The Canadian Press: Quebec comedy duo talks porn and politics with oblivious Sarah Palin

OK! I’m Guilty of Taking a Phone Call

I listened to this thing and I’m not hearing any real “gushing,” but more of an “are you kidding me” politeness. There is not one media outlet that doesn’t go out of its way to make Palin sound like an idiot for chatting with this fake. It’s actually sick. The response is sick and the analysis is ridiculous. This is an example (below) of “reporting” on this incident.

This is not so much Palin’s screw-up but again the campaign management who should screen and research calls. How exactly is this woman supposed to know how this guys sounds? And what was she supposed to say? He’s a known pro-American nutball. And could have this same gag been pulled on Biden or Obama or anyone?

MONTREAL — In an over-the-top accent, one half of a notorious Quebec comedy duo claims to be the president of France as he describes sex with his famous wife, the joy of killing animals and Hustler magazine’s latest Sarah Palin porno spoof.

At the other end of the line? An oblivious Sarah Palin.

The Masked Avengers, a radio pairing notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state, notched its latest victory Saturday when it released a recording of a six-minute call with Palin, who thought she was talking with Nicolas Sarkozy.

Throughout the call, which was making the rounds in U.S. political circles by day’s end Saturday, Palin and the pranksters discuss politics, pundits, and the perils of going hunting with Vice-President Dick Cheney.

“We have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you,” Palin gushes, evidently unaware she’s speaking to an infamous Quebec comedian named Marc-Antoine Audette.

And she was supposed to know this joker and immediately tell him to screw himself? Apparently, according to the media.

Note the word “oblivious” and the description “gushes.” All these pieces are loaded with slanted language. It’s getting too obvious.

What’s interesting to me is that the Canadian politicians are commonly punk’d and messed around with like this by various comics, especially the crew of This Hour has 22 Minutes. None of it EVER makes the newspaper as NEWS. Why is this incident suddenly news?

The level of out-and-out hatred and ridicule this woman generated by the media and the Democrats is beyond flabbergasting. Cripes, what horrible thing did she do beside shoot a moose and talk a little funny (to some). The coverage of this incident is the topper. Now it’s just out-and-out rude.

  1. jccalhoun says:

    What a Canadian newspaper is gloating that some Canadians were able to pull a joke on an American politician? Who would have thought it?!? Call me crazy but if it had been Obama or Biden would have fallen for this (and how do we know that these guys didn’t try to get through to them?) but the Canadian media would be gloating about it as well.

    As far as the hatred for her. Yes, it is pretty amazing. Thankfully the Democratic candidate doesn’t have that kind of hatred aimed at him or anything…

  2. brendal says:

    Canada is a country because we let them be a country. Fact.

  3. qsabe says:

    I thought the intelligence of a giggly little girl was cute. Unfortunately, our president should be more than cute. McCain let slip his decision making process when he referred to her as the breast candidate for the VP job during an interview.

  4. Boo-hooo, John says:

    Incredible that John feels the need to defend the VP-candidate.

    Just sad.

  5. doug says:

    yes, this prank was mighty mean. But I cannot see Palin as merely the victim of a hostile press. She is the victim of an incompetently run presidential campaign.

    Of course she is not qualified to be either VP or President. That’s the start of it – picking her was a PR stunt to try to peel off some Hillary voters (bad move) and shore up the base (oops, sent those moderates and independents scurrying over to Obama, or just staying home).

    then the McCain campaign’s efforts to make seem qualified (she commanded the Alaska National Guard!) as well as here own (“When Putin sends bombers towards the US, they fly towards Alaska! My state borders TWO countries!”) were the beginnings of the bad joke.

