The Canadian Press: Quebec comedy duo talks porn and politics with oblivious Sarah Palin

OK! I’m Guilty of Taking a Phone Call

I listened to this thing and I’m not hearing any real “gushing,” but more of an “are you kidding me” politeness. There is not one media outlet that doesn’t go out of its way to make Palin sound like an idiot for chatting with this fake. It’s actually sick. The response is sick and the analysis is ridiculous. This is an example (below) of “reporting” on this incident.

This is not so much Palin’s screw-up but again the campaign management who should screen and research calls. How exactly is this woman supposed to know how this guys sounds? And what was she supposed to say? He’s a known pro-American nutball. And could have this same gag been pulled on Biden or Obama or anyone?

MONTREAL — In an over-the-top accent, one half of a notorious Quebec comedy duo claims to be the president of France as he describes sex with his famous wife, the joy of killing animals and Hustler magazine’s latest Sarah Palin porno spoof.

At the other end of the line? An oblivious Sarah Palin.

The Masked Avengers, a radio pairing notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state, notched its latest victory Saturday when it released a recording of a six-minute call with Palin, who thought she was talking with Nicolas Sarkozy.

Throughout the call, which was making the rounds in U.S. political circles by day’s end Saturday, Palin and the pranksters discuss politics, pundits, and the perils of going hunting with Vice-President Dick Cheney.

“We have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you,” Palin gushes, evidently unaware she’s speaking to an infamous Quebec comedian named Marc-Antoine Audette.

And she was supposed to know this joker and immediately tell him to screw himself? Apparently, according to the media.

Note the word “oblivious” and the description “gushes.” All these pieces are loaded with slanted language. It’s getting too obvious.

What’s interesting to me is that the Canadian politicians are commonly punk’d and messed around with like this by various comics, especially the crew of This Hour has 22 Minutes. None of it EVER makes the newspaper as NEWS. Why is this incident suddenly news?

The level of out-and-out hatred and ridicule this woman generated by the media and the Democrats is beyond flabbergasting. Cripes, what horrible thing did she do beside shoot a moose and talk a little funny (to some). The coverage of this incident is the topper. Now it’s just out-and-out rude.

  1. mthrnite says:

    Yeah, practical jokes pretty much suck. I couldn’t listen to the whole thing. At least nobody’s thrown a bucket of water at her from a 3rd story window for sleeping on the hood of their car though… or dangled a rubber tarantula in front of her while she was walking down the street to make her spill her coffee.

    Pranks, practical jokes, “punking” or whatever.. it escapes me why people get such a kick out of stuff like this. I hope the story dies quick.

  2. Chris Mac says:

    I thought it was all because she’s not enough like Spock.

    But after reading that rant, I’ll assume what they want me to.

  3. brm says:

    Drastic measures are called for when a WOMAN could be one heartbeat away from running the country. We must do everything possible in ensuring the guy who has only $150k to his name is our number two.

  4. teliscop says:

    Allo Zhohn. Zis is zee praym meeneester uv Frawnce. Kood U geeve mee eh coll et 1-800-GULLIBLE?

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    Yeah, that was kind of mean.

    I zaw zees on zee news, and deed not weesh to zee eet again.

    I’m not a big fan of prank phone calls (all though it was kind of entertaining when Steve Dahl called the Tehran KFC during the Iran hostage crisis and ordered buckets of chicken for the US embassy).

    Still, this doesn’t give us much confidence in Palin answering the 3am phone calls. Jeez. Some guy calls in with an accent that doesn’t sound anything like a Parisian’s (perhaps she’s never met anyone from Paris, and can’t tell the difference between French at that unintelligible patois spoken in Québec), claims to be the President of France, and goes on to talk about Nailin’ Palin, how enjoyable it is “to take away life” while hunting from a helicopter, getting shot by Dick Cheney, screwing his wife, blah blah blah, and she STILL doesn’t realize it’s a crank call??


    What happens when some joker calls her with a 3am phone call and says “Доброе утро Madame President, this is Vladimir Putin. I am calling to inform you that we have launched nuclear warheads directed towards the 10 largest cities in the US”??

    Uh-oh. Complete global nuclear destruction

    Or do we just hope she has hired a better staff to screen her calls by then?

    Even McCain supporter, former Secretary of State Eagleburger, when asked on National Public Radio if he thought Palin would be ready to take over in a crisis, said, “Of course not.” (Of course then somebody spanked him hard, and he went back on the news and said he didn’t mean what he said).

