It’s FINALLY here! Today’s the day you’ve been waiting for if only because the whole damn thing will be over with so you can get back to your football and beer and pr0n.

Are you someone who did early voting? What was that like? If you could have voted early but didn’t, why did you wait until today?

If you voted today, was it crowded? How long did you have to wait? Any interesting stories about your experience? Any election machine or hanging chad horror stories? We’re especially interested in voter disenfranchisements, police actions, fist fights and riots. Pictures, please.

If you live outside the US, what’s the news coverage like where you are?

Finally, what’s your prediction for the electoral college score? Here’s your chance to sound as smart as the talking heads on TV. At least until tomorrow.

  1. Dallas says:

    Thomas Jefferson said : “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine”

    I hope on THIS election, the better mob wins.

  2. Miss_X2b says:

    Polls opened at 6am around here, I was finished voting in about 5 minutes. Whoever wins, they’re going to have their job cut out for them.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Vote early, vote often!

    Brought to you by ACORN 😉

  4. QB says:

    President: Obama 331 McCain 207
    Senate: Dem 56 Rep 42 Ind 2
    House: Dem 259 Rep 176

    The real win will be 30-40 million more people voting.

  5. GregA says:

    I have a penthouse suite apartment view of both the Obama and McCain campaign headquarters in Toledo Ohio. I have guns, camera, and this building is a fortress. I plan to defend my ground and chronicle the implosion of the Toledo Republican party from here.

    Common mother fuckers!!! You may take me down but how many of you am I gonna take with me!!!

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #5 QB, Those #s seem reasonable & likely.

  7. Sinn Fein says:

    If BO wins what’s the worst that could happen? I mean, beyond The Apocalypse and The End of Days?

    I say, lets get rid of all this election non-sense and just go with the highly un-biased polls that the MSM conducts. Would save alot of time and money and finally elevate the MSM to their rightful ruling status.

  8. Sinn Fein says:

    GregA, chill out dude, we’re going to need motivated fellas like you for the counter-revolution.

  9. GregA says:

    True Beleivers in the McCain campaign, you still have time to get into this on intrade! A 10$ investment wins you $130 this evening!

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 Sinn Fein said, If BO wins what’s the worst that could happen?

    He could pull a Hoover. That’s the greatest concern short term.

  11. Mac Guy says:

    I got up an hour and a half early (5:45 AM) to vote. Got to the polling station at 6:25 (opens at 6:30), and there were ~130 people in front of me. I didn’t get out of there until 7:30, but was at work with plenty of time to spare.

    Hey, Starbucks is giving out a free coffee to all who voted. Vote, and shoot up some caffeine!

  12. Mark Derail says:

    If all of Canada could vote, we could sway the results by 1%.

    Ok, I know, that’s rather generous.

    // GObama!

  13. eric says:

    i choose not to vote. the quote by jefferson above is exactly why.
    “Those of us who have paid close attention to American politics for years, and not just around election time but every day, can only be amused by the hysteria gripping the nation. Tens of millions of Americans wait in line to vote, and for what? Even the genuine major differences between the two – for example, who will actually kill more people abroad – is a matter of conjecture.”

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Small polling place, I waited maybe 25 minutes. The line was a lot shorter at 7:55 than it was at 7:30 when I got there.

    I did vote to allow medical marijuana, but I doubt it passes. Bummer…I was thinking I might be getting a touch of glaucoma, or some random pain that my oxycontin can’t erase…

    So now I have a 30 minute ride to work, and I’m flipping between CNN and Fox on the XM. The dumbasses on the Fox morning show are figuring they might be still waiting to see who wins tomorrow morning. It’s gonna be a tight one, and the margins in all the swing states are closing. (Check for the facts, any halfwit can see the narrowing in the polls is statistically meaningless.)

    On CNN, most of the analysts, even a Republican one, are predicting a big and early electoral college win for Obama, just like the analysts on the network TV channels I watched this morning.

    Fox is all alone in their denial of reality, and like a few here, they’ll blame Acorn. Wake up, people!

    I’m amazed at the stupidity and obvious bias of those morons on Fox in the morning. It’s painful to listen to them try and spin everything to the right. But it’s going to be fun to hear them tomorrow.

    I wonder what sort of conspiracy the right will come up with.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #15 “I wonder what sort of conspiracy the right will come up with.”

    God knows. They’ll probably just use any of the dozens the Left has invented over the last 8 years.

  16. Named says:


    Ahem… Canada just had our election. It was tame, effective and over in one night. Paper ballots with a circle that you put an “x” in. Amazingly simple.

    Anyhoo, judging by how many people actually VOTE in the US, I’m guessing we’d move it by a lot more than 1%.

  17. Named says:


    No need for the right to make up conspiracies. They already stole the past two elections… Going for a third is a bit greedy, but possible. If only you had chosen a more, well, intelligible candidate it would be a more believable stolen victory.

    /from Canada, eh. Hoping America picks itself up after today.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #17 Named, “Anyhoo, judging by how many people actually VOTE in the US, I’m guessing we’d move it by a lot more than 1%.”

    Expected # of actual voters is expected to top 120 million.

  19. QB says:

    #19 I’ve been reading 130 to 140

  20. J says:

    Like I have said many times before starting right after McCain picked Palin. It will be a landslide or large margin for Obama. More than 100 electoral votes.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #21 J

    I think post #5 has a reasonable scenario.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #20 Wow!

  23. Jetfire says:

    Got there a little after opening (6:30) took 45 minutes to get out. We use paper ballots and had more stations then any other time I voted. This was the longest time I had to wait in the past 20 years. The main hold up was the old ladies checking you name and ripping the ballot from the stack. I think we had 10-12 booths. I love the paper ballots.

  24. J says:

    # 20 QB

    “I’ve been reading 130 to 140”

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all. I think all the polls are underestimating the anger and disgust with the Republican Party.

    # 22 Paddy-O

    I think those are safe numbers.

    Lets remeber though, I called it the day after McCain picked Palin and everyone laughed at me. Well not everyone but many.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #25 J “Lets remeber though, I called it the day after McCain picked Palin and everyone laughed at me.”

    Yes, I remember.

    Remember, I called for Obama before the convention… I didn’t have a good feel for the margin though.

  26. J says:

    My offical

    Obama 353 McCain 174

    Dem Senate 58 House 249
    Rep Senate 42 House 184

  27. JimD says:



    This is the “End of Days” for the GOP !!! And none too soon !!!

  28. J says:

    # 26 Paddy-O

    Not to one up you but when he gave the speech back in 2004, I turned to my wife and said “That man will be president some day.” I didn’t think it would be this soon but……

    As far as the margin. I didn’t think it until the Palin pick.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #29 “Not to one up you but when he gave the speech back in 2004, I turned to my wife and said “That man will be president some day.””

    You got me on that. I hadn’t really noticed him that far back.

  30. J says:

    # 30 Paddy-O

    LOL Well? Did you even watch the 2004 DNC? lol I wouldn’t think that was high on your view list. lol


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