A DARWIN man has been charged with firearms offences after shooting himself in the arm while hunting magpie geese yesterday. The 31-year-old man had been out shooting on a friend’s property on Hardcastle Road at Bynoe Haven.

After the shooting he managed to drive himself about 3km to the nearby Sandpalms roadhouse for help. Manager Kenny Dumigan used a telephone cable as a tourniquet to stem the flow of blood before an ambulance arrived. “He drove in to our carpark here and got out of the car, screaming, with blood everywhere,” he said. “There was blood everywhere – I mean everywhere.”

He is believed to have been heading off to fetch a goose he had shot when he tripped, with the double-barrel shotgun discharging as he fell. Police said he has been charged with possessing an unlicensed firearm and possessing ammunition without a permit. The owner of the property is understood to be offshore working on barges. Mr Dumigan said the shooter was lucky to be alive.

This is just way too easy…

  1. GregA says:

    This is a plain old hunting accident. Happens all the time. Although, I suspect more hunters die of heart attacks after stressing their lard asses after being sedentary the entire rest of the year.

    A better darwin award winner would be the father that killed his son when he took him to a gun show and let his 8 year old son fire some automatic pistol thing, and the 8 year old lost control of it, and shot himself in the head.

  2. sargasso says:

    The pathology museum at my local medical college has some interesting specimens of various shotgun blasted human body parts amputated from various living and deceased victims of duck hunting accidents. They should make it compulsory for gun licensees to visit that place.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #1 True, this is just an example of a totalitarian gov’t.

  4. Rick Cain says:

    At least he wasn’t shot by Dick Cheney, then he would have had to wait for treatment then apologize to Dick later.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    I love the pic. Notice the guy with the gun in his ear is apparently an Alcohol, Tobacco, and FIREARMS officer?


  6. Sinn Fein says:

    “They should make it compulsory for gun licensees to visit that place.”

    Yeah, as well as have a similar bit of shock and yechhh! education for new drivers who, at their inept & inexperienced young age, have ZERO clue that they are climbing into a loaded gun every time the drive a vehicle and ZERO clue as to their fragile mortality.

    Death by DOH! Not a good way to die.

  7. GregA says:


    Not nearly as ironic as this video;)

  8. Mac Guy says:

    #6 – I wonder if he’s friends with the DEA agent who shot himself in the leg in front of the students…

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    GregA and Mac Guy,

    They’re probably partners!

  10. Mac Guy says:

    #8 – You beat me to it!

    There’s something fishy about this picture, though. He’s pointing the gun at his own head, muzzle supposedly covering his ear. Muzzles are usually quite filthy, so even if I KNEW the weapon was unloaded, I wouldn’t put it anywhere near my ear. Not to mention the fact that his finger is on the trigger.

    Speaking as a shooter myself, there’s something inherently wrong with this picture (other than the obvious).

  11. hhopper says:

    This adds a whole new meaning to the phrase, “plug your ears.”

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #8 LOL! What an idiot. Demonstrating with a loaded weapon.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Careful everyone. #3, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath has shot two people before. With a 30 caliber gun. He never said what type of gun, but geeze, he must know something.

    But then again, maybe not.


    This guy violated one of the cardinal rules; Don’t walk around with your firearm loaded. He did and that is why the rule exists.

  14. J says:

    # 3 Paddy the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “#1 True, this is just an example of a totalitarian gov’t.”

    WTF are you talking about? Nothing GregA said rises to the level of you stupid comment.

    # 5 Pmitchell

    “this sounds like a govt that is very afraid of its people.”

    The government should fear its people!

    # 12 McCullough

    That’s not disturbing. It is funny. That guy got just what he deserved letting an infant play with a loaded weapon.

  15. Sea Lawyer says:

    The thing is, if you have to ask for permission then it’s not a right. That is the fundamental difference between a right and a privilege.

  16. Sea Lawyer says:

    #15 This guy violated one of the cardinal rules; Don’t walk around with your firearm loaded. He did and that is why the rule exists.

    I don’t recall that being one of the 4 safety rules.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #15 Mr. Confusion said, “This guy violated one of the cardinal rules; Don’t walk around with your firearm loaded. He did and that is why the rule exists.”

