And a different view:

This is a great way to lose a lot of white/undecided votes, well played guys!
Thanks to Michael

  1. grog says:


    you really are afraid, aren’t you?


  2. willson_man says:

    I cant believe how out of control this election is getting. As we all could have predicted from the begining, Its turned into a racial thing. How am I not surprised. Some things just never change. Remember when the bears and colts were in the super bowl. Another example.This is the future of our great country at stake, and turning it over to a greenhorn, (white or black)is perposterous.Now were gonna have racial radicalists “guarding” poling stations. How ignorant! Were all Americans, and should try to do what is best for our country instead of worrying about making history.

  3. GF says:


    New rap album is released tomorrow featuring Yiddy an Yaw of the Buffoon Panthers rapping bout how they stood up to the man for the man on election day.

  4. jccalhoun says:

    “Liberalism is a mental disorder comment?”

    Ummm… do you know what the definition of “Liberalism” is? Our country was founded in large part on the foundation of Liberalism.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Seriously… This is two morons trying to make some type of statement… it’s not an organized thing… time to move on.

    #33 – rushed – Liberalism only gives bigger government and lose of rights.

    So, Bush is a liberal?

    #42 – Hyph3n – Well, enjoy the next 4 (and hopefully eight or more) years, cause you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of crazy motherfuckers.

    Nothing can be worse than the Bush regime.

    #45 – grog – one incident in one city and you’re already freaking out?

    prozac dude, prozac.

    man, republicans have no balls.


    #60 – mleega1 – I vote my conscience, not my color!

    How many Iraqi lives is on your conscience?

    #62 – Sinn Fein – The Black Chickenshit Panthers, the coming, military-level funded “Civilian Defense Force” BO was blithering on about.

    But Blackwater Inc is cool… they stopped looting blacks in New Orleans and shoot Eh-rabs in I-rack!

    #67 – jccalhoun – Our country was founded in large part on the foundation of Liberalism.

    Don’t blame him… Almost eight years under Bush have made people forget…

  6. mleega1 says:

    #68 I serve the Iraq veterans every day, as I am a healthcare worker, and I have not spoken to one of them yet who regretted their service to our country. This Election is about more than the war, incase you havent noticed. I PRAY for these kids every day and care very much for them. I do not take their service lightly!!!!! Mr. Obama could care less for these kids, he has never served his country only his own interest. Just because I vote my conscience does not mean I suport the war. It does however mean I vote on more than just one issue. Rember Bush was the Pres. but were are under a Dem. controlled house and senate!

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #69 – mleega1 – I serve the Iraq veterans every day, as I am a healthcare worker, and I have not spoken to one of them yet who regretted their service to our country.

    I was talking about Iraqis… not American soldiers. But when we’re on the subject… have you talked to any of the relatives to these 4,168 soldiers?

    I PRAY for these kids every day and care very much for them.

    As if that would help. What would have helped was if religious creeps like yourself hadn’t given your vote to Bush a second time.

    I do not take their service lightly!!!!!

    If you really cared, you wouldn’t have supported the slime ball who sent them there. Soldiers are there to defend their country, not to go on a crusade everytime there’s a religious nutter in charge.

    Mr. Obama could care less for these kids, he has never served his country only his own interest.

    He served his country in trying to make things better for the citizens of the USA.

    I vote my conscience does not mean I suport the war.

    Yes, you are. I hope you sleep good tonight… knowing that your vote for Bush sent 4,168 Americans to an early death.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    “Mr. Obama could care less for these kids, he has never served his country only his own interest.”
    So does that mean you voted for Al Gore and John Kerry instead of George W Bush since both of them actually did serve in the military rather than just the national guard?

