The Canadian Press: Quebec comedy duo talks porn and politics with oblivious Sarah Palin

OK! I’m Guilty of Taking a Phone Call

I listened to this thing and I’m not hearing any real “gushing,” but more of an “are you kidding me” politeness. There is not one media outlet that doesn’t go out of its way to make Palin sound like an idiot for chatting with this fake. It’s actually sick. The response is sick and the analysis is ridiculous. This is an example (below) of “reporting” on this incident.

This is not so much Palin’s screw-up but again the campaign management who should screen and research calls. How exactly is this woman supposed to know how this guys sounds? And what was she supposed to say? He’s a known pro-American nutball. And could have this same gag been pulled on Biden or Obama or anyone?

MONTREAL — In an over-the-top accent, one half of a notorious Quebec comedy duo claims to be the president of France as he describes sex with his famous wife, the joy of killing animals and Hustler magazine’s latest Sarah Palin porno spoof.

At the other end of the line? An oblivious Sarah Palin.

The Masked Avengers, a radio pairing notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state, notched its latest victory Saturday when it released a recording of a six-minute call with Palin, who thought she was talking with Nicolas Sarkozy.

Throughout the call, which was making the rounds in U.S. political circles by day’s end Saturday, Palin and the pranksters discuss politics, pundits, and the perils of going hunting with Vice-President Dick Cheney.

“We have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you,” Palin gushes, evidently unaware she’s speaking to an infamous Quebec comedian named Marc-Antoine Audette.

And she was supposed to know this joker and immediately tell him to screw himself? Apparently, according to the media.

Note the word “oblivious” and the description “gushes.” All these pieces are loaded with slanted language. It’s getting too obvious.

What’s interesting to me is that the Canadian politicians are commonly punk’d and messed around with like this by various comics, especially the crew of This Hour has 22 Minutes. None of it EVER makes the newspaper as NEWS. Why is this incident suddenly news?

The level of out-and-out hatred and ridicule this woman generated by the media and the Democrats is beyond flabbergasting. Cripes, what horrible thing did she do beside shoot a moose and talk a little funny (to some). The coverage of this incident is the topper. Now it’s just out-and-out rude.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    #59 – brm

    >>When a woman is unpopular, she’s a “bitch”
    >>or a “cunt” and she’s going to get “raped.”

    Huh? wtf are you talking about? The only use of terms like that that I am are aware of is when McBush roared at his wife “AT LEAST I DON’T PLASTER ON THE MAKE-UP LIKE A TROLLOP, YOU C&NT!!!!”

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #69 – Jean du Nord

    >>You make us think that you’ve got a crush on

    Lots of right-wingers have a crush on Sarah. Why do you think they trotted her out?

    If she had a résumé like she does and looked like Janet Reno, she never would have made it to Governor of Alaska, much less candidate for vice-POTUS.

  3. Raster says:

    Hmmmm, it sounds dubious.

    Either an intentional audio re-edit, or canned responses on the other side.

    Another non-issue.

  4. brm says:

    #58: Mustard

    “If he has ‘crushing debt’, how does he manage to maintain a positive net worth”


    Biden’s house is worth over $2mil, and his net worth is $150k.

    “maybe it’s medical bills for the two sons who were not killed in the accident with his wife.”

    Probably not. I’m not sure when the Senate health insurance kicks in, but this happened after he won the election. He probably had insurance before he won the election. This also happened 36 years ago.

    And when questioned about his worth, he never mentions hospital bills, just tuition bills. If he had two kids paying full price at private colleges, he’d still have $100k in cash every year while they were in school. It doesn’t make sense.

    As a Senator he’s made over $6mil in (roughly) adjusted dollars. What did he do, stick it all under the mattress? He should be a multi-millionaire, and the fact that he isn’t doesn’t say much about him.

  5. brm says:

    #62 Mustard:

    “Huh? wtf are you talking about?”

    I’m talking about what I see on TV and what I hear on the street. It’s mostly anecdotal. I’m shocked that supposedly progressive people hurl the most sexist slurs at this woman. That’s all.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #65 – brm

    >>Biden’s house is worth over $2mil, and his
    >>net worth is $150k.