    After the disastrous Gibson and Couric interviews, it was becoming clear by this point that, not only was Palin not qualified for the VP spot, she was not qualified to even campaign for the VP spot.

    so, if you are running the show in McCain HQ, you think you need to proceed with great caution, right? except that keeping her away from the press then becomes the story, highlighting how little confidence you have in her (kind of the way the muzzling of Joe Biden became a story after his last gaffe).

    just when they should know better, here comes the Wardrobe Malfunction, which was basically the campaign inadvertently tearing down the “I’m a hockey mom!” image the campaign built for her.

    then, when everyone in the campaign should be rallying around her, instead you have people talking on background about her being a “diva” and a “whack-job.”

    all through this, they set her up in the attack dog role (traditional for VPs), but that makes her a legitimate target for just about every attack. by this point, her gaffes have made it a fish-barrel shoot.

    the Sarah Palin story is not only the story of someone reaching for a spot she is not nearly qualified for, it is the story of one wildly mismanaged presidential campaign.

  6. Special Ed says:

    He even mentioned “Nailin’ Palin” and it went right over her head. She cannot listen and is too focused on what she is going to say next. It kills me because her voice sounds like Roseanne Barr which in itself is annoying.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    The level of out-and-out hatred and ridicule this woman generated by the media and the Democrats is beyond flabbergasting.

    Cry me a river, John.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #32 – brendal – Canada is a country because we let them be a country. Fact.

    Perhaps you could spend some of that $60M in VC money to educate yourself?

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    That this call got thru to her speaks to the ineptitude of her handlers. Unless a McCain loyalist allowed it as payback for going off the McCain campaign’s script last week. I’m not attuned to the nuances, but some political pundits said she went off message to try to position herself for 2012.

    I get the feeling here in North Carolina that the state will go for Obama. When I voted early Saturday, there were 3 Democratic volunteers handing out voting guides for every Republican volunteer. Most people in line seemed grateful for the brochures and were interested in how to vote a straight democratic ticket. And I reside in a very heavy Republican county.

    Another nugget of information gleaned this weekend. Barak Obama shares a trait with our current President. He can not bring himself to ever admit a mistake, to the point of arrogance. Democratic mouthpieces have gone so far as to say this is what allowed him to rise from the mean streets of Hawaii, etc. It’s enough to make me puke.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – SpED

    >>He even mentioned “Nailin’ Palin” and it
    >>went right over her head.

    Yeah, that was amazing. If she were some kind of loosie-goosie free-sex/ free-love libertine, it might have been explained by her just trying to be polite.

    But you KNOW that, as a holy-rolling far-right tightass, she would have jumped all over him for even mentioning Nailin’ Palin. (That’s about on par with asking how she liked it that her teen daughter was getting schtupped and knocked up without The Bonds of Holy Matrimony). That is, if she had the ability to comprehend the basics of a conversation she was having.

  11. Kicza says:

    Palin’s ego took my breath away. She expected the leader of a foreign nation to be on the line WAITING FOR HER!!! It is as if Copernicus was wrong and in her warped little mind the universe revolves around her.

  12. Proud Alien says:

    #37 Ditto. As Hillary put it: can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #42 – Mikey Twit

    >>Really. I think you underestimate Canadians
    >>very severely.

    Don’t mind Brenda Lee. She just comes here once in a while to do a drive-by posting, or to brag about her imaginary accomplishments.

  14. QB says:

    The reactions are “interesting”. The indignant righteousness on all sides explains a lot.

    As a Canadian I can tell you, we don’t like her politics, but she can take a joke (as well as dish it out). Her popularity in Canada just tripled overnight.

    In the coming months, I betcha she gets these guys back. And she’ll go to Quebec, and other parts of Canada, probably hunt and fish, and expand her horizons. And you know what? She’ll be welcome.

  15. oldhorse says:

    It is clear to me now Canada IS the 51st state of the US.

  16. Carcarius says:

    #45 Take her, she’s all yours. 🙂

  17. QB says:

    #47 Don’t we’ll send her back. She couldn’t get a work visa.

  18. If you think Sarah Palin is a dumbass or dingbat, then list reasons why and vote for the opposition to her. Is that so hard?

    No, but this generous audience wants to make her fall on a banana peel so they can laugh their asses off like 10-year-olds flipping boogers in-between pranks on the girls in class. How endearing.

    I’m not getting exactly why public humiliation has become so acceptable as a tactic. The YouTube fetish generation.

  19. jccalhoun says:

    These damn kids today!