  9. mleega1 says:

    How many unborn children are you responsable for slaughtering? And for what? A right to choose? We are talking millions here my friend, not thousands, and they NEVER had any right to defend themselves! I hope you sleep good tonight as well knowing that millions of CHILDREN will never get the chance To see the light of day so that you have the right to CHOOSE. And by the way, yes I have spoken with some of them, two of which wre my friends. Their parents and siblings are very proud of their service to their country. One other thing, remember that Relegious nut cases founded this country. Remeber the history books, The Mayflower and all of that. My Family came over on that boat so I know full well that that was what they were seeking, freedom to worship their GOD.

  10. Obvious 1 says:

    I dunno, seems to me it’s most likely these guys were hired by Republicans to stand there so they could get footage of “Black Panthers” repressing those poor ol’ downtrodden whites right to vote for Fox News, just to make sure White America could see the lengths “radicals” will go to to get one of “their own” elected.

    Has Fox News been giving any press to all the voting shenanigans throughout Virginia and Pennsylvania involving closed and moved polling places, voters being given “provisional ballots” instead of being allowed to vote, etc.?

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #73 – mleega1

    A fetus isn’t a child. Here… educate yourself. But then again… I bet you think it’s a great thing that Sarah Palin’s daughter brought a retarded kid into this world? A raped woman should give birth and teenager girls should become mothers instead of going to school.

    Their parents and siblings are very proud of their service to their country.

    I’m sure they were religious nutters, just like you. Die in a crusade is glorious.

    My Family came over on that boat so I know full well that that was what they were seeking, freedom to worship their GOD.

    I’m sure they were. They came quite some time after the first settlers. And please, feel free to worship your God or the stone in the woods.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Which is more important the kids that were never born or the kids that were born and die because of lack of proper health care? The USA’s infant mortality rate is higher than nearly every other developed country. I think universal health care might help. I also think sex ed other than abstinence only might help lower unwanted pregnancies.

    What does your family coming here on the Mayflower have to do with anything? My family (at least part of it) was here a long time before this continent was “discovered” by Europeans. Does that make me better than you?

  13. MikeN says:

    Well 8 years ago, a cop car miles away on a different road was enough for liberals to claim Jeb Bush set up police roadblocks, so I don’t think it’s possible for the right to get too worked up about this.

  14. smartalix says:

    fedup, maybe it is you that have a mental disorder. At best, you are being disingenuous, but I think you
    re just dumb-ass myopic. Maybe you can prove me otherwise if you can respond intelligently to your comments, as I will do for yours, although I believe they are all the purest bullshit.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals will tie themselves to trees and scream at loggers about saving the forest then return to their homes with hardwood floors and 2×4 framing.

    Most of the protest against logging is against unsustainable practices that damage the forest involved. Granted, there are extremist ecologists, as there are extremists in every group, but if you look at what the Democratic party (not really liberal, but close enough for this argument) says about logging and come back to me with something in their platform you disagree with, I’d be glad to discuss it wuth you.

    But the image of the crazy tree-hugging hypocrite can usually be traced to a bunch of rich assholes who have very little to do with people who truly are concerned with the ecosystem (like the National Geographic Society).

    Besides, the image has inherent mental dissonance. Most of those the Right labels eco-freaks can’t afford hardwood flooring anyway.

    Liberals will scream at farmers about killing cows while wearing leather sole shoes.

    Not all vegetarian hypocrites are liberals.

    Liberals will cry about global warming as they schedule their flights to the next rally on their iphones.

    We are all in theis mess together, and I belive that even if global warming is bullshit, it wouldn’t hurt to control emissions (we can barely eat fish anymore as it is) and reducing the carbon footprint (=waste heat) of our processes and devices can only be good for us in a future of dwindling energy reserves and increasing demand.

    Liberals scream about terrorist being forced to walk around a military prison with women’s panties stretched over their noggins but not say shit when the same terrorist cuts the fucking head off a jew.

    Fuck you. I did not serve in the military to let pussy-fucktards like you bring us down to the level of our enemy. Fuck you twice.