    We’ve just got to face the facts. No matter how appealing, fresh-faced, and zippity-doo-dah-zippety-aye she is, she’s not ready to be “a heartbeat away from the presidency”.

    McCain screwed himself when he picked her as a running mate.

  6. Mark says:

    John, you don’t know why the media is harsh on Palin? How about the way McCain picked her out of nowhere then wouldn’t let the media interview her? The McCain campaign tried to sell everyone on how qualified and vetted she was, but it didn’t hold up to scrutiny. Questions needed to be answered and Palin wasn’t allowed to be interviewed. That makes people angry, because if she’s so qualified, why won’t she do interviews? People get awfully curious when someone they never heard of may become the next vice president in eight weeks and won’t talk to the press.

    Then when she did talk, it was embarrassing, and it still is embarrassing. It’s clear she was chosen because she’s pretty and a woman, rather than someone who has the experience or the intellect to be President (as that is the criteria for selecting a vice-president).

    This is what makes the left mad, is that she is woefully unqualified for the job and that the America public are being deceived again, just like the last eight years.

    On this prank though, I don’t think it’s a fair criticism of Palin, just a fair criticism of the intelligence of the people who work for her and thus most likely to get jobs in the McCain administration should they win.

  7. Buzz says:




    “Cripes, what horrible thing did she do beside shoot a moose and talk a little funny (to some).”

    She overestimated herself Big Time.

    With an outgoing personality and a bone structure that reflects light very aesthetically, she gained her political base with cute, not brains and early on showed how small town values are statistically aligned with small mind values.

    Yet when the Republican party called, of course she was ready willing and able.

    In her first hour on the national stage, it was “…whereas I was a small town mayor, and I guess that was like a community organizer—except I had ACTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES!”

    What child, student, renter or poor person had all her mayoring ever improved, for all her responsibilities?

    Small mind values.

    And as Governor, she didn’t have the temperament to keep her family business out of her political life. She was found to be up to her eyebrows in pedaling influence her ex brother in law—even unethicaly firing his boss when he didn’t follow her order to fire him.

    She took away a loyal, capable, dedicated public servant’s whole career because she said “when I say jump, you say how high,” all over a personal family matter.

    Small mind values, indeed.

    Now she has seized the day to push herself as “Palin 2012” because her continuing effervescent spirit tells her she is just that right kind of stuff. But she couldn’t find Albania, Mongolia or Norway on a map to save her soul.

    But she reads all the press material that is put in front of her and can’t name a one of them. She has a flair for international politics because Russia is visible from Little Diomede Island.

    These are NOT large mind values.

    (Actually Big Diomede is visible from Little Diomede, the two islands being at the mouth of the Chukchi Sea. Nothing of any diplomatic value is going on over at Big Diomede.

    And this writer has been to Little Diomede, but doesn’t consider himself international diplomacy-worth for having had that rare experience.)

    One thing for sure. Living in a small town gives you a small range of experiences compared to living in a bigger or large town. For one thing, it makes you inappropriately feel you are a bigger fish than you really are, in some cases.

    Traveling the world and plunging into its neighborhoods gives you a perspective that all the travel articles in magazines you can’t even remember by name won’t impart.

    Looking into a mirror and seeing aesthetic proportions and an engaging wink while telling the reflection “You can do anything you want in this world, and you don’t have to learn anything you don’t already know to achieve it,” may be some sort of American Dream story, but like Hitchkock said, “It’s only a story.”

    Beauty is only skin deep. Stupid is forever.



  8. brm says:

    #5 Mustard:

    The chances of an economic meltdown are far, far more likely to happen than nuclear war during the next four years. Aren’t you concerned that Biden, who would be “in charge” of the economy if Obama keels over, is a bum who can’t even manage his own money?

  9. TrampyKnight says:

    I am not a fan of Sarah Palin at all. I am voting for Barack. I really fear having her in office.
    I do not think this prank is funny and feel sorry for Sarah.

  10. Mikey Twit says:

    If it’s the campaign staff’s fault, who hired and approved the campaign staff, ultimately?

    And by the way, John, do a little more research about us Canucks. EVERY politician in Canada pretty much expects to be razzed by This Hour Has 22 Minutes, but the they always can tell who these guys are and play along for good humor. So they are not actually being punk’d(even the uptight conservative ones up here play along). Watch the clips and you’ll see, hence why it never makes the news.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    John, is clear that the reason they tried this on Palin and not one of the other candidates is that she was most likely to fall for it hook, line and sinker. Shes a dumbass, plain and simple, and the fact that the Republican machine lets her take these sorts of calls is testimony to the shoddy campaign they have run.

