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I guess that one deserved it. What with all the votes and stuff.
#125 – Pot, kettle.
Besides, BHO won. You’re not allowed to be angry anymore.
# 131 James Hill said, “#125 – Pot, kettle.
Besides, BHO won. You’re not allowed to be angry anymore.”
I think he/she/it expected more than 52% of Americans to support BHO. That means if he doesn’t deliver as promised, there will be problems.
#113, Dallas,
Obama has something few presidents have – the power to persuade and energize people. This is true for Americans and the rest of the world.
I agree. The true test will be the resistance to his policies from people like Ben Bernake and the Supreme Court. With this majority though, several Justices could deservedly now retire and know that more wing nuts like Scalia and Thomas won’t fill their shoes.
#134 Agree as well.
I believe Obama has the ability to persuade those in our government to do the right thing. He will also disarm the sore loser republicans out there that have nothing better to think about then preserving their jobs.
If that doesn’t work, he will make them irrelevant in governing.
As far as Scalia and Thomas goes, they will just be dinosaurs that we will have to endure. I agree that Obama has a chance to name a several justices….Perhaps a few 18 year olds in great health – Oh, that will sting. 🙂
“only 52% of Americans supported Obama & 48% opposed”
52% of voters not Americans. There’s a big difference. I have no idea if the percentage of American citizens who support Obama is higher or lower but 52% of voters is not 52% of Americans
I knew all the libs would be loving the electoral college today. 52% isn’t a mandate.
“only 52% of Americans supported Obama & 48% opposed”
How about “52% of voters supported Obama and ONLY 48% did not”
Sounds nicer, hopefully that’s the direction our country will began to follow now/again.
Happy, happy, joy, joy!
#117 – Thomas,
The Democrats should be wary about getting what they wished for. They control Congress and the White House. That means that every problem will promptly be placed at their door step. The liberals can no longer blame Bush for all their woes. Anyone care to predict when that “Oh yeah, that’s why we stopped voting for Democrats” moment collectively happens in this country?
What Obama has accomplished is remarkable. Congratulations! He should enjoy it for the next couple of months. He has all the tools to enact his vision and no excuses.
I hope you’re incorrect. I hope that the American people who finally decided to vote for smart over stupid for a change will recognize that no one can fix the deep quagmire of the Bush administration that quickly.
I hope that most will realize that this level of damage will take a lot longer to undo than it took to do.
You think anyone coming into any office in this country has all the tools necessary to reduce the national debt back to it’s pre-W level?
You think that anyone coming into any office in this country has all the tools necessary to undo the Iraq war and the tremendous harm it has done to us both in terms of our safety and our financial security?
You think anyone coming into office can suddenly put the economy back the way it was before the banks, auto makers, and damn near every other large business in the country collapsed?
You really may be overstating what it means to be in control of the country at a time when we have been plunged into total collapse. I am merely hopeful that Obama can start us moving in the right direction again and possibly do no more of the serious harm that Bush was famous for.
The one thing I really do think an Obama administration can make great strides toward would be to begin to heal our world reputation as a good neighbor. The rest of the world has not been happy about sharing the planet with us of late. Let’s hope that we can start to repair some of the international relationships we once had. We know that McCain was not going to do so since he had already begun to snub Spain, of all places.
Further, at least this way, if we ever do need to actually go to war with Iran, at least the more moderate Muslim nations will not have youtube images of our president singing “bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.” That could not have gone over well.
Does anyone actually believe one person, especially a politician, can ‘change the world?’
Just look around. Stock market nose diving (down 300 pts. at 10AM PST). Hamas digging a tunnel into Israel during a ‘truce.’ Israel launching infantry incursion and airstrike. Hamas launching 40 some odd rockets and mortars.
Do you think Osama is coming to dinner at the White House.
Notice how China has been completely ignored since the Olympics.
Anybody been paying attention to Africa, their piracy and creeping Islamism.
