The networks have refused to call this out of fear of losing advertising dollars. It’s over. By a wide margin.

  1. MikeN says:

    Well this I think will be bad for race relations in this country. Every mistake will be covered with accusations of racism on the part of critics. Coupled with a collapsing economy, and blacks will get the blame.

  2. QB says:

    As a Canadian, I got to say it’s a remarkable thing that your country will go from George Bush to Barack Obama on January 20th. Who could have imagined this two years ago?

  3. Scott says:

    John, you better be doing No Agenda tomorrow!

  4. troublemaker says:

    Joey said:

    My homestate of NC is curently 50/50 right now. About 4k votes apart. HOpefully we can tip to McCain.

    Why, so that Obama’s landslide isn’t as big?


  5. Chris Mac says:

    #34 – Let’s get down to the nitty gritty..

    Can a white guy in a night club say nigger again without getting punched out?

  6. geofgibson says:

    We can only hope Obama governs more like JFK than LBJ.

    Cat Fight Death Match 2012.
    Clinton vs. Palin.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Thank you America, for removing from office the criminals that hijacked the Republican party.

    Please don’t let Palin withing 10 sq miles of the capitol.

  8. Lou says:

    Over on Fox, Hannity is weeping.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    I’m just amazed that at just before midnight Indiana is still too close to call. If Obama does win Indiana it will be the first time the state has gone Democrat since 1964. That’s a sign of just how poorly the Republican party is doing.

    As far as racism, I’m optimistic. Obama is a politician first and foremost and nothing he’s going to do is going to change things all that much. So once racists see that nothing has changed maybe they might start to realize that a “race war” isn’t going to happen just because a white man isn’t in charge.

  10. Mark says:

    Thanks from Canada.

  11. Michael says:



    Were you asleep during the Clinton years?

    Calling the president a less than laudatory nickname is standard practice. Saying “Dumbya” or “Chimpy McFlightsuit” is the same as saying “Slick Willie” or “Tricky Dick” or anything else. It doesn’t demean the office, it takes a potshot at the man, which has been a tradition since as long as we have had presidents.

    Considering what the current president has done to literally demean the office, a little name calling is getting off lightly. The man should be impeached, convicted, and imprisoned.

    Calling out liberals for a lack of respect? From a McCain voter?

    That’s rich.

  12. Hyph3n says:

    #25 “If Iraq collapses and Iran takes over, pulling out will be seen, rightly so, as a mistake.”

    Iraq may end up being a dictatorship again, but it won’t collapse. Iran doesn’t want it. Saudi Arabia doesn’t want it. And most importantly, the oil companies don’t want it.

    If I was a Republican, my fear would be that Obama might be able to do Karl Rove wanted to do with Conservatives… create a majority that will last 20 years.

  13. Chris Mac says:

    Hopefully all goes well and Canadian politicians learn something.

  14. Digby says:

    I really fear this guy. However, I extend my congratulations to the Democrats who support him. I am sure they are crapping their pink panties over this. Let us hope he does not do too much damage, and the Congress will remain a legislative branch able to debate any “change”. Me? I am clinging to the brand new AR 15 I built last weekend to commemorate his possible election and his promise of a “civilian security force as powerful and as well funded as the military”. Really wondering what that will look like.

  15. Thomas says:

    Given the Democrats track record I doubt the Republicans are too worried. If the Democrats do something to make the economy worse (since it is unlikely that any politician can do anything to make it better), they will take it on the chin in the next election.

    You are crazy if you think that Iran wouldn’t love to have Iraq’s oil fields and whatever military hardware they could get their hands on. Occupy it? Probably not. But they’d love to control it, as would the Saudi’s.

    Frankly, it is unlikely that we are getting out of Iraq by 2012. We have a ton of equipment and infrastructure there. We simply moved our bases from Saudi to Iraq.

  16. soundwash says:


    the bank backed NWO globalist, Carbon Credit poverty pimp wins. we’ll be known as the welfare state for the next 4years..

    hell..even japan is depressed.

    the nikkei avg was up +326 at 11:10pm or so EST. after the projected win was was announced it starting dropping…at 11:20ish to 239, at 11:33 its at +176….(just starting to go back up..(the military just pointed automatic weapons at everyone on the trading floor..) :p

    -well, at least this means Hillary gets denied
    a run in 2012..

    -can’t wait to hear what changes to his plans are made after the CIA, CFR and paulson/berneke have a sit down with him..

    i just hope the spineless bastards in congress now have the guts to go after the neocons that false flagged us into half of this mess..

    other than that, i really hope this guy turns out to surprise everyone and gets America back on track.. without robbing the wallets of every breathing American.

    -a pipe dream i know, but hell, I wish him the best, -for all our sake.

    (if he has the guts to put the posse comitatus act and habeus corpus back in place and kill warrantless wiretaps on American citizens, -he’ll get some respect from me.)


  17. Little Johnnie says:

    #41 didn’t you mean “thanks from the entire frickin’ world”??

  18. Special Ed says:

    #49 – If you don’t like it – GTFO!

  19. Chris Mac says:

    might be a another nice market bubble tomorrow.. good times 😉

  20. Grandpa says:

    I can’t imagine why the Demorats won can you? The stinking Republicans have lied about the number of jobs sent overseas, lied on the unemployment figures, lied on the war in Iraq, lies lies and more lies.

    I did like McSames farewell speech though. Pretty classy. At another time, in a previous race, he might have been worth a look. But, in the end, he’s still a stinking Republican.

  21. QB says:

    # 36 Chris Mac said “Can a white guy in a night club say nigger again without getting punched out?”

    Why would you want to? There are a million other things to say, so say something worthwhile.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    From his speech, one thing is crystal clear: OBAMA IS NOT GEORGE BUSH!!

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    #46 Digby,

    You want to know what his “Civilian Security Force” will look like?

    Just Like This!

  24. ECA says:

    Im taking odds…
    Assaination attempt BEFORE the end of February..

  25. GF says:

    Congratulations Obamaites.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    # 58 ECA,

    “Im taking odds…”

    That’s another thing that really, really scares me.

    Although I couldn’t dislike his politics more, I think I would like the man.

    I certainly don’t want to have any harm come to him or anyone else.

    So, the one increase in spending I would support is an increase in his security detail.

  27. Sea Lawyer says:

    #56, “From his speech, one thing is crystal clear: OBAMA IS NOT GEORGE BUSH!!”

    The interesting thing is that neither was McCain, but never let reality get in the way of good campaigning.

    I’m just happy to say that I helped keep the Libertarian Party on the ballot for another four years in Virginia. People mindlessly voting Republican or Democrat are a large part of the problem in this country.

  28. ronwp54 says:

    #51 Give me some of your wealth and maybe I’ll feel better. Oh, I’m sorry you’re probably one of the bottom feeders wanting me to take care of you.

  29. bill says:

    WOW! what a speech!


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