The networks have refused to call this out of fear of losing advertising dollars. It’s over. By a wide margin.
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#96, iHotAir,
Sorry you feel that way. Actually, I’m not sorry. The Bush regime is coming to an end and all the little bushits can kiss their sorry asses goodbye.
We have had almost eight years of dark ages. Now, the sun can shine again.
You may be ashamed to be an American. The rest of the nation isn’t. We are happy NOT to be ashamed that Bush is leaving. And may they reserve a cell in Leavenworth for him.
What alternate reality speech did you hear? Can you quote any specific passages that offended you?
Your people and your hate disgust me.
#81, yeah I’m worried about the corruption of giving a blank check to the government in those amounts.
Another prediction for the Obama presidency,
Bill Clinton will be sniping in the background.
If Obama is at all successful then Bill will be a forgotten man by his party. He needs an Obama failure to remain the only good Democrat in 50 years. Expect Obama’s Justice Department to bring out or threaten a criminal case against Bill. Perhaps he’ll even throw out TWA 800, and the coverup of that attack.
The only thing left is for our Republicans friends here to do the honorable thing – Hari Kari
Make it swift, make it honorable.
Well you got what you wanted, I just hope it is not what we predicted.
If President Obama follows his policies of punishing success you will see a repeat of the late 70s and the Jimmy Carter years.
Do we really need a misery index again?
Still don’t get it, Mitchell, do you? As much as anything, this was repudiation of your kind of politics.
Just as there were winners all over the country, yesterday – there were losers. Try examining why you lost.
#103, Paul,
Still crying?
Get over it.
For the first time in 8 years, I am proud to be an American and NOT embarrassed listening to the President or President elect.
Good luck to Mr. Obama
Goodbye and good riddance Caribou Barbie.
#102, Dallas,
You have given us some memorable thoughts, but that is one that I most highly approve.
Now that Obama is elected he will receive the same respect that Bush received during his tenure as President.
Democrat or Republican, it makes no difference. You will see, little will change and it will be business as usual in Washington. I imagine the candidates will start campaigning for the 2012 election by the end of the next summer.
#109 I doubt it. He may not get the support needed nor the respect from hard core Republicans, but the the majority of Americans will.
Obama has something few presidents have – the power to persuade and energize people. This is true for Americans and the rest of the world.
You may scoff at this, but most believe this is a unique quality. What (privately) bothers Republicans is that desirable quality for these times arrived just in time in a Democrat.
Today, for the first time in many years, I am not embarrassed to be an American. I want to walk through the streets of Paris wearing sneakers and holding my head high.
#28 – Brin,
We survived Clinton, we will survive this as well but with a lighter wallet.
Um … Wha??!!?
I don’t know about anyone else, but with the economy so strong under Clinton, I had way more money in my pocket. It’s true taxes were slightly higher, see snopes, but we could afford them when the economy was strong.
I am proud to be an American today, for once, #95.
The most positive speeches were given my McCain and Obama last night. I believe McCain is a good man but the country spoke and it spoke loud. It’s a new day, let us ALL move forward and no longer be stuck in the past.
The Democrats should be wary about getting what they wished for. They control Congress and the White House. That means that every problem will promptly be placed at their door step. The liberals can no longer blame Bush for all their woes. Anyone care to predict when that “Oh yeah, that’s why we stopped voting for Democrats” moment collectively happens in this country?
What Obama has accomplished is remarkable. Congratulations! He should enjoy it for the next couple of months. He has all the tools to enact his vision and no excuses.
Thank god it’s over. Now, lets hope he has good econ advisers and listens to them, the ones he has now mirror Hoover’s.
I wish him luck though.
I say this with all seriousness, as the topic of potential assassination attempts have been voiced and God forbid that happens, but was it just me or did Michelle Obama’s dress look like blood splatter and a clean place for Barack’s shot head to lay? It gave me the creeps.
Obama is riding the train of “change” right now. But I give it 6 months after he is sworn in office for his poll number to plummet. Thats about how long it will take for the people that voted for him to realize that their life really hasn’t changed at all, and that they still have to pay for their house, gas, car, ect.
If their is good news to all this, the republicans should get the message that their own base is not going to support them if they keep acting like democrats. Should make for a better choice of candidates in 2 years.
What exactly is Obama going to do to “change the constitution?”
Maybe now that the election is over we can have a bit more technology related news on this blog. I am sick, unto death, of politics.
#123 Don’t expect an end to the divide. With the most unpopular Republican party in history as incumbent, only 52% of Americans supported Obama & 48% opposed.
It will be a rough ride for the next couple of years.
Doesn’t it suck to be so negative all the time? I seriously want to know. How do you get throught the day without your spleen exploding? You need to lightn up on that cynicism and asinine negativism, as nobody really gives a flying fuck what you think.
The Republican administration let so many people migrate here that they got their ass voted out of office by the majority of them. Real smart!
In looking at the numbers, this looks like a populist wave similar to ’76. Then it was Nixon, now it is Bush.
Likewise, the key was white women “going along” with blacks “gaining” something before them, as with the suffragette movement.
History repeats itself. Hopefully for BHO (and the rest of us) he’ll have better results during his first term and not repeat ’80 or ’94.
Da zdrastvujet tovarishch president Obama,
Long live comrade president Obama,
#127 “In looking at the numbers, this looks like a populist wave similar to ‘76. Then it was Nixon, now it is Bush.”
Yes, it feels similar to that.
As you can see, Russia isn’t wasting a moment in setting up for the new President.