    Do you really think Obama, McCain or even Biden would have embarrassed themselves as badly?

  12. Little Man says:

    People do this crap to make themselves feel bigger than their pitiful selves. She’s the ONE out of billions of people running for vice prez, not you. Hahahahaha. That’s what’s funny, people who think they are better than anyone because they pull a prank, and then go on and on about how great they are and how “stupid the other person is”. I’ve been around tons of guys and gals like that in high school. They’re losers. Then they grow up and do this professionally. They never grow up they are always bullies and nasty pranksters, never having any consideration for others, just their egos.

    Sarah is the queen. She’s the first vice-woman-president or something like that, ever. She commands attention, throughout the universe. She’s more popular than Brittany Spears and that Lika primodonna what’s her name again, gone all politics, and religious holier-than-thou, she was popular in the 80’s, just stupid now, I just can’t remember her name, and can’t stand her anymore.

    In stark contrast, Sarah’s career has skyrocketed faster than anyone, and she can’t even sing. She draws them in, for good reason, she’s sincere, bubbly, fun, always happy, positive, AND has already proved herself as an extremely intelligent governor of a whole State, not just a school hallway, or civic committee, A WHOLE STATE to govern. Yet these idiots keep pranking, and poking as if they are smarter.


    Too funny.

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    #11 said

    >she’s sincere, bubbly, fun, always happy, >positive, AND has already proved herself as an >extremely intelligent governor of a whole State

    I hate to shock you but these are the attributes suitable for a prom queen, not president. Except for the intelligece bit, which we all know you made up.

  14. I says:

    “Now it’s just out-and-out rude.”

    The horror.

    She’ll be claiming her first amendment rights are being infringed again.

    The media goes “out of its way to make Palin sound like an idiot” – in the idiot stakes she is a self-made woman so they don’t have to go far, just quote her accurately.

    How is she to know? Phone Sarkozy back. I’m sure her secret service detail can get his number in France. If I get an email from my bank asking for my password saying ‘click here’ I get suspicious.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #8 – brm

    >>Aren’t you concerned that Biden, who would
    >>be “in charge” of the economy if Obama keels
    >>over, is a bum who can’t even manage his own

    A “bum”? What, because he’s not a multimillionaire like Mitt Romney? Because he didn’t trade up to a trophy wife like Mr. Cindy McBush?

    Sheesh. The guy has a job, he has savings, he has no debt. Not everyone is a millionaire.

    In fact, I think that makes him the Democrats’ very own personal Joe the “plumber”, except he’s a real one, not a liar and a phony like McBush’s Joe the “plumber”.

    And there’s not much chance of Obama keeling over dead in the next 8 years. It’s much more likely that the hard-partying, hard-gambling, womanizing, cancer-surviving, oldest aspirant ever to the White House would keel over from something (gunshot from the beer baroness, recurrence of cancer, etc.) in the next few years.

    I’m more concerned that a gullible, extreme right-wing, holy-rolling dimwit who can’t even hire a competent staff might take over the Oval Office.

  16. Noel says:

    As a Canadian, I feel that she definitely should know who the Prime Minister is. But I don’t suppose that many Americans are even aware that we just had an election.

  17. Pete says:

    You’re complaining that a US presidential race is RUDE? You’re being a little sexist yourself, John. “Leave that nice young lady alone you punks!”

    Also, there were plenty of large clues that it was not Sarkozy on the phone, and yes, I would expect that somebody two days away from _maybe_ being VP would be sharp and knowledgeable enough to pick up on them.

    It was a sophomoric prank, but Palin and her organization did not acquit themselves well.

    You have not acquitted yourself particularly well either in the tone of this episode of crankiness, but not to worry; you make up for it in volume.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Buzz,

    You summed it up very well.

    At first I thought this might have been over the top. Dignitaries don’t just call out of the blue. Sarkozy’s office would have made arrangements so they could both be ready at the same time.

    As Buzz said, “She overestimated herself big time.” I’ll add, so did McCain, Joe the Plumber and all those other idiots supporting her.

    Palin is upset at the media. her First Amendment rights could be endangered by what she called “attacks by the mainstream media” in response to her political attacks on the Democratic presidential nominee.

