This woman is insane… but at least we only have two more days of this nonsense.

  1. Esteban says:

    I’m not so sure about that guy’s sign. It says “Obama for Mercedes-Benz” – not the best message for Michigan voters.

  2. QB says:

    I keep saying, eggs and toilet paper are the answer here.

  3. Libertican says:

    Yes, her decision was damn inappropriate for Halloween, but the Obama supporter sign was more reflective of his campaign, “CANDY FOR EVERYONE!”

  4. Brandon says:

    Wait, you mean someone said that conditions should be placed on handouts? This cannot stand, let’s vilify them in the media!

  5. mthrnite says:

    Elizabeth Dole! NOoooooOOOoOoo! RUN CHILDREN, RUN!

  6. jbenson2 says:


    Mr. Pot let me introduce you to Mr. Kettle

  7. Matt says:

    Some people should just not be allowed to vote.

  8. admfubar says:

    hhmmm i wonder how many of those kids just lied to get their candy.

  9. QB says:

    Was anybody a Bob Barr supporter?

  10. Dallas says:

    Oh my, it made Fox News on television!

    Now, THAT’s the news right there. I think a special investigative report on this is warranted.

  11. Said says:

    #2 – We had a a special way of handling people like this when I was a kid. Not everyone had clothes driers and most hung their laundry on the clothes line. We would take the sheets down and lay them on the ground, take a crap on them, fold it over and stomp it in, then stretch it out and hang it back on the line. Life was so much simpler then.

  12. Buzz says:



    I think the notion of party political division should be extended to a wider range of American Activities.

    Perhaps a political decision should be invoked for inclusion in receiving services such as water, power, gas and/or driving licenses. If it were to come to pass that, say, McCain won the election, all Democrats would be cut off from their ability to purchase gas, use public thoroughfares, buy food and have potable water delivered to their taps.

    Pretty soon, we would have that best of all possible worlds, the one-party system. And Shirley Nagel of Gross Pointe Farms will be memorialized in bronze as the Rosa Parks of the new Republican Age.

    And as an unanticipated benefit, the growth of infrastructure and millions of jobs needed to bury all those dead Democrats would produce a positive effect on the economy, shrink the population and reduce greenhouse gases, due to the lowered drain on resources.

    Then Palin / Nagel would become America’s first all-woman ticket in 2012, with an almost-guaranteed shot at success.

    What a daring move by this courageous maverick. She has shown us how democratic systems of exclusion can work for the greater good.

    Hats off to simple decisions and minimum effort.

    By sitting on our hands we, too, can eradicate social norms, produce change we can believe in and erase the scourge of community organizers from our precious land.




  13. Brian says:

    I’m guessing she had a ‘yes on 8’ banner in her yard too.

    While its well within her right to do this, it is just idiotic to the nth degree to do so.

    What a buffoon. Will her head explode on Tuesday if Obama is elected? What will she do next year?

  14. onomontapeia says:

    Totally unbiased reporting, it’s Pulitzer time!
    I missed it, what was her address and phone number again?

  15. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #14 – Shirley Nagle in Grosse Point. Someone should find a person with the same name in another state and send a change of address, she’ll be a long time trying to unfuck that.

  16. Alex Wollangk says:

    #6: The difference between the videos is in the kids singing about change and unity nobody said you are wrong for voting for McCain. No mention is made of McCain or his supporters at all. (On the other hand, while it is cute and heart warming, I find myself really hoping that nobody’s vote was changed by it.)

    Even if the woman had just said that Obama was a liar and trickster I would have said she was expressing her opinion and it wouldn’t really have reflected negatively on her personally.

    The main gripe I have with this is she is saying that anyone who supports Obama is a liar and a trickster. That’s where it crosses the line from someone I respect, but disagree with to someone I have less respect for.

    If I had been there I would have asked her why she’s going to so much difficulty to only give McCain-Palin materials to people who are already going to vote for McCain. Kinda seems like she’s trying to avoid being challenged about her voting choice to me…

    Of course, even though I find it fairly repugnant personally I’d still fight for her right to do it. I do *NOT* have the right to not be offended.

  17. mthrnite says:

    #12 (Buzz)
    I’ve heard of slippery slopes before, but that there’s an example of a greasy cliff! 🙂

  18. JMcC says:

    We distance ourselves from her because of her very own words.

    She said, “Everybody has a choice.”

    Little jerk.

  19. DJ says:

    Try Google Maps’ Street View on this:

    465 Belanger St, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48236

    Pan a little to the right.

    It’s getting tougher to be an ass in the information age. It’s a perfect match to online white pages references and the night shot of the FOX 2 NEWS reporter’s over-the-shoulder shot.

    Wasn’t the first part of the bargain “TRICK, OR…”

    Q: Is there an implied time limit on Part A, since obviously Part B was not fulfilled?

    Discuss this among yourselves.

  20. Special Ed says:

    #19 – Now that Google has their own fighter jet, it would be nice if we could just call in our own air strike. I’d pay another $20 a month for that capability.

  21. troublemaker says:

    Americans are the stupidest people in the history of the planet.

  22. Winston Smith says:

    That woman exemlpifies the politics of exclusion that the McCain campaign has been waging: “If you don’t support my guy then you are not a real American. And since you aren’t a real American you don’t get any candy.”

    I don’t think the best way to attract people to your side is to antagonize them.

  23. Esteban says:

    #21. That woman does not speak for America. Hell, she lives five miles from Canada

  24. hhopper says:

    Nothing unusual… typical McCain supporter.

  25. Little Johnnie says:

    Maybe this explains why James Hill has been so quiet – he’s heading over there to propose to the bitch as we speak. 🙂

  26. Special Ed says:

    #25 – She wouldn’t like James Hill, he’s hung like an elevator button.

  27. foxnews says:

    There is NOTHING WRONG with what she did. The purpose of elections is to get the most votes!!! So if she can convince all the trick-or-treaters to vote on our side, we will win on Tuesday. Geez, you liberals just don’t get it do you? You must have less education than our core base.

  28. Herspanic says:

    #27 – Hey, shove this up your core base!

  29. DJ says:

    #27 (foxnews) Would there be anything wrong with a private school teacher sending back non-subscribing (free) students and refusing them an education based on their parents’ politics?

    Or how about gas stations that refused to do business with anyone affiliated with, say, the AAA?

    What if Shirley Nagel refused to dole out candy to children of gay parents? What about refusing jewish kids? Or christian kids? Or hindu kids? Or the children of kids whose parents -gasp- dance????

    Trick or Treat is a social festival, not a political football. If you give out candy at all, it is understood universally that it’s an equal spookertunity situation.

    Flying in the face of society is not illegal, but it isn’t RIGHT to punish children for the political beliefs and alignments of their parents.

    Just to review: When something is the opposite of RIGHT, its (_________).

    (The actual Fox News supports some pretty Keith Rupert Murdochian oddities such as anti-competitive business dealings and flipping the editorial stance of the whole organization to fit with the current political wind. Weasles.)

  30. GF says:

    What she should have done instead is give them some food stamps or some get out of jail for free cards or a voucher for 1 month free rent in the projects. Now that would have been Hilarious.

    Yeah, that ain’t right.


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