It’s FINALLY here! Today’s the day you’ve been waiting for if only because the whole damn thing will be over with so you can get back to your football and beer and pr0n.

Are you someone who did early voting? What was that like? If you could have voted early but didn’t, why did you wait until today?

If you voted today, was it crowded? How long did you have to wait? Any interesting stories about your experience? Any election machine or hanging chad horror stories? We’re especially interested in voter disenfranchisements, police actions, fist fights and riots. Pictures, please.

If you live outside the US, what’s the news coverage like where you are?

Finally, what’s your prediction for the electoral college score? Here’s your chance to sound as smart as the talking heads on TV. At least until tomorrow.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    #90, The fact that I knew some of the poll workers didn’t sway them. They just didn’t want any problems or publicity.

    Sounds like they knew you WELL!


  2. GregA says:


    Since Noe’s ouster in 2004-2005, the Toledo republican party has been run by the Nazi Skinheads. We have had a number of race riots here since 2004, iirc most of them have at least made passing reference in national news.

    The police are definately not worried about the Obama faction, they are worried aboout the Nazi Skinhead Republicans.

  3. sargasso says:

    New Zealand news media on the US election so far, no results but lots of photos of annoyed looking people waiting in long queues. Hey! – without the cowboy hats and combat fatigues, you look just like us.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #91 “Good news. The DOW is up anticipating an Obama win! Wow, he is good.”

    Umm, no. The polls have not changed for a week.

    The market doesn’t like uncertainty. Whoever gets in office will quiet the market to some degree as a general policy direction will be known.

  5. Dallas says:

    #96 Fair enough. Perhaps when Karl Rove threw in the towel this morning it was all the market need to hear.

    Also, you are welcome to my party but please come dressed as a pinata. We need something to suspend and beat with a stick.

  6. Prediction:

    -Tied electoral votes.
    -Congress picks President Obama
    -Senate (via Cheney vote) picks VP Palin

    Hillary goes nuts…

  7. cmon says:


    Very fun scenario. Ain’t gonna happen, but would be great.

  8. Floyd says:

    I voted by absentee ballot two weeks ago. No crowds at the post office at all.

  9. James Hill says:

    #80 – What’s racist about my question? I’m only asking if we’re ready as a nation to have that discussion.

    That would make you the racist, since you’re clearly not ready to have it.

    Also, I’ve been talking up my Palin ’10 conspiracy theory for weeks.

    #81 – I’ve been silly about all of this for months. As for being good sports, why wouldn’t we be? We’re the only ones here who are right more than 50% of the time.

    #83 – All of my hope is in change. Can anyway break a dollar?

    #84 – Indeed.

    #86, #85 – The lack of a unity voting move didn’t cause Pelosi/Reid block to do nothing, the left’s own incompetence did.

    #92 – Liberals might just start believing in God if you pull that together.

    #99, #100 – I’d go for that too.

  10. Nth of the 49th says:

    #75 Paddy-O

    Could you be anymore tediously pedantic?

    You take a discussion about ELECTED heads of governments and the time period for said elections and try to apply it to a HEREDITARY POSITION represented in another country by an APPOINTED position.

    And then you throw in a little personal attack as well.

    Guess you never had a intelligent reply to the discussion about the length of elections and instead chose to resort to juvenile insults.


  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    #102, Blacks have become sacred cows in the U.S. and cannot be mocked or ridiculed without instance cries of racism… unless they are also conservatives. You should know this.

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    lol, double post, can’t tell what is getting stripped as far as posting links goes.

  13. QB says:

    James Hill, you know you’re trolling with the “monkey comparison”. Shame on you!

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #105 – Abogado del Mar

    >>Blacks have become sacred cows in the U.S.
    >>and cannot be mocked or ridiculed without
    >>instance cries of racism… unless they are
    >>also conservatives.

    It’s just that being a neocon is so laughable, it overides other forms of correctness.

  15. James Hill says:

    #105 to #110 – Sure it’s trolling… but it proves a point: Nothing will be different tomorrow.

    Blacks will still be defensive, liberals will still play off of this to get their vote, and hacks (#110) will only be able to label people (incorrectly, I might add), and not back their messages with substance.

    Truth be told, that’s why BHO getting elected doesn’t bother me: It hastens another Republican Revolution.

  16. Sea Lawyer says:

    #110, At least you’re willing to admit that it’s all just a charade.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #112 – Abogado

    >>At least you’re willing to admit that it’s
    >>all just a charade

    Well, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say it’s a charade, but I will admit that, whatever else you are, if you’re a neocon, people are going to laugh at you. Comes with the territory. The only people who take neocons seriously are other neocons.

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    It’s kinda like after you’ve been parading down the street in your assless chaps chanting “progress.” Hard to take some people seriously, I agree.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #98 Dallas “Fair enough. Perhaps when Karl Rove threw in the towel this morning it was all the market need to hear.”

    Yes, that would have been enough I think.

  20. QB says:

    James Hill, here is my scenario going forward:

    – 2008 Obama/Biden win
    – 2011 Palin announces candidacy
    – 2012 Joe Biden announces he will not seek a second term as VP
    – 2012 Obama names Clinton running mate
    – 2012 Obama/Clinton win over Palin/Romney
    – 2015 Clinton announces candidacy

    Just a guess. 😉

  21. Hamburger says:

    Here in beautiful Western New York (70 and sunny today) I voted at 8:20 in about 5.5 minutes, one guy in front of me. What’s so great about Florida, again?

  22. Dallas says:

    My predictions

    – 2008 Obama/Biden win
    – 2011 March: Palin announces candidacy
    – 2011 April: GOP spurns Palin publicly
    – 2011 May: Palin named sidekick to O’Reilly
    – 2015 Biden announces 2 Obama VP terms is enough
    – 2015 Obama unveiled on Mount Rushmore
    – 2015 Bill Richardson/Clinton win over Romney/Ted Stevens
    – 2016 Balanced budget and peace of earth

  23. QB says:

    #118 Beautiful!

    But is it art?

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #118 “2015 Obama unveiled on Mount Rushmore”

    Best joke on this thread so far!

  25. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    A lot of action up here Small town New Hampshire!

    a tons of Obama people. Almost make me become a Citizen for next election!

  26. FormerHoosierInLouisvilleKY says:

    Here in suburban eastern Louisville KY metro area, we arrived at our polling station about 6:22 AM (polls open 6 to 6 EST here). The line was out the door, but moving fairly quickly. This location was the polling place for 3 or 4 precincts. Got our ballots after about 10 or 12 minutes, stood in line about another 10 minutes for a voting booth. When we left at 6:45, there was almost no line. Drove by two polling stations about 4:30 PM, no outside lines, though I expect that to have changed in the last hour (it’s now 5:55).

    Speaking of cowboy hats and combat fatigues, there was one young man in line ahead of me wearing camouflage, though his sheepskin boots and lack of hat had him out of uniform. And I wore my fedora rather than any of my cowboy hats.

    I expect Obama to win handily in my precinct, and probably Louisville metro and parts of Northern Kentucky (the area across the Ohio river from Cincinnati, OH) but lose Kentucky overall. Whether he takes Indiana depends on how strong the Reverse Bradley Effect is. Neither result will surprise me in Indiana.

    My only predictions are Obama with over 300 Electoral votes, but with enough conservative Democrats in both houses of Congress voting with the remaining Republicans on some issues to prevent absolute Democratic control. Oh, and 90% of U.S. troops out of Iraq in less than two years.

  27. QB says:

    The big question is who will win a larger percentage of the popular vote?

    Bob Barr
    Ralph Nadar


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