It’s FINALLY here! Today’s the day you’ve been waiting for if only because the whole damn thing will be over with so you can get back to your football and beer and pr0n.

Are you someone who did early voting? What was that like? If you could have voted early but didn’t, why did you wait until today?

If you voted today, was it crowded? How long did you have to wait? Any interesting stories about your experience? Any election machine or hanging chad horror stories? We’re especially interested in voter disenfranchisements, police actions, fist fights and riots. Pictures, please.

If you live outside the US, what’s the news coverage like where you are?

Finally, what’s your prediction for the electoral college score? Here’s your chance to sound as smart as the talking heads on TV. At least until tomorrow.

  1. Jetfire says:

    #34 GregA
    “Toledo Police, like me, are expecting problems from the republicans after they lose this evening.”

    They’re not doing this because of the Republicans. It’s for the Blacks if Obama loses. They are treating it like a big sporting event so there can be riots in anger if he loses. They can also riot in celebration if he wins.

    Most of your major cities are prepared for this. And hopefully this will all be just in case and cooler head prevail no matter the out come.

  2. Sinn Fein says:

    Luke 23:34

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    Stood in line for over two hours here in northern VA.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    pedro…you expect real research? I’m too busy trolling the Internet for exit poll data while I’m supposed to be working.

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    #62, “One beauty of Parliamentary systems is when a government puts through a bad law, they can be tossed out on a vote of non-confidence.”

    I wouldn’t really call that beautiful in all cases. Sometimes things need to be done because they are necessary, even if they aren’t popular. Having a fixed term of control can make things less arbitrary.

    Problem is with the media proliferation of agenda driven public opinion polls, politicians spend most of their time trolling for ways to one-up the other guys in voter brownie points.

  6. green says:

    civil war starts tomorrow. 8am sharp. Have coffee.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    #68, Problem is with the media proliferation of agenda driven public opinion polls, politicians spend most of their time trolling for ways to one-up the other guys in voter brownie points.

    I would like to start seeing some multiple choice polls (more than two answers) along with the actual poll numbers instead of “X is leading Y by 4 pts.”

    Something like, “XX% of people agreed with Candidate A on Subject M.” Some places you can get that but with the “sound bite” crowd it all gets rolled into a single phrase.

    Of course, most people don’t seriously care about issues — they just want to brag about voting for the winner — Dem or Rep or Ind.

  8. Personality says:

    #58… They are working on it.

  9. Nth of the 49th says:


    Ya I knew the queen was considered head of state ( canadian governor general by proxie) but I didn’t feel like getting into that whole constitutional monarchy thing.

    We’ve already had a woman as prime minister, over 10 years ago. Race doesn’t seem to be much of an issue here as well.

    But if you really don’t want to get elected, start blathering about religion. We are thankfully intolerant of people trying to use their religion in politics.

  10. Named says:


    I see your point. If I may be slightly incendiary, most countries that are new / unstable need a Presidential system with one all powerful head (defacto king / queen) to ensure the stability to get started and moving forward. The US system saw the need for a powerful head after being under the British, but at the same time realized that some checks were required. Of course, we know how the checks worked out practically in the past 8 years.

    The parliamentary system lends itself to a more advanced / stable nation where the populace is well educated and the government is working a consensus,since most of the “difficult” tasks are complete and running the country is a matter of sombre choices on a wide range of boring, non-hot-ticket issues.

    That’s a bit more general than whats in practice, but, that’s the theory…

    So, in the US, a polarizing is very likely; two party system and knowing that all power is in one set of hands….

    Dissolving the government over bad laws is a good thing. There are probably almost no cases where a law, no matter how unpopular, should be forced through just because one government says so. Government is the will of the people, not the head of the part.

  11. James Hill says:

    Anyone else so glad this is coming to an end that they really don’t care about the outcome?

    President: Obama 325 McCain 213
    Senate: Dem 59 Rep 41 Ind 2
    House: Dem 261 Rep 174

    The best part? Angry liberals and blacks won’t have anything to complain about anymore…


  12. Paddy-O says:

    #56 Nth of 49… said, “We were voting for a new prime minister, the equivalent to your president.

    Now I may be wrong but I consider the PM to be our head of state.”

    You’re wrong. Your PM isn’t the Head of State for Canada. Your countries “Executive Branch” is not located in Canada. You vote only for legislative.

    Any time you need help with Canadian civics don’t hesitate to ask.

  13. Named says:


    Since you’re not going anywhere, they can always complain about you…

  14. James Hill says:

    #76 – Good point. So when do we start the thread talking about who looks more like a monkey, Bush or Obama?

