answer-podcast Yo Agenda will be nominated too! 😉
    Here’s their latest episode: Nr. 55 “Yes we can!” http://yoagenda.mevio.com

  6. Sean O'Hara says:

    Surely you mean “crackpot category”?

  7. stopher says:

    Wow, John. Even Fox news portrayed the spontainious assembly outside the whitehouse as a positive event and made a note of how the secret service was relaxed and taking cell phone pics. Friggin Brit Hume was saying it was good.

  8. Malcolm says:

    GASP! John was wrong about something? Must be a disturbance in the force….

  9. brendal says:

    Unfortunately, John was wrong.

  10. James Hill says:

    I didn’t know “Best Hair” was a category.

  11. billabong says:

    Thanks for putting the show on this site Mevio is too busy.

  12. syrinx says:

    @John C Dvorak and/or Adam Curry:

    Can’t you come up with a picture of both of you together instead of this Cranky Geeks Photoshop hack job? How about both of you eating dinner or something? Sheeesh!!

  13. nonStatist says:

    Hard choice
    No Agenda
    Dan Carlin
    Free Talk Live

  14. soundwash says:

    you got my vote.

    -and ofc, TWiT got mine in the tech category..

    keep up the good work.


  15. mthrnite says:

    Why isn’t Cranky Geeks in there.. more to the point, why isn’t there a category for most awesome co-crank?

    This whole thing is rigged by people who are intensely jealous of Sebastian Rupley.

    As member in good standing of Sebastian Rupley’s Army, I’ve half a mind to file a nasty complaint!

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    Oh yeah. Crappy speech. Nothing new. Blah blah blah.

    It’s a f&cking acceptance speech. What do you think he’s going to do, give a 4-hour technical presentation of his plans for upgrading the technology infrastructure?

    Sheesh. Even JFK waited for his inaugural address to say “Ask not what your country can do for you…”, and what “new information” did that speech contain? What “new information” did MLK’s “I have a dream” speech contain?

    This was just a rally-the-troops, rah-rah, thanks lot team speech, and as such, most people thought it was great. He was articulate, upeat, uniting rather than dividing, heartfelt, and everything else you could want from an acceptance speech.

    And after 8 years of hearing a stumble-bum, inarticulate, ignorant dimwit fumfer over simple words, the idea of having a president who can actually speak without embarassing the nation was so heartwarming it brought all of America to its feet.

  17. No Thanks says:

    Congrats on the nomination. Listened to your post-election discussion of prop 8. I always think that this site sums up the whole problem nicely: there really are 2 things called marriage http://2tcm.org/ — and that’s what is messing things up


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