Move your cursor over a state to see the vote count. Can’t see the map? Click here. The full map also displays Senate, House and Governor races plus a lot more.

  1. potrzebie says:

    That’s a nice map, but tonight I have to say (having been surfing furiously since 7 PM CST) that the New York Times’s map is bangin’. Infoporn you can trust. And linger over.

  2. ECA says:

    Cant judge anything until 10pm PST.. Its to close..

  3. Scott says:

    United States,

    Not very united if you ask me

  4. ECA says:
    I like this one, its NOT GIVING the central USA to Mc, at 30%

  5. Special Ed says:

    #3 – So who the fuck asked you?

  6. ECA says:

    Funny, 2 maps and the WEST coast are TOTALLY different..

  7. ECA says:

    WOW, a FLOp in washington

  8. ECA says:

    this map you have is forcasting with LESS THAN 10% votes…

  9. ECA says:

    WOW, 2 more FLOPS…
    thats 3 states it forcasted, being CHANGED to Obama..

  10. ECA says:

    Forcast is 286-340 for Obama..

  11. ECA says:

    wisconson, michigan, minnisota, ALL flopped..

  12. potrzebie says:

    I will say, as a lover of the NYT map, that is was also fun to keep reloading seeing the called states map fill up to map the projection map.

  13. Special Ed says:

    #13 – BwahaHAHAhaha!!!

  14. Glenn E. says:

    Did Alaskans forget to vote? It’s now 1:25am EST and they’re still showing 0%. Hawaii has 1% of its polls in. And they’ve got far more pleasant distractions than Alaska does. Well, what can we expect from a state that gave us the republican VP choice, that needed wardrobe welfare from the RNC?

  15. Cow-Paddy says:


    Enjoy the next eight years as the liberals rob you blind. Well, really, we’ll only rob you until you need glasses. Which, BTW, you can now purchase cheaply at the Government Store.

  16. Special Ed says:

    #16 – What happened the last 8 years, we were robbed blind. Let’s give him a chance.

  17. James Hill says:

    So how many of you guys watched the results online as opposed to TV? I’m interested to see if there was a real shift in the way people get this kind of information.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    #18 James Hill asked:

    “So how many of you guys watched the results online as opposed to TV?”

    MSNBC’s and CNN’s maps on two computers, MSNBC, CNN, Fox and the broadcast networks on two TVs, and I _still_ missed the moment when they all declared…

    It’s plain (now) that they were just waiting for the polls to close on the west coast — they probably could have declared more than an hour earlier. Too bad Alaskans, your last hour of voting was apparently meaningless! I wonder how many didn’t bother to vote.


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