Beam me up Wolfie! How long before our State of the Union address is delivered this way, you know, for security reasons? Heck, why appear in public at all? Think of the fuel savings!!!

  1. bobbakh says:

    Help me Obi Wolf Kan obi your my only hope.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    I saw this. Same special effect as the 1st Star Wars movie. Hologram? ROFL.

  3. Matt says:

    Cheesy? I thought it was pretty cool. An interesting way to show people to the audience besides on a TV. only problem is you have to stand in the middle of a tent surrounded by like 35 cameras.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I guess if I had HD on my Dish this might have been interesting. Otherwise, it looks like bad green-screen stuff to me.

    We see so many special effects on our TVs that this one doesn’t impress. Now, if she had appeared in my living room…

    [It looked like a bad green screen effect in HD too. – ed.]

  5. Improbus says:

    Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you’re my only hope!

  6. moss says:

    Cheesy? So, uh, who’s doing it better on television?

  7. Dallas says:

    I thought it was pretty cool.

    This technology, however, will not really become mainstream until the porn industry commercializes it.

  8. Mark says:

    I don’t believe this was a true hologram. From the way they described how a computer was tracking the camera movements and set, it sounds like the “hologram” image was actually inserted into the video, as opposed to a light projected 3D image in the studio (that’s a hologram).

    [It uses similar technology to the way they put the first-down lines on the field in football telecasts. – ed.]

  9. McCullough says:

    I stand by cheesy.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #8 Correct.

  11. bobnino says:

    This wasn’t a Hologram this was done with robotic camera systems that pin pointed locations in a 3d space. Basically a real time 3d Motion tracking system. You should notice that on the Over the shoulder shot of Wolf she gets a bit smaller as the camera pulls back. Also watch the red circle that she is standing on. She shifts off of it but she actually never moved her feet. A real Hologram would have stayed put. And last but not least Wolfie’s eye line doesn’t match her projected point on camera. He is basically looking at nothing.

    Why did they just not call the system a Digital Projection. Hologram is so misleading

  12. doug says:

    #1. as soon as she materialized, that’s EXACTLY what I said.

    cheesy gimmick.

  13. OvenMaster says:

    NBC did something similar with chroma key/green screen tech. Looked pretty good, but was rather like discovering that the Wizard of Oz was a fake.

  14. Elwood Pleebus says:

    How come he didn’t go up and put his hand through it?

  15. green says:

    Prince Charles was the first to di the hologram thing.

  16. Mr. Fusion, says:

    #13, Master,

    My thoughts exactly.

    A few less talking heads and more substance would have been better.

  17. geofgibson says:

    Next trick, cheezey holographic candidates.
    Coming to an election near you.

  18. James Hill says:

    CNN’s coverage didn’t look too bad in HD. DirecTV had a mix channel with 8 feeds up at once, which was nice.

    The feeds were ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BBC America. BBC America had an odd group of people who tended to go off out of the blue, but at least they’re trying.

  19. McCullough says:

    Note to self…get HDTV, it eliminates the cheesy effect.

  20. killer duck says:

    imagine the implications to the porn industry.

  21. cgp says:

    These networks know the difference between a hologram and in-picture overlays. This is just another symptom of habitual deception.

  22. Flip Wilson says:

    Where the hell was R2D2? I didn’t remember Princess Leia Organa having such a giant ass. You’d think they would have slimmed her down a bit, thin her out a bit.

    Lamest use of unnecessary technology ever during an election program.

  23. brendal says:

    Cheesy News Network

  24. Rick Cain says:

    Laugh it up, fuzzball.

  25. Canucklehead says:

    my local FOX station WUTV 29 Buffalo, decided at 10 o’clock that the election wasn’t going their way, and ended coverage. They put on an old Seinfeld re-run. So much for history in the making.

  26. George says:

    I can see stopping coverage at 10PM. By that time Obama had a projected 209 electoral votes, so with states like California and Washington (55 and 11 votes) certain to come in for him, the outcome was certain.

    I stayed tuned in through McCain’s concession and Obama’s victory speach until he started that “yes we can” shit. Then I changed to the Discovery channel.

  27. deowll says:

    How long before our State of the Union address is delivered this way, you know, for security reasons?

    You may have said something a lot smarter than you think.

    As for saving fuel. Again maybe that is right. Stay home and be on the floor of Congress at the same time or where ever. I’ve seen lecturers that would have been just as effective doing this.

    Someday not to remote this may be what you see at the movies. They’ve got to do something to beat big screen tv.

  28. Nimby says:

    # 6 moss said,”Cheesy? So, uh, who’s doing it better on television?” Try Sonny & Cher circa 1972.

    Definitely cheesy as was most of the CNN election coverage. And misleading as it certainly was NOT a hologram. But, then, CNN is so inaccurate on so many things.

  29. Dan says:

    Wow. Cheesy and just plain pointless.

  30. chris says:

    I have HDTV and it still looked cheesy on that. To pass it off as a hologram smacks of arrogant CNN management who actually believe its viewers are totally naive and completely idiot.


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