    LOL! No, that’s not a “cardinal” safety rule, especially for a peace officer. It’s a rule that could get one killed though…

  18. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    Obvious he never learnt this simple poem:

    A Fathers Advice

    If a sportsman true you’d be
    Listen carefully to me. . .

    Never, never let your gun
    Pointed be at anyone.
    That it may unloaded be
    Matters not the least to me.

    When a hedge or fence you cross
    Though of time it cause a loss
    From your gun the cartridge take
    For the greater safety’s sake.

    If twixt you and neighbouring gun
    Bird shall fly or beast may run
    Let this maxim ere be thine
    “Follow not across the line.”

    Stops and beaters oft unseen
    Lurk behind some leafy screen.
    Calm and steady always be
    “Never shoot where you can’t see.”

    You may kill or you may miss
    But at all times think this:
    “All the pheasants ever bred
    Won’t repay for one man dead.”

    Mark Beaufoy – 1902

  19. Sinn Fein says:

    EVERY GUN IS A LOADED GUN…until absolutively, posilutely proven otherwise…which doesn’t include discharging it into your own leg to empty it. GEESH!

  20. Les says:

    This makes sense now. This happened in Australia.
    I didn’t know where in the USA you would need to have a “permit” for your ammunition.

  21. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    Paddy-O said, “LOL! No, that’s not a “cardinal” safety rule, especially for a peace officer. It’s a rule that could get one killed though…”

    It should be a cardinal rule in the UK for for armed police officers …. it’d make the Brazilians feels much better when traveling on the tube (see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7706033.stm)

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #23 DCI said, “It should be a cardinal rule in the UK for for armed police officers ….”

    Naw, they would have just slapped the clip in and unloaded anyway.

    The problem was a shoot on sight authorization issued to the police.

  23. Ron Larson says:

    #22 nailed it. It is Australia, land of hyper-gun-control. In Western Australia, or order to legally own a shotgun, you have to jump through all sorts of hoops. If I recall, some of them are..

    (a) Prove you need it – Farmers protecting livestock, hunting, etc.
    (b) Prove that it is locked in gunsafe.
    (c) Prove that you are not a convict, letters of reference, etc, etc.
    (d) There are a bunch of rules regarding the purchasing and storage of ammo too.

    Bottom line, they try to make it impossible to legally own a firearm.

    Now, it does strike Americans as funny that a routine self-inflicted hunting accident that didn’t result death would even make the news.

  24. Rick says:

    I don’t suppose that anybody would entertain the notion that the picture was staged as a joke?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath,

    And since you are a mighty man-hunter you know.

    Ya right.

    You should never walk around with a loaded gun. It is just too easy to trip and, as happened here, shoot yourself or someone else.

    Shot guns should be broken, and other guns should have an empty chamber as well as the safety on. Only when you find a target should you put a round into the chamber and release the safety.

    This was basic safety I learned when I was 10.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Damn !!! I just noticed now. This took place in Darwin Australia.

    Sheet, OK, good one McCullough. And 27 posts too.

  27. Hugh Ripper says:

    #3 Paddy-O

    Honestly you must be delusional, or seen too many Hollywood movies, to think that owning weapons will somehow allow you to defend yourself from the government. The state will ALWAYS have greater firepower and tactics and will kick your ass without blinking an eye.

    I get the whole ‘right to bear arms’ thing and I realize that in some countries with high firearm ownership its not much of a problem (for example Switzerland, Norway and Canada, but why does America have so many gun homicides?

    I’m glad guns are tightly controlled here in Oz. The people most likely to want them are generally the people who cant be trusted with them. Then again here in Victoria neither can the police. 😉

  28. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    Hugh Ripper:

    Oh don’t be silly Hugh, we all know that the more people who have firearms, especially big-ass high powered automatic firearms that can shoot millions of bullets a second and go through things like concrete and armour platting, the safer the civilian population is and the more democrat, free, happy and secure their nation will be. I mean, just look at….




  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Hugh,

    I understand your attempt to be reasonable and logical. Yet, you are wasting your time with Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath.

  30. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #27 Mr FuseBox – If PattyHo did that he/she wouldn’t be able to get off any leg shots he/she is so good at. Every time I see someone on crutches I will think of PattyHo.
    I have a mental image of PattyHo where he/she is in the backyard wearing a cowboy hat and holster practicing those famous leg shots on a bunch of mannequin legs sitting on a fence.


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