    Liberals shit in their pants whenever Rush Limbaugh says anything on the radio but are as silent as a fucking mouse when the racist bastard Rev Jeremiah Wright preaches hate about white people and jews and about hating this country.

    I agree with Chris Rock in that the most racist people in the country are old black men. But I can’t completely blame them. I have experienced both casual (For example, I was listed an outstanding National Merit Negro Student myself. The inherent racism in the title alone is insulting.)
    and direct (more examples than I can list) racism in my life, but thankfully it was on the dwindling end of the slope and I believe today I encounter little or no racism in my daily life.

    That is not condoning what Wright said. He should be removed from the pulpit and replaced with someoen younger and less bitter. However, even a broken clock is correct twice a day. For example, when he condemned the USA for the Tuskegee Experiment, I had a hard time disagreeing.

    Liberals fight for the rights of child molesters with the ACLU but wont say shit about ACORN’s fraud in this election.

    Those two things aren’t even related. However, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty, no matter how little they are liked by the public.

    In the Acorn case, the fraud was registration fraud, not voter fraud, and it was done by paid-by-the-name workers who were more interested in bilking Acorn than defrauding the electoral system.

    So in closing, I think you are either too dumb to see beyond labels or think you are smart enough to be convincingly disingenuous to bully the debate. I don’t care which.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #73 – mleega1

    >>My Family came over on that boat so I know
    >>full well that that was what they were
    >>seeking, freedom to worship their GOD.

    Well, they got it. Too bad they couldn’t leave well enough alone, and decided they had to jam it down everybody ELSE’S throat as well.

    I worship my God on a regular basis. Nobody (other than the DU atheist spawns of satan) has ever given me a bit of static about it.

    On the other hand, if I started trying to tell perfect strangers whom they could or could not marry, that they have to have their children exposed to indoctrination in MY form of religious beliefs, that they must bring 10-cell organism to gestation, etc., then I’d expect to get a jolly good rogering.

    And I’d deserve it, too.

    >>Remeber the history books, The Mayflower and
    >>all of that. My Family came over on that boat

    Hey, is your sister that “madam” we’ve all heard so much about? Sydney Biddle Barrows! Kewl! I’d expect you to be a little bit more of a free thinker.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:


    Those Black Panthers live there. They maintain a presence to keep the gang bangers and drug dealers out. The FOX SPEWS crew were kicked off of the property by the building manager; the “altercation” referred to.

    Fedup, you’re fucked up. Enjoy the next eight years.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:


    remember that Relegious nut cases founded this country.

    No they didn’t. This country, as was all the “New World” was founded by adventurers out to make a buck. Even the so called “pilgrims” only made up half the settlers and were totally outnumbered by the next year.

    My Family came over on that boat so I know full well that that was what they were seeking, freedom to worship their GOD.

    Link please.

    Truth be told, they worshipped the same god as did the English, Flemish, and Dutch they left. The difference is they didn’t want to tithe the Church of England. So read some god damn history and quit with the bullshit.

    A fetus doesn’t become a baby until the umbilical cord is cut.

  18. fedup says:

    #78, You must be dehydrated from shitting yourself dry. I told you. Fucking with Liberals is a bit like fucking with a kid with downs syndrome. Easy to do, funny to some with a sick sense of humor and really not something you should be proud of. I’ll take a break and give you time to clean yourselves.

  19. Cow-Paddy says:

    #82, fukup,

    Geeze, man you have issues !!! Relax, enjoy the ride. The next eight years are going to be fun. The sun will shine, birds will sing again, the sewer smell will dissipate, and Bush will be gone. Who could ask for more?

    YIPPEEEEEeeeee !!!!!!

  20. feel like sounding off says:

    hey #73 glad the First Amendment protects us form each other. The 1st what a great amendment its my favorite.
    Now get to work on getting your own butt raptured not pushing your beliefs on the rest of us. Lets have a bit more Luke 6:37 here. Now off to sell my 63 children for medical experiments, wish I had had another option.

