This woman is insane… but at least we only have two more days of this nonsense.
The Halloween Candy Nazi sez “Vote for McCain or… NO CANDY FOR YOU!”
By McCullough Sunday November 2, 2008
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I only give candy to white racial loyalists.
I would have sympathy for the woman if she said, “Ralph Nader is scary”, but alas, she didn’t, so …
Stupid stuff. I just turn the lights out and hope the brats stay away. I am sure the Obamans think nothing at all of the way most kids, like mine, are beaten up for even questioning Barama’s policies and history at school. This country is on a long, long, downward slide, starting now, unless McCain wins. And what was that little thing Barama wants…the “civilian security force, as powerful and as well funded as the military”? I am sure they will deal with this woman if Barry gets in.
Halloween, lib’s favorite holiday. It’s just a continuation of their lifestyle. Dress up and act like someone they are not, invade peoples privacy by knocking on the door to ask for something for free. Give me, give me.. Fuck’em. Should have given them (BO supporters) granola, used pair of birkenstocks and a block of Gov cheese.
First candy redistribution, the communism! Say not to candy redistributionists!
When Obama is president, candy will be taken from the rich kids and given to the poor kids.
The following year the rich kids won’t bother going out because they know their candy will be taken away from them. So no one gets candy.
This is all wrong. The woman should have reached into the Obama children’s bag and taken out a piece of candy and given that candy to the homeless.
If she was a good Republican, she’d say “No candy except for kids that already have way more candy than they could ever eat in ten lifetimes.”
#36 (chuck). I think that Obama would only apply this to children with annual incomes of $250,000 or more.
I feel kind of bad for McCain. It makes you wonder how many new Obama supporters she created that night.
Listen to the angry, angry little McCainites on here spewing their venom. Talking about Obama being a ‘redistributor’, as if they just got done watching fixed news and repeating everything they heard like the mindless zombies they are.
Psst…every tax plan is a ‘redistribution’ of wealth, you dopes. The sooner you wake up from your fixed news overlords and start thinking for yourselves, the better off you’ll be.
If Obama wins Tuesday, I hope to god all these mindless, brainless, zombies go back to their holes and are never heard from again. They won’t have a corrupt administration to follow anymore, and life might return to normal.
I expect the popping sounds you hear on Tuesday night in case of an Obama win to be these dopes’ heads exploding in rage.
Some people are just F**ked.
Trick or treat! It’s her money, her candy, her property. She can do what she wants. Next year, the parents know not to ring her doorbell. That’s all. Freedom of choice goes both ways.
#21, trouble,
Americans are the stupidest people in the history of the planet.
Yet they are still smarter than the rest.
#43, Miss,
All very true. Just remember though, in the Republican tradition of invading small countries that offend American (Republican) sensibilities, the local juvenile delinquents could also decorate her house and property for her in toilet paper and rotten fruit.
Call it “tit for tat” or retribution or what have you. Most parents see this as an attack on their children, not them. Besides, she gave out apples, Rice Krispy Treats, and corn balls instead of real candy.
#45 Mr.,
The best retribution would be to ignore her. I somehow suspect that if retribution occurs it wouldn’t be juvenile delinquents that decorate her home. I suspect the parents of the JD’s will be involved, they’re usually the main suspects around here where I live when something bad happens.
She gave out apples!! How horrible to give out healthy food instead of real “bad for your teeth and blood sugars” candy. The horror of it! ROFLMAO!!
No soup for you!
That is okay. Some fucking hippy with her kid came by my house on Halloween. After giving her daughter a few obligatory pieces of candy she had the nerve to say, “Peace…and vote for Obama.” The gall of such assholes to go and politicize Halloween with such utter shit. She could have been pro-Republican and my response would still be the same. Hey lady – do the world a favor and stand in front of an x-ray machine. Thanks. Halloween is about costumes and candy…not politics.
#48, Joe,
I hear you but think you protest too much. She wishes you peace and you wish her to stand in front of an X-ray machine? Yup, that shows your priorities. Did the kids trample your “KEEP OFF THE LAWN” sign too?
#48 Joe Seefus, 20/20 hindsight here, but wouldn’t it been funny to tell the little girl to take that candy and give it to her mom, so she could give it to some other kid that didn’t bother going out that night?
#50 GF, “Every conversation will be how terrible things are and why hasn’t Obama done this or that.”
Enter the Republican landslide in 4 years.
LoL. – Somebody hasn’t been taking their meds again..
Perhaps she’s related to that chubby McCain volunteer girl that carved a backwards “B” in her own face?
We are all americans and the world is watching I like obama but I don’t dislike mccain he is american and a good man I just don’t agree with his views but I still respect him why can’t we all “get along” we are all americans. Soooo very sad. So much hate.
Racists are choosing Obama because he is black.
In America of 2008 there is only one type racism left: black racism towards whites.
Majority of blacks hate whites just because of their skin color, basically it is the same as whites used to perceive blacks in the past.
While nowadays very few whites are racist, it is the blacks who continue this shameful american tradition.
#54, fu
Then you haven’t been around where I live. Racism is alive and well thank you. No, not a majority by a long shot, BUT enough to be noticed.
And I’ll bet there is at least one where you live.