    His house is actually WORTH between $500,000 and $1,000,000, according to financial records. But he doesn’t OWN the whole thing. You may have heard of “mortgages”? He didn’t buy his house that long ago, so most of it belongs to the bank. And then he took out a second mortgage for college expenses. So who knows what his equity in the house is, but it’s sure as shit not $2 million.

    And why are you so interested in Biden’s finances anyway? It’s not like he’s taking $5 checks on the sly from his illegal-alien half-aunt in the public housing project whom he hasn’t seen in 30 years, or anything.

    The more the right wing tries to manufacture some “scandal” involving the Obama/ Biden ticket, the more laughable they look.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #66 – brm

    >>I’m talking about what I see on TV and what
    >>I hear on the street.

    Gosh. You hear that shit on TV? You must subscribe to the dirty channels, or something. They don’t do no talkin’ like that on MY TV set.

    And if you hear it on the street, you might thinking about moving to a better neighborhood. Even when I go to Wal*Mart, I don’t hear that kind of vocabulary being used by the patrons.

    In fact, the only time I can recall any politicallly-connected person desribed in those terms, it was when McBush roared at his wife “AT LEAST I DON’T PLASTER ON THE MAKE-UP LIKE A TROLLOP, YOU C&NT!!!!”.

  8. JCD's Lovechild says:

    What’s French for untalented doofus comedians?

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Not to worry… If Sarah ever makes it to the White House, I’m sure Jesus will screen her phone calls much better than these incompetent aides of hers. He even washed the feet of his disciples once, so I’m sure that screening phone calls is not too menial a task for the Savior.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    She’s almost as dumb as Pres. Jacques Chirac. Almost.

  11. brm says:

    #67: Mustard

    “His house is actually WORTH between $500,000 and $1,000,000”

    OK, I saw $2mil. Whatever, doesn’t matter, because it still means that the only wealth he has is in his home, which is what concerns me.

    “And then he took out a second mortgage for college expenses.”

    Yeah, I keep hearing this, but when you compare a Senator’s salary to the cost of private college, and consider the number of children he has, it doesn’t add up. Sorry.

    “And why are you so interested in Biden’s finances anyway?”

    Because it indicates he can’t manage his own money. It suggests incompetence. Particularly, incompetence with money. And since Obama’s campaign keeps hammering on about the economy, it’s relevant. It just is.

    Start telling middle class people that Biden is worth $150k and pay attention to the reactions. Regular people can’t believe this.

    “The more the right wing tries to manufacture some ‘scandal'”

    This isn’t a scandal, it’s a fact. The man is worth $150k. Anyone who owns anything finds this shocking. He’s either lying, or he can’t manage a household, and that’s a problem, whether you want to admit it or not.

  12. brm says:

    #68: Mustard

    “You hear that shit on TV?”

    OK, I read the “rape” thing.

    “And if you hear it on the street, you might thinking about moving to a better neighborhood. Even when I go to Wal*Mart, I don’t hear that kind of vocabulary being used by the patrons.”

    I live in a college town. The one place I hear this stuff the most is at the cafe I frequent, where every car in the parking lot is plastered with Obama stickers.

    I hear this talk on campus, and not just from undergrads.

    My city is surrounded by conservatives, and out there when Hillary was running, I never heard such sexist, violent talk. Yeah, people hated her, but rarely did anyone call her a “cunt” or a “bitch.”

    This is anecdotal.

  13. Brian says:

    It’s funny that the moronic right wing flakes, instead of trying to defend Palin, instead start taking shots at Dems. Typical aggressive moves that have gotten them ousted out of the house and senate, and about to get them kicked out of the white house too.

    Oh noes, what are you clowns going to do when you no longer have a corrupt administration in power furthering your corruption?

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #72 – brm

    pffft. Looks like a tempest in a teacup, to me. I’m not really interested in how much the guy is worth, but I’m sure if it’s that important to you, you could scour through his financial records and find out what he does with his $160K salary.

    Biden’s not worth enough, Obama is worth too much, Obama doesn’t take care of his half-aunt, Obama has secret financial dealings with his half-aunt, blah blah. Hey, maybe Biden is supporting half-relatives (or even full ones) somewhere, and that’s why he doesn’t have enough money. You’d criticize him for that too.