    She is shooting her own ticket.
    While the people attending the rally had on hats and shirts with McCain’s name, there were no signs and posters with McCain’s name. Overall, this was a pro-McCain rally that seemed to look more like a pro-Palin rally.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And could have this same gag been pulled on
    >>Biden or Obama or anyone?

    Uh, no. I don’t think this gag could even have been pulled on Dumbya, dumb f&ck that he is.

    Come back when you’re 60, Sarah. And get some experience in civilization in the meantime, don’t spend the years in East Bumf&ck, where you can fire your ex-brother-in-law’s boss because you’re pissed about the divorce with Sissy.


  20. J says:

    Wow! You know what?

    As stupid as those two clowns were I think she handled her self just fine.

    Her staff should be fired!

  21. Improbus says:

    Were we not warned that McCain’s people would rip her to shreds after the election? Maybe they decided not to wait. If they do, by some fluke, make it to the White House, it will be quite the dysfunctional administration.

  22. Fido says:

    It sounds like sour grapes to me John. The President of France does not speak English and only 1% on their nation want McCain and Palin to win. Hardly a reason to call up and talk porn.

    I just couldn’t imagine Cheney or Hillary Clinton being caught out this way. Not for second.

    And for the record this woman gushed.

  23. oshutupyou says:

    LOL!!! What sour grapes on display here! Sarah palin is an IDIOT, dude! At how many points during this call did the Hottest Governor With the Coldest Brain NOT think, what’s going on here? When the psuedo Sarkozy told her he could see Belgium from his house? Or when he spoke reverentially about his love for killing animals? Or when he was making remarks about sex with his trophy wife? Or, for Christ’s sake, at the end when he brought up Hustler’s pornographic take on her and she said, “oh, good, thank you?”

    Oh, and Sarah? It’s possible to see Canada from parts of Alaska, too, so one would think you’d have a pretty good idea that the prime minister is Stephen Harper, even if you have no idea who Stef Carse is.

    I’m sorry. Anybody who votes for this ticket should have their head examined.

  24. scadragon says:

    THAT should cause a whole new round of BASHING THE FRENCH!!!
    Seriously, these guys suck. I wonder if they could be sued. After all, now, they’ve gone and potentially influenced my vote. Caused me permanent disillusionment and other unspecified damages. “Mental unrest” I think the lawyers could call it.

  25. oshutupyou says:

    THAT should cause a whole new round of BASHING THE FRENCH!!!

    Except they’re Canadian.

  26. scadragon says:

    96.9 FM CKOI is owned by Corus Entertainment

    Info is as follows:
    Executive Head Office
    (President, CEO, CFO, General Counsel)
    Corus Entertainment Inc.
    181 Bay St, Suite 1630
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5J 2T3
    Telephone: (416) 642-3770
    Fax: (416) 642-3779

    SO, anyone who’s annoyed by the stunt, just be sure to let them know.

  27. casademike says:

    since she has “so much experience working with the Canadians” – maybe she should know the name of the country’s leader. You know, since it’s the USs biggest trading partner. Or maybe even the basic fact that the country only has 1 prime minister.

    John – what you wrote here was totally ridiculous.

  28. Tecban says:

    Of all the things she’s done that have concerned me, this prank call is at the bottom of the list. She was found in violation of state ethics laws by a bipartisan committee – that should concern everyone.

    Why should she get a pass for her foolish comments and ethical problems just because she’s a woman?

    This is not a sexism issue. There are experienced, intelligent Republican women who could have been nominated (like Olympia Snowe, Kay Bailey Hutchison, or even Elizabeth Dole) who wouldn’t have raised the same qualification issues.

  29. scadragon says:

    AS far as Palin being an idiot. THEY ARE ALL IDIOTS.
    Ain’t ever been a single career politician with a lick of sense elected. Haven’t you heard that a person is promoted up beyond their level of competence?
    THey ALL have advisors to tell them what to do, what their supposed to say. To tie their shoes for them. They’re ALL total incompetents once they get into office. You remember those kids on the high school debating team? Politics is the kind of career they all aspire to. Why? Because they haven’t got brain one to hold down a real job.
    So why does one party seem to be getting all the negative coverage? What about OBAMA? Or do we have to wait till 5 or 6 months after he’s elected to find out about all the bad stuff about him from the main stream media??

  30. smartalix says:

    Exactly, Tecban. THis is a poor stunt, but the woman is totally wrong for the post of VP of the USA.

    We should be talking about her other, much more serious flaws, not her gullability.


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