    (And if we can’t have that thread after Obama’s elected, then we clearly have not advanced as a nation with regard to racism.)

  15. Carcarius says:

    Palin was cleared of ethical misconduct in a second probe of her firing of an Alaskan police chief. The timing of this is interesting, albeit late by a week or two. I don’t think the Reps have time to capitalize on this.

    Maybe it is good timing for what Palin will do next after the Reps lose the election.

  16. grog says:


    you call yourself sinn fein, which is the politcal arm of the irish republican army, which is a terrorist organization.

    hate to say it bud, but the ira is same to me as the 9/11 hijackers. and i’m catholic.

    i was scheduled to be in victoria station in ’91 (i thankfully overslept) sorry if i take it personally.

    btw, we know exactly what we’re doing. being american.

  17. Dallas says:

    #77 Hey James, if your racist discussion on a black president looking like monkey doesn’t take hold, there is still fertile ground for you Republicans.

    > Start an Obama impeachment process for having an illegal alien aunt
    > Grade the democratic congress on March 1st to see if they “fixed the country” yet.
    > Begin rumors of Obama extramarital affairs
    > Talk about the new White House black cuisine
    > Discuss the new polishing of Palin for 2012

    Lots of ideas for the GOP to distract the nation in these times of need.

  18. grog says:

    #77 now you’re just being silly

    glad to see you and paddy are actually being good sports about all this.

  19. Roger says:

    My polls opened at 6 am, but I went into vote at 7:30 am. Nobody in front of me. But the staff told me that there had been quite a few at opening time.

  20. QB says:

    #77 Wow, don’t set the bar for civil discussion too high.

  21. Named says:


    I think you answered your own question.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #80 Dallas, “Grade the democratic congress on March 1st to see if they “fixed the country” yet.”

    Based on their 2 year history so far, I don’t think we have to worry about them “fixing” anything during the next term…

  23. Dallas says:

    #84 I mostly agree with you there, but a bit more hopeful.

    Despite the bullish predictions for Democratic control, there are still far too many opposition party republicans left to get most things done.

    As clear losers in this election, the GOP will most likely vote in unity for any possible way to undermine the new presidency. It’s what they do.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 85 “Despite the bullish predictions for Democratic control, there are still far too many opposition party republicans left to get most things done. ”

    No, the Presidency & a large majorities in both houses are plenty. If they can’t get stuff done as a majority party then the Dem leadership is just brain dead.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #75, Cow-Paddy, the Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and Constitutional and Bathroom Expert.

    You’re wrong. Your PM isn’t the Head of State for Canada. Your countries “Executive Branch” is not located in Canada. You vote only for legislative.

    Your reading comprehension is showing again. He did not say or suggest the Prime Minister is the Head of State. Hth wrote …I consider the PM to be our head of state. A true opinion.

    The “executive” is the Cabinet, which includes the Prime Minister. Canada is a “Constitutional Monarchy”. Very different in makeup than is a “Democratic Republic.”

    The Chief Executive, the dudes that actually run the show are called the Prime Minister and President. Each appoints their Cabinet and is ultimately responsible for what they do. A Canadian Prime Minister is the leader of their party, chosen by the party at convention. The American President is chosen by popular vote.

  26. Sea Lawyer says:

    Maybe we won’t have to hear the constant whining, bitching and moaning from Harry Reid again for the next couple months.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #87 Fusion, “The American President is chosen by popular vote.”

    Thanks for the clarification re Canada but, the US Pres is chosen by the Electoral College, not popular vote. Otherwise, we would have had some different presidents than we did in history.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    First thing this morning. At 6:00 AM the wait was close to an hour. By 7:00 that had dropped to 15 minutes. By 7:30 it was less that 10 minutes. All according to the poll workers.

    I was very politely asked not to do any exit polling although they didn’t have any objection to my observation. Unless I was affiliated with a recognized news outlet I was not allowed to take pictures.

    The fact that I knew some of the poll workers didn’t sway them. They just didn’t want any problems or publicity.

  29. Dallas says:

    Good news. The DOW is up anticipating an Obama win! Wow, he is good.

    If Obama wins, as God intends, you are all invited to my place in Dallas Tx for an effigy burning of George W Bush.

  30. chuck says:

    I’m a Canadian, living in Vancouver. But I did live in Washington State for a while, and I have a Washington State driver’s license.

    I can use my Washington State driver’s license for ID, and can get an absentee ballot. What’s to stop me from driving down to Bellingham (where I pick up mail from a U.S. post office box), and voting at the nearest polling station?

    Vote Quimby!


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