The networks have refused to call this out of fear of losing advertising dollars. It’s over. By a wide margin.
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Obama won for all the right reasons.
The Republicans lost for all the right reasons.
I even feel sorry – in my own cynical way – for those who don’t get it.
If social democracies are so bad, why does every nation that has that structure have an objectively rated, higher standard of living, longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rate, and overall lower crime rate per capita than the U.S.?
Congratulations America on making history, and giving another idea a fair chance. You just gave the world hope for not a New World Order, but a Better World Order
A Hopeful Canadian
#55 – QB – I don’t want to.. Let’s discuss why not.
I’m sorry I was the one that had to say it.. but it needed to be said to help rid my mind of the last bit of racism I had..
Best acceptance speech ever.
Now you racists go to sleep for 8 years…
im not racist…i just like keeping as much of my weekly check as i can without ‘redistributing’ it. its not his skin color people….its his policies most of of on the other side dont like!! i still dont know what change means with obama. yes, he isnt bush, but what is he? no one really knows, and all you obama-maniacs dont either. you can’t, if you follow any news source in america. we shall see where we are led, i guess….
#27. Yes, god forbid – as with WJC, another eight years of peace and prosperity.
go, Barack, go!
Congrats to President Elect Obama and the Democratic party. From a lifelong Republican, he won this thing with dignity and poise rarely seen in modern politics.
He can talk, but can he govern.
He hasn’t done one bit of leadership ever, but hey, ya never know.
It is very cool to see in the results that race seemed to have little to no difference in the outcome. Well, maybe it did since McCain did so well with Bush screwing up so badly the last 8 years.
At least it aint another Clinton in the Whitehouse.
Now the real work begins.
I’m thinking that this election wasn’t so much a majority vote for a black man. But a significant vote against a foreign war. McCain represents that war. He can separate his military background from his possible future policies. Many probably feared four more years of war in Iraq, if he won. And that Obama most likely would end it sooner. But of course the pro-war press can’t allow it to be put in those terms. So they’ve spun it in other terms, like race and the economy. Trust me, six years of war has made an impact on this election. If McCain hadn’t courted the pro-war side, he might have won. But I think he gambled that “supporting the troops” meant not promising an end to a costly war. LBJ bowed out of running, knowing that Vietnam was his albatross. And Nixon won, promising to end that war (even though it fell on Ford). Wars that run longer than one term, quickly becomes bad for any election.
can obama “remove” Bernanke and Paulson
and replace them with people of his own choosing? or are their jobs secure?
i would love to see those two (and the guy from the SEC) hanging high from a tree on the 6 O’Clock news for their roles in manipulating the current global melt.
-if he can remove them, then the real crash is sure to come before Jan 15th..
#44: in case you havent been paying attention,
the seeds of the economy tanking were sown long ago.
just wait till the December COMEX contracts in gold & silver have to be delivered… there is no way in hell they have the metal to back to the paper… that should be interesting..
the bull*** numbers the gov has been putting out about GDP, jobs, bonds, you name it, have all been manipulated to keep the boat afloat
until the election is over.
this was engineered moons ago..if the truth ever comes out, i’ll bet ya a loaf of bread
JP Morgan & friends prints will be all over it.
-by this time next week, that “crisis to test
obamas meddle” that joe biden will start to take shape. after all he should know, he’s been financed by big bank money for most of the latter part of his career..
comex default, maybe T-Bill default,
deflation, reflation, hyperinflation all coming soon at nightmare near you..
for all the geeks out whatever
future toys/upgrades you been thinking about asap. our dollar is gonna take a crap way sooner than anyone realize..
-kinda feel sorry for obama, he just got
voted in to be the fall guy.
the ever delusional,
Grab ahold of something. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
This is historic, beautiful. I hope he does well.
no bumpier than Pelosi..
#34- Mike N said it. If we really believe in racial equality and want a black president to do well, why this one? If he makes a really spectacular error (or a string of them) what then of supporters of a black president? The idea that ALL black people are incapable idiots will be spread across the solar system.
#73. “He can talk, but can he govern.”