Great, so some folks are walking around Paris with a dumb ass smile on their faces. The world is a big, mean, violent place. B. Hussein Obama is woefully unprepared. ‘Hope’ is a nice slogan and makes great T-shirts and TV ads. It doesn’t do diddley in the real world.
Truman left office with a 22% approval rating. He’s now considered one of the top ten.
64 years after the fall of Berlin, we’re still in Germany. 63 years after the fall of Tokyo, we’re still in Japan. 56 years after the truce (we’re still technically at war) with N. Korea, we’re still patrolling the DMZ.
Does anybody study history? It is so easy to hate Bush, drink the Kool Aid and sing Kumbaya. Reality is hard, sweaty, and often depressing.
I wonder how bad it has to get for people to see the trees in this forest?
#137, brm,
I knew all the libs would be loving the electoral college today. 52% isn’t a mandate.
Ya think so ???
How about, ya wanna bet ???
#137 – brm,
I knew all the libs would be loving the electoral college today. 52% isn’t a mandate.
I still hate the electoral college. 52% is good enough for me. It’s decisive and not even close. It is, unfortunately, not a landslide. However, it is still a pretty powerful statement, especially when added to the record turnout and the endurance of long lines.
So, yes, those of us with less voting power in TX, NY, CA, etc. should be revolting against the electoral college that calls a Wyomingite 4 times as valuable as a Texan.
(Yes, I know that those of you who live in Wyoming already think we’re revolting. Tough! Land doesn’t vote. People vote.)
Democracy: One person; one vote.
“… one nation, [reverted to pre-1954] indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Let’s embrace our nationhood. Let’s become a nation. Let’s have a national election. That would be real and meaningful change in a country where “all [people] are created equal.”
#132 – It hasn’t been hurting you all of these months. You keep coming back, so you must enjoy me. However, worship is noted.
And yes, it does work exactly like that when you win as a populist.
#133 – Folks like SN have a real problem now that they can’t be angry, as they don’t know any other state to be in. Result: Silence.
#136 – The ones that vote are the only ones that matter.
#141 – Since that’s the best you can do, you lose… even though your guy won. Funny how that works.
What’s interesting is looking at State issues.
In CA, (pretty liberal) the electorate did some interesting things.
A) Made gay marriage illegal.
B) Rejected mandate for renewable energy production by util companies.
C) Rejected tax credits for people who buy alt fuel autos.
Pretty interesting given the leaning of the State.
#145 – Don’t go that far off the deep end. He’s a populist. Populists only remain in office if they keep the majority of the marks who voted them in on their side.
Considering BHO won because white women gave in and voted for him, and considering that most of them are crazy, he’s got a challenge ahead of him.
#142 Scott:
“Democracy: One person; one vote.”
We’re a republic.
#148 “We’re a republic.”
Yeah, but it’s a lot harder to put the citizens under the boot of a central gov’t if you don’t 1st knock out State sovereignty.
# 148 brm
No. We are a Constitutional Republic. They are different.
#152 – “Obama is going to do some great things for this country.” and “… but they are so fucking worried about every grubby penny they own (which nobody is going to be taking away from them, …”
Really? Tax increase on income over $250K … oh no, that’s $200K, wait, I meant $150K … Guess what, by the time the tax increase goes into effect, everybody’s taxes are going up. How else is Wall Street going to get bailed out? Obama’s on board with all that already.
And how do people who don’t pay taxes (40% of filers) get a tax cut? Sounds like the same old political double talk we’ve heard for 100 years.
Oh, and Obama’s going to do great things? Great! I’d love to see it. But what evidence is there? He’s made great speeches and raised (and spent) a buttload of other people’s money. How does that translate into change?
But this is all sooooo much better than electing a Republican. Ya, I got a bridge to sell ya’.
# 137 brm
Really? In 2004 George W. Bush won by less popular vote and less electoral vote and the Republicans claimed he had a mandate.