    I’m sure if there were anything fishy about his finances, Anal Cyst Limbaugh and the rest of the talk-radio wingnuts would have been trumpeting it from the highest stall in the men’s room from the day his selection was announced.

    The harder they try to find something, and the more empty-handed they come up, the more evident the desperation becomes.

  15. Wretched Gnu says:

    Let me explain, John: The woman’s stupidity gets to be ridiculed because she herself has made “intellectual elitism” — the idea that an Ivy-league education is a bad thing — a centerpiece of her campaign.

    If she doesn’t want to burn, she shouldn’t be lighting fires…

  16. QB says:

    # 55 GregA said “It wasn’t the civil war. The civil war was just the culmination of a 400 year old stain on the USA. Slavery and its legacy, is the sin that still affects the US today.”

    I agree about slavery and it’s long term effects. But I look at the civil war since it created the angry (and fearful) white voter which lives in the Republican base these days. Before any Dems become self righteous, the Democrats owned this demographic until Nixon and Buchanan took them away in 68.

    I believe it’s changing and an Obama win (setting aside politics for a secnd) will go a long way to changing the US for the better. I also think that if the US can move beyond this inner hatred it will improve global competitiveness and renewed national pride.

  17. brm says:

    #72: Mustard

    You want to attack Palin for lack of experience, fine. I agree with you about that, and I don’t like her either. But don’t get all bent out of shape when someone points out Biden’s lack of experience.

    Sure, he has more diplomatic experience than Palin. That’s a fact. But he obviously doesn’t have the ability to manage a household economy, which casts doubt on his ability to manage and understand a national economy.

    People have been trying to bring up Biden’s finances, but the media keeps touting his being broke as a good thing. Like he’s just a regular guy. Well, all the regular people I know think he’s a bum, because they were able to accrue more wealth than him by working in factories, for crying out loud.

    You want to keep pointing out Palin’s lack of experience, fine. Biden also appears to lack a particular kind of experience, and I’m bringing it up.

    But any time anyone has a serious question about the Obama or Biden, you all refuse to answer and call it “desperation.”


  18. brm says:


    “The woman’s stupidity gets to be ridiculed because she herself has made ‘intellectual elitism’ — the idea that an Ivy-league education is a bad thing — a centerpiece of her campaign.”

    Really? I’m being serious here – could you give me a reference?

  19. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    One upside to McCain’s choice of Palin as his running mate is that we now have an opportunity for an updated sports metaphor. A high-risk strategic move with a potentially high payoff, the game-winning long bomb, can now be called a “Hail Palin” pass.

    “Hail Mary” always seemed a little too Catholic for Protestants to feel really comfortable using it 😉

  20. QB says:

    Gary, the dangerous infidel always cracks me up.

  21. bobbo says:

    Didn’t Palin say she could see Canada from her House==or was that Tina Fey? In either case, sounds like she’s too busy reading every newspaper in the world to listen to her neighbors radio/tv?

    Simple lack of staff competency==which all derives from the top.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:


    So what is the problem? Biden is more of a working “Joe” than any Republican Senator. He is not living off of inherited wealth. He has earned every dollar he has.

    You might not realize it but most politicians give away more money to local charities than they earn from their salaries. That includes both parties. Since most politicians have some wealth behind them, this is not as big a drain on their salaries as someone like Joe Biden finds it.

    I don’t know of any Senator or Congressman who didn’t take a salary cut to become a Federal representative. The same for almost all Federal and State Appeal Judges.

  23. brendal says:

    Thank you, John, for being a voice of reason in this mayhem. It’s all too pathetic…

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #78 brm

    >>But he obviously doesn’t have the ability to
    >>manage a household economy, which casts
    >>doubt on his ability to manage and
    >>understand a national economy.

    His “inability to manage a household economy has yet to be determined. If someone comes up with evidence of a gambling habit, or a Spitzer-like prediliction for high-priced whores, or he just buys too many video games and Chex Mix, I’ll be willing to listen.

    So far, I’ve seen nothing. And you KNOW that they’ve been digging. So as far as I can tell, he’s just a guy who, unlike most senators, isn’t a millionaire. Maybe his wife pays the bills, and she’s not good balancing the checkbook. At least we know he’s not taking millions under the table from the oil lobby.