  21. mleega1 says:





  22. Jägermeister says:


    I’m sure your mother wish she was pro-choice.


    Who put you and your religious nutters in charge of womens choice?


    That’s right. We do not pretend to be God’s private little pets, so we can live our lives to the fullest.


    Don’t forget to pay your 10% to the church.

  23. God gets quite irate says:

    Good for you. You feel you have used your “Free Will” to be right with your god (sounds presumptuous to me but its your god so who am I to say). Why are you so eager to deny that choice to the rest of us? Do you KNOW your god wants YOU to make that choice for the rest of us? This action alone might put on the road to hell. If there is no Free Will there is no need to choose and your whole argument falls apart. How could anyone make the right choice and get into your heaven if they are not aloud to choose?

  24. jsmith says:

    Dude, who cares about all the race and political stuff. The thing that’s scary to me is there’s 2 random dudes that have been standing outside of the pole for over an hour according to these videos and some on youtube one of which is sitting out front with a nightstick (a weapon) and they have no legit reason for being there. Hell, in the video one of the dude’s even lied and said he was security (obviously if they were their security, cops wouldn’t have escorted them out) am I the only one that sees a problem with this?????

  25. Named says:

    A public service reminder…

    DOn’t feed the trolls. Thank you.

  26. jccalhoun says:

    I wouldn’t have agree with mleega1 but since that last post was all in caps I totally changed my opinion…

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #91 – ‘dro

    Didn’t you know? We have secret ballots here. Nobody knows who you vote for unless you tell them.

    And since whitey is flocking to Obama just like the homeboys, why would the Black Militant thugs want to keep a couple of pasty-faces from entering, as they’d probably be voting for Obama anyway?

  28. outraged says:

    I have read every one of these comments and I have agreed with a lot laughed at a lot and quite frankly wanted to stand face to face with some of you and ask you why u are so ignorant! Stop blaming our countries crisis on our goverment instead take a look in the mirror… look hard and close at yourself NO ONE is perfect. We all are differnt YOUR way IS NOT right MY way IS NOT right its both of our opinions meshed together that makes it right which is why our government IS NOT CONTROLLED by ONE FUCKING party !!!!!!!
    I do however really want to say something about the religion thing! I believe that this book of fairytales you call the bible are wonderful moral stories just like brothers grim and mother goose… come on lemme give you my rendition of what I think happened in some of the “miraculous acts ” now remember these are my opinions just like they were the opinions to whom ever wrote that book…
    #1 Mary cheated on joesph… there were no doctors to prove she was a virgin back then and I am sure a woman back then would never admit to sex b4 marriage
    #2 40 days and 40 nights….. eeh massive tsunami
    #3 jesus walking on water and healing sick people well if you ask me that’d be considered someone magical in my opinion and didn’t your ancestors BURN INNOCENT WOMEN for less than that?
    So sweetheart please stop imposing your views and beliefs on people. I am irritated everyday when some brainwashed nutcase is on the street corner with his lil pamphlets pushing his nonsense on me!!!!! THAT’S WHY THERE ARE CHURCHES SO THAT ALL YOU WONDERFUL BRAINWASHED PEOPLE can be together away from those of us who don’t give a FUCK about you religion your god or what you want us to believe so go to church among your people and think u are better than eveyone… according to your book that’s a “sin”…. and BTW its very xtian of u to spew nasty words and belittle those of us who are not like u. ur god would be proud of u very proud

  29. grog says:

    #82 @Fedup

    you’re a sad bitter delusional shallow and woefully ill-informed man.

    you get your ass handed to you every day and still think you’re cool.

    your cluelessness knows no bounds.

    btw, no one’s shitting themselves. if anything, we pity you.

  30. grog says:


    you have nothing to say because smartalix took you to the wood shed and whipped your sorry ass.

    you got nothing left, and you know it.

    you are a pitiful loser. i love watching you writhe in ignorant denial.


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