Oh and in response to #150, about the spread the wealth around thing, that was completely taken out of context. I recommend reading the entire dialogue between Joe the PLumber and Barack because it is not what you think. And also, he wasn’t talking about regular Americans who make less than $200,000 which MOST of us DO NOT make, he was talking about taxing huge companies that make millions of dollars, like those oil companies that have been reaping huge profits while WE pay 5$ for gas.
And I dont think there is an American alive who honestly thinks Barack Obama is going to do something or give them free money so they dont have to work, thats just your asinine ignorant perception. Americans are mostly willing to work hard for what they want and the vast majority of us are NOT looking for a handout from the government, but what WOULD be nice is if some things were affordable, LIKE gas and LIKE healthcare. I think the notion of healthcare being something that only the well-to-do are entitled to is just ridiculous. Every human should be able to seek medical help if they need it, and without having to pay thousands and thousands of dollars a year, which I do, and which most of us probably also do. It is not about getting something for free, ti’s about getting something we all should have access to, regardless of status.
#155 J said, “Really? In 2004 George W. Bush won by less popular vote and less electoral vote and the Republicans claimed he had a mandate.”
Yes, silly. The last election that showed a mandate was in 1980.
I think 7 million + votes is a wide margin as is 186 Electoral votes and that fits the definition of a mandate from the electorate.
#148 – brm,
We’re a republic.
No shit. So let’s change the pledge for two reasons now. One, we must revert to the pre-1954 version due to the first amendment. Two, we should change it to:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one federation,
under surveillance,indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.That sound OK to you?
If you read my original post, you would know that I understand that we are not a nation. It is my strong suggestion that we change and actually become the “one nation” we claim to be in our pledge.
It is not about getting something for free, ti’s about getting something we all should have access to, regardless of status.
It’s about one person having the ability to provide a service, and you getting a powerful third party to force them to provide it to you.
#159 Naw. Look at past elections (like 1980, 1964, etc.) to get an idea of magnitude.
I made my comment on certain reasoning…
IF’ Obama is as strong as HE’ thinks or WE HOPE..
He will be stepping on A LOT of toes..
Dumb politicians..
If he is NOT controllable by HIS own party.
The BEST chance to catch him off guard would be BEFORE he gets into office.
How easy it would be to Use a car and run someone, CLOSE to him, OVER..
How easy would it be to Instill a THREAT that could control him.
How easy to use a Car bomb and point to terrorism as the cause..
If he was SMART, I would isolate myself, and cover EVERY consistency, as well as my family.
I still suggest that there will be an attempt Before February..
In other news, Bush is now on a scorched earth crusade on his remaining time.
# 157 Paddy-O
Just in case I am not reading your post properly
“Just because an election is close doesn’t mean it isn’t decisive. … We do already know … that Mr. Bush has been given the kind of mandate that few politicians are ever fortunate enough to receive.” “The Bush Mandate” WSJ 11/4/04
“Having restored decency to the White House, President Bush now has a mandate to affect policy that will promote a more decent society, through both politics and law. His supporters want that, and have given him a mandate in their popular and electoral votes to see to it.” “The Great Relearning” William J. Bennett 11/3/04
“[N]obody has done it since 1988. The president wins reelection with a majority of the vote. It is a mandate. What will he do with it now?” Tucker Carlson 11/3/04
“He [Bush] has, I would argue, a mandate now. You can bet he’s going forward boldly. ” Peggy Noonan 11/3/04
“It was a rejection of their values, their attacks on the president. … And the idea, it seems to me, that somehow the folks who won should now surrender part of whatever mandate they have to the folks who lost” Pat Buchanan 11/3/04
“”The hair-pullers and teeth-gnashers won’t like it, of course, but we’re nevertheless inclined to call this a Mandate. ” William Kristol 11/15/04
I could go on but I think that makes the point.
# 162 Paddy-O
Those are two of the highest margins ever. Just because it didn’t hit those levels doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit the definition of mandate.
#166, The last election to show a mandate was in 1980.
#165 – Don’t worry. Obama can reverse all of that on Jan 20.