    >>People have been trying to bring up Biden’s
    >>finances, but the media keeps touting his
    >>being broke as a good thing.

    He’s not broke. He just doesn’t have millions socked away in a trust fund or an offshore bank account. He lives comfortably, he can even afford to take the train from Wilmington to DC every day to be home with his family. That will run him $80 – $100 per day, although I think you can get a discount pass if you take that train every day.

    And there’s more to “the media” than just the liberal, elite, well-educated Drive-By Media, you know. If there was anything to find here, you can rest assured that Anal Cyst Limbaugh or Loofah Pad O’Reilly or that nut Michael Savage (formerly known as Michael Wiener, before he became a soi-disant “pundint” [as Johnny Mac calls pundits]) would have found it by now.

    >>But any time anyone has a serious question
    >>about the Obama or Biden, you all refuse to
    >>answer and call it “desperation.”

    I haven’t seen any “serious questinos” about Obama or Biden.

    You’re not privy to how Biden balances his checkbook. And you don’t like that. That’s not a serious problem.

    Obama has a long-lost distant relative that was sending in $5 and $10 checks to his ccampaign. OK, if everything they say is true he should return the money. That’s about 1/1000th the severity of an overtime parking meter ticket. Not a serious problem.

    He didn’t financially support his long-lost distant relative, because he didn’t know she needed help. BFD. That’s not a serious problem either.

    Are there any other “serious problems” I’ve missed?

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #84 – Brenda Lee

    >>Thank you, John, for being a voice of reason
    >>in this mayhem.

    Tee hee! Brenda Lee! A spittle-flecked rant about how mean those nasty shock jocks are being to the pretty little miss from the frozen north is “a voice of reason”??

  26. QB says:

    Mustard, do you have another vacation planned soon?

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Mister Mustard and brm, I think I’ve figured out why Biden has such a low net worth. I think he ended up getting stuck for the home renovation bills that Senator Ted Stevens owed but claimed that he never received. Those bills were just sent to the wrong address, and if Biden hadn’t paid them, he’d be worth almost half a mil.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #87 – Cubie

    Not until after the election. I want to see Obama sweep the elections.

    Maybe I’ll even wait until after the Electoral College votes, to keep an eye on any so-called “faithless delegates” who may try to give us a perfect hat trick of three flawed elections in a row by voting for The Wrinkly White-Haired Guy.

  29. brm says:

    #83: Mr. Fusion

    “So what is the problem? Biden is more of a working ‘Joe’ than any Republican Senator. He is not living off of inherited wealth. He has earned every dollar he has.”

    Biden is not a “working Joe.” He is a lawyer, who became a Senator. Nothing wrong with that, but he’s not “working class.”

    What’s ignorant, and offensive, is equating “being broke” with “working class,” which is what you’re trying to do. I’m sick of these elitists claiming to understand the American working class, and believing that the working class wear the badge of poverty like it’s some kind of honor.

    I come from a working class family and a working class town. We worked in factories. That’s just a fact. I don’t have working class pride, but I’m not ashamed of it either. It is what it is.

    My relatives all told me, “get an education, become a professional. move up.” Part of moving up is accumulating wealth. Saving money. Making sure you have enough to fall back on if times get tough. Saving money and moving up, these are working class values.

    Some of the working class just don’t make enough these days to save very much. That’s also just a fact. But what galls most of us is when we see some guy, who has been making almost $200k a year, for 36 years, with all the perks that come with being a Senator, and he has NO savings.

    We think he’s a bum, an idiot, or worse, that in his arrogance he blew through the money as he made it because he knew he had one of the most secure jobs in the country.

    So if you want to go on and on about how Biden understand working class folk, fine. But we don’t understand him – we don’t understand how someone could be so careless with their money.

  30. brm says:

    #85: Mustard

    “Obama has a long-lost distant relative that was sending in $5 and $10 checks to his ccampaign.”

    I have not mentioned this once. I’m talking only about Biden’s net worth, and how I believe it is an indicator of his experience managing his personal affairs, and a small economy. That’s all.

    We’re discussing the relative experience of the VP candidates.


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