Yes, he can. Having followed Obama over the last couple of years, I can tell that he lacks the boomer hubris that led (43%) Clinton into the ditch in 93-94.
No president can wave a magic wand and make it all better, but Barack Obama can do as well as anyone can in dealing with what is besetting the US today.
#47: “Not to mention how he wants to change the Constitution.”
That’s better than how Bush & Co. wiped their collective asses with it.
wow.. is this thread censored or just badly moderated.. k.. i’ll blame wordpress
#50. “You are crazy if you think that Iran wouldn’t love to have Iraq’s oil fields and whatever military hardware they could get their hands on.”
Everyone ask themselves if there would be ANY Iranian influence in Iraq but for the overthrow of Saddam.
Operation Iraqi Freedom – Iran FTW. and anyone who did not see that coming wins the Wolfowitz Magical Thinking Award.
please disregard everything i’ve said here..
it barely made sense when the references were correct..
One. Term. President.
Gentlemen, start your printing presses!
#48 soundwash…
I agree. Obama is backed by some of the most nefarious elites in the world including the Bilderberg Group. He could become outstanding if he rebels against the establishment – but would he take that risk as JFK did in going against the CIA, the FED and the Military Industrial Complex corruption?
If he has the substance to do something like that, then I will be very impressed. If not, then he’s just another puppet front-man for the establishment elite who really want to run the show.
I have this unrelenting feeling that things will indeed ‘change’, but will it be for the better? If Obama can reverse most of the damage that has been done in the last 8 years then he’ll have my respect. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
#75, soundwash,
If you know enough about the economy, then you should know if Bernake and Paulson can be fired.
Bernake is Chairman of the Fed. He is appointed by the President for a set, four yr term.
Paulson is Secretary of the Treasury. His office is at the will of the President.
And now we will see him do what every politician does.
Promise the moon and then stick it in your rear.
No real change for the US.
Bill Ayers will be appointed secretary of education.
Congrats to prez Obama.
This was our fix it or f&%k it election.
Did ever any of you Americans even thought that voting for the President, changes the political system? This changes nothing. America will always do what it does in the American fashion it’s accustomed to do.
The differences are in tone and very subtle.
Nonetheless, big blunders like the Iraq war, might not have happened under a Democrat cabinet. But rest assured, you’d be talking about Afghanistan instead. And will be.
All in all, this is a very positive signal America gives to the world. Even if Barack comes out as an inept President, things will improve (couldn’t go much worse…) if nothing else, just because of the international support he has.
# 39 Chris Mac said, in part:
“Can a white guy in a night club say nigger again without getting punched out?”
And not just in a night club.
# 43 jccalhoun said,in part:
“Obama is a politician first and foremost and nothing he’s going to do is going to change things all that much.”
Certainly there will be lots of resistance, organized and otherwise, and bringing about any salutary changes will be difficult and will take some time. But the president has a lot of influence outside the halls of power — even in this day and age the president tends to set the tone for the whole country, even, to some degree, the world. Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. and Helmut Kohl in West Germany both came to power more or less on Reagan’s coattails, for example.
As for President-Elect Obama’s leadership ability, I’d say the talent, enthusiasm and discipline of the organization he built in Illinois and around the country shows some of that. Most of the effect of a leader comes from the people he puts in positions of authority and surrounds himself with. I hope he does as well filling his cabinet and the thousands of other positions in the federal government as he did in his election campaign organization.
And I have to agree with #66, bill, when he said “WOW! what a speech!” I saw the news report about the 106-year-old voter just this afternoon — did he/they (his speechwriters) put together that review of the last century/look ahead at the next just since then? Impressive!
Congratulations to all Americans on a stunning election and an historical event!
We all hope that Obama will be a great president!
Yeah, what a speech – I’ve never seen a President so negative.
7/4/1776-11/4/2008: RIP
For the first time in my life I’m ashamed to be an American.
Angry Republicans. You’re owned.
Just as I called it 2 months ago. It was a landslide or large margin.
Perhaps if Republicans were more in touch with the rest of America they might have had a chance. Too bad you live in a bouble where the only voices you hear are your own.