Found via Digg.

Update: According to Pete in the comments, it was actually published in Alaska’s Peninsula Clarion, but was likely sent as a joke.

I also love how the editor of the Peninsula Clarion seems to think it’s ok to discriminate against atheists merely because atheists make a “conscious choice.” Whatever the frick that means. Apparently, Sammy Davis Jr. did not make a “conscious choice” to convert to Judaism. He must have been shit-face unconscious drunk when he did it.

And what’s even worse is that the editor seems to think that deportation is acceptable based on your conscious thoughts and opinions, which goes against everything this country was founded on.

In two days, we receive more than 30 letters. Some were angry with her. Some were angry with us. They said we should be ashamed of ourselves for printing it, and that we would never have done that if it were about blacks or Jews. They’re right, we wouldn’t have. However, to be an atheist, you make a conscious choice.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    #30 “Would it be the depictions of all the various historical law givers of modern law? ”

    No, ancient also. Hammurabi and the like aren’t from the modern era. Not surprised you didn’t know that.

  2. MikeN says:

    #14, so a newspaper should never publish any letters calling for something that isn’t already US law? I guess that makes you a conservative!

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Cow-Paddy, the Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and Constitutional and Bathroom expert.

    Try to engage your brain before putting your fingers on the keys.

    Hammurabi and the like aren’t from the modern era

    What part of … various historical law givers of modern law didn’t you understand?

    How the hell does someone become so stupid? Now I can expect some witty retort of “you are the stupid one”.

  4. ECA says:

    #2, Bobbo..
    I see ALOT of persons that attend church and STILL dont live by the philosophy of Christ..

    What would be nice is a Group/person to come along and TAG a person for a religion, that THEY COULD be/believe in.. Insted of randomly wondering around and making it LOOK AS/IF they are religious.

    when was the LAST time a Church kicked a RICH person out for NOT, quite having the beliefs they were fostering??

    If those that believed in Christ, PRACTICED half of his ideals..the odds are we WOULDNT BE IN THIS WAR..WE WOULDNT have this economic PROBLEM..YOU WOULD KNOW the names of your neighbors, 6 doors Down on Each side and all those between.
    Also look for the DATE that “In God We Trust” was added.

    #5 DUH!!
    I think I would head to iceland..

    most of the hippies LOVED to ideals of christ..and practiced more of them then MOST religions.

    dont ask that..
    US has decided that Churches and PICK AND CHOOSE, I think it was posted to DV..

    last I checked Jesus didnt ride in a CAR EITHER.. want to give it up?
    Also he DIDNT RIDE A HORSE, you really want to give THAT UP?? That MALL ISNT getting any closer..

    its called INDOCTRINATION..

  5. teliscop says:

    I’m not an atheist. Can’t be against something that doesn’t exist.

    I’m an anti-theist. Which means I’m against those who believe in god.

  6. grog says:

    [note to ed. no, i meant “bada bip”. i lived in philly a long time, minor variances are allowed.]

    bada bing bang boom.

  7. bobbo says:

    #9–SN==you ask: “So exactly what did I do wrong?” /// You posted it.

    You posted it without regard to whether it was true or not because you thought it was “controversial” and would spark a response. Isn’t that at least one definition of trolling?

    If you had done just a little bit more work and had originally posted what became the updated post, I think you would have done your work as an editor.

    Still, ALL in all, the thread and its development shows just exactly why FREE SPEECH is so important. Post an incorrect and made-up story, and with sufficient FREE SPEECH, the truth ultimately comes out.

    I would have thought the subject and tone of the piece would have made any reasonable person question its authenticity–much less that of an experienced editor.

    But you seem to be sensitive to some degree regarding the charge of trolling. THAT is interesting. Time to grow, or time to recognize?

    #36–ECA==all people everywhere, most of the time, for most issues, have always been and will remain——hypocrites. Reference that arm chair philosopher Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. We rarely satisfy the first 3 sufficiently to fully engage the last two. (sic, from memory).


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