• No Agenda gets nominated for an award.
  • Carl Icahn trying to make something happen with Yahoo.
  • Meanwhile the Google Yahoo deal falls apart.
  • Bill Gates pushing something called DreamSpark. Unknown what it is about.
  • Sun shareholders think they should call the pay scale for executives.
  • Intel getting back into the memory business? Gordon Moore to return for this.
  • I reveal an interesting rumor.
  • SanDisk has new 100X speed increase.
  • Barack Obama a victory for social media.
  • Yahoo killing Y!Live.
  • Obama Trojan floating around.
  • John Doerr says take Bill Joy (please!).

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  1. Chris Mac says:

    No Agenda deserves an award

  2. Hershal says:

    So you’ve won the nomination and now you’ll want people to vote for you, huh? Who do you think you are, Obama?

  3. Rich says:

    Sure, they verbally jab at each other a bit, but you tell they truly love each other. That’s why they got the award!

  4. JustinFromPA says:

    DreamSpark is available for American students, too.


    It’s pretty nice (well I feel that way since I am a student).

    Looks like they redesigned the page since I went to it last. I’ll have to check it out.

  5. Improbus says:

    You guys were nominated for an award? Why? You are just two moderately interesting dudes having a conversation. Not exactly Pulitzer prize stuff.

  6. brendal says:



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