And a different view:
This is a great way to lose a lot of white/undecided votes, well played guys!
Thanks to Michael
By McCullough Tuesday November 4, 2008
And a different view:
This is a great way to lose a lot of white/undecided votes, well played guys!
Thanks to Michael
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Liberalism only gives bigger government and lose of rights. I can do for myself just get your liberal ass out of my way and go stand in line with your hand out like the rest of the people voting for Obama.
#31 thanks
so the police came and took care of business.
fox news will probably be talking about this for days.
i can’t wait to dig up all those republican quotes about “sour grapes.”
What kind of idiots would hire these two thugs to stand in front of a polling station? What kind of morons on this blog would defend this practice? If you dont think this was meant to intimidate, then you are clearly in denial.
Is this real. What rock these bullies crawl from?
70’s called and want their idiots back.
okay, so it was intended to intimidate, but the police came and cleared it up.
not sure what you’re talking about, here.
what a sack of tired cliches. *yaaawwwn* when the mind-control drugs wear off, let us know.
2 thugs, with nightsticks, and suddenly all of the Retardlicans in the land are running around shrieking “THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!”.
I would much rather have some INTELLIGENT people running this country, rather than the idiot Republicans who have shown their true level of intellect during this election.
News article uploaded at 12:38pm indicates no problems in Pennsylvania.
Yup, don’t mind those black men dressed up as Black Panthers. Just some good folk who forgot to change out of their Halloween clothing.
Nothing to see here, let’s move along.
Any bets on whether Katie Couric will cover this?
#24, No thanks!… Like I said, Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder. Since you are asking for a blow, I assume you are a man. I’m a man and not a liberal so Im not interested in having sex with another man. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals will tie themselves to trees and scream at loggers about saving the forest then return to their homes with hardwood floors and 2×4 framing. Liberals will scream at farmers about killing cows while wearing leather sole shoes. Liberals will cry about global warming as they schedule their flights to the next rally on their iphones. Liberals scream about terrorist being forced to walk around a military prison with women’s panties stretched over their noggins but not say shit when the same terrorist cuts the fucking head off a jew. Liberals shit in their pants whenever Rush Limbaugh says anything on the radio but are as silent as a fucking mouse when the racist bastard Rev Jeremiah Wright preaches hate about white people and jews and about hating this country. Liberals fight for the rights of child molesters with the ACLU but wont say shit about ACORN’s fraud in this election. Yes, Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder!
#7 is closest
Well, enjoy the next 4 (and hopefully eight or more) years, cause you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of crazy motherfuckers.
Conservatism as a method of governing is as failed as communism. Who knows… in four years they might come out of the wilderness and decide they need to be more like Ron Paul then Pat Robertson. But right now, liberalism is carrying the day.
A woman came out to say that the were not stopping people from voting…
one incident in one city and you’re already freaking out?
prozac dude, prozac.
man, republicans have no balls.
#42, That’s it? that’s your response to my Liberalism is a mental disorder comment? Confirmed… Just another dumb ass liberal who will vote on emotion against his own best interest. I do agree that liberalism is taking center stage in our country. We have become a country that now is in worship of homosexual sex, that want’s to increase the taking from those that earn to give to those that refuse to earn. You brownshirts are to be congratulated. It will be interesting to see who will become the lampshades of the liberal America.
witness the abjectly schizophrenic double-speak that is modern conservativism
you’re in a glass house dude, careful with those rocks.
Too much coffee for you man
Limbau$h is a troll – do you record his program?
You’re little tirade sounded like a transcript from one of his SHOWS (as in $HOW BSness).
Good luck to you for the next 8 and FYI-you had better stock up on the Vicodine, Oxycontin & Xanax-call Rush-he can hook you up.
People arguing on the internet? Still? I mean, really? *deep sigh* Well, considering that it seems most of the people on here think that one of the two mainstream parties is any less corrupt than the other, I suppose the arguing is to be expected.
*yawns* wake me up when people decide they want to be more than sheep and fodder for the corrupt political machine.
Vote Independant or just watch it all burn…
btw, sarah palin ordered up a latte in wasila today — look it up.
bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The man whose name is Levinthal seems like a RePUGlican plant to me. The so-called
“Panthers” probably live in the area.
Paranoid folk making an anthill into a mountain of more insidious bull pucky!
The fat liberal bitch hasn’t sang yet boys! Standby…
aw, c’mon! we’re just having a little fun here!
Like I said, mention Rush Limbaugh and Liberals will shit all over themselves…
The police removed the guy. If someone like this is around a polling place you just call the police.
>>For confused foreigners, these are not >>actual wild and endangered black leopards
For confused neocons (and aren’t all neocons confused? That’s why the was Faux Spews, so they can be told what to think), they weren’t actual whitey-beating Scary Black Man, Bobby Seale/ Huey Newton-style Black Panthers either.
Those guys haven’t been around since New Haven police chief shooed them out of town in 1976.
Maybe they were members of Eldrige Cleaver’s Black Liberation Army.
Has Faux Spews no shame??? BLACK PANTHERS?
“I have a camera phone which is not a weapon”.
Wanna bet??? ROFLMAO!!
[If the pen is mightier than the sword, then is the video camera mightier than the gun? – ed.]
#40 – FedAss
Holy shit, man. If anyone’s qualified to recognize someone with a “fucking mental disorder”, that would be you!
And the only liberals I know who shit their pants about Anal Cyst Limbaugh are the ones who are laughing so hard they suffer from fecal incontinence.
Neocons as a group are laughable. Anal Cyst is the king of comedy!
Betcher ona them thar red-blooded ‘murricans who shouts “DITTO! DITTO!” every time the Anal Cyst tells you what to think.
I was right, wasn’t I? Come on now, admit it. We’re not laughing AT yo, we’re laughing WITH you.
heh, i guess i walked right into that one. nice side-step. you conservatives are as slippery as eels, i’ll give you that.
good con men, one and all.
Imagine for a moment that this was KKK members in Alabama doing the same thing! It would be all over ABC CBS and NBC. Just as suspected though they have said nothing about it.
I vote my conscience, not my color!
Need more proof. Look at #58. He’s shit himself down to his socks. A liberal hearing the word “Rush” just by it self is like putting a fucking epileptic in front of a flashing light.
The Black Chickenshit Panthers, the coming, military-level funded “Civilian Defense Force” BO was blithering on about.
To Fedup:
When you take a break from bashing “liberals” consider this:
John McCain is not a true conservative, he’s a senile codger.
George W. Bush is not a true conservative, he’s a retard.
Rusg Limbaugh is not a true conservative, he’s a junkie.
William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater were conservatives. I’m a conservative and I would vote for a conservative if one were running for president today. In the mean time I’m voting for the lesser of two evils: Barak Obama.