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #49 – Mr. Dvorak

    >>I’m not getting exactly why public
    >>humiliation has become so acceptable as a

    I don’t recall anyone saying that public humiliation was “so acceptable as a tactic”. Most of the posts seem to be related to her woeful inadequacy to perform the job she’s applying for.

    By trying to pass her off as a viable candidate for VP, she and the GOP brought this on themselves.

    And not to worry. It’s not just targeted at her. Remember Bill Clinton and his cigar shenannigans/ stained blue dress? Al Gore and how fat he is, and how he claimed to have “invented the internet”? Larry Craig and his WIIIIIIIIIDE stance in the MSP airport boys’ room?

    If you run for public office, you’ve got to expect to have a microscope up your ass.

    And as to your suggestion, many of the reasons she is unqualified have been listed, and most Americans are going to take your advice and vote for the opposition to her.

  21. QB says:

    #49 JCD

    Why do dogs lick their balls?

    50% of the population is below average.

    The net (youtube, social networking, etc) is no different or hateful than talk radio. The only difference is that the left gets the net, the right doesn’t.

    It’s also cultural. The US prefers this type of politics. As a Canadian, I’m baffled.

  22. QB says:

    One slight addendum. I think the US is combative since the constitutive event in your history was the Civil War.

    I honestly think the US is still shaped and recovering from that.

  23. GregA says:


    It wasn’t always that way. Prior to 2000 all politics on the web were right wing, the liberal alternative websites were a joke. The web today is the result of nearly a decade liberal activism and agitation.

  24. GregA says:


    It wasn’t the civil war. The civil war was just the culmination of a 400 year old stain on the USA. Slavery and its legacy, is the sin that still affects the US today.

    Tuesday will go a long way towards healing that rift in American culture if you are a black American. For every other American we will get to say:

    “Only in America can you go from being the son of a humble goat herder to most power person in the world”

  25. Brian says:

    What, she doesn’t deserve it?

    Give me a break…she’s a buffoon, a clown who has run Alaska like her own private playground and its all coming home to roost.

    She doesn’t deserve to be ridiculed? THEN DON’T GO ON SNL AND MAKE A MOCKERY OF YOURSELF.

    She’s got all this coming and more…she calls out Obama for saying ‘anything to get elected’, but then gives the same ‘America loves an underdog’ speech to both Florida and Boston supporters.

  26. It is so assuring to know that if that prank call comes at 3:00 AM, our dear Sarah will be ready! What a ditz. God save us all if this woman assumes the presidency!

  27. brm says:

    #15 Mustard:

    “The guy has a job, he has savings, he has no debt.”

    Actually, isn’t Biden’t crushing debt one of the reasons why his net value is so low? And a total lack of savings? As in, the only reason his net worth isn’t NEGATIVE is because of his house?

    You’re just making stuff up.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #57 – brm

    >>You’re just making stuff up.

    Looks like you’re the one just making stuff up, brm.

    I haven’t heard of Biden’s “crushing debt”. If he has “crushing debt”, how does he manage to maintain a positive net worth (albeit far less than that of Mr Cindy McCain and her father’s beer kingdom).

    If he has any “crushing debt”, maybe it’s medical bills for the two sons who were not killed in the accident with his wife.

  29. brm says:

    When a male politician is unpopular, he’s an “idiot” or a “crook.” When a woman is unpopular, she’s a “bitch” or a “cunt” and she’s going to get “raped.”

    It’s disgusting. It’s especially shocking because these outright sexist attacks are coming from so-called progressives.

    I hear people saying things like:

    “Palin is pro-life so she’s against women’s rights – what a cunt!” (women say this!)

    which to me is no different than:

    “Clarence Thomas is against affirmative action so he hates blacks – what a nigger!”

    uh, what?

  30. Jean du Nord says:

    John, eat your prunes like the nurse says. Have a nap. Tomorrow, you won’t be as (mentally) constipated to think that a crank call is worth a rant. You make us think that you’ve got a crush on Sarah!

    Advice from the depths of Canada….lighten up. It’s far funnier than Seinfeld’s Vista commercials!


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