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I listened to this thing and I’m not hearing any real “gushing,” but more of an “are you kidding me” politeness. There is not one media outlet that doesn’t go out of its way to make Palin sound like an idiot for chatting with this fake. It’s actually sick. The response is sick and the analysis is ridiculous. This is an example (below) of “reporting” on this incident.
This is not so much Palin’s screw-up but again the campaign management who should screen and research calls. How exactly is this woman supposed to know how this guys sounds? And what was she supposed to say? He’s a known pro-American nutball. And could have this same gag been pulled on Biden or Obama or anyone?
MONTREAL — In an over-the-top accent, one half of a notorious Quebec comedy duo claims to be the president of France as he describes sex with his famous wife, the joy of killing animals and Hustler magazine’s latest Sarah Palin porno spoof.
At the other end of the line? An oblivious Sarah Palin.
The Masked Avengers, a radio pairing notorious for prank calls to celebrities and heads of state, notched its latest victory Saturday when it released a recording of a six-minute call with Palin, who thought she was talking with Nicolas Sarkozy.
Throughout the call, which was making the rounds in U.S. political circles by day’s end Saturday, Palin and the pranksters discuss politics, pundits, and the perils of going hunting with Vice-President Dick Cheney.
“We have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you,” Palin gushes, evidently unaware she’s speaking to an infamous Quebec comedian named Marc-Antoine Audette.
And she was supposed to know this joker and immediately tell him to screw himself? Apparently, according to the media.
Note the word “oblivious” and the description “gushes.” All these pieces are loaded with slanted language. It’s getting too obvious.
What’s interesting to me is that the Canadian politicians are commonly punk’d and messed around with like this by various comics, especially the crew of This Hour has 22 Minutes. None of it EVER makes the newspaper as NEWS. Why is this incident suddenly news?
The level of out-and-out hatred and ridicule this woman generated by the media and the Democrats is beyond flabbergasting. Cripes, what horrible thing did she do beside shoot a moose and talk a little funny (to some). The coverage of this incident is the topper. Now it’s just out-and-out rude.
Twp more days of this crazy shit. Then we can start on the 2010 congressional elections. Oh, the joy.
Hey Improbus, did you see Nova last night? It was about Beniot Mandelbrot, the history of fractal geometry, and it’s applications in areas like medicine, computer animation, and climate research?
Deftly changes the subject 😀
#’s 90, 91 – brm
>>We think he’s a bum, an idiot, or worse,
>>that in his arrogance he blew through the
>>money as he made it
A CNN study of retirement savings done in 2004 showed that about 50% of Americans over the age of 55 had less than $100K saved. Thirty percent responded “don’t know/ refused to answer”, so you can safely assume that it was a pretty puny next egg.
That leaves about 20% in the categories of “$100K-$250K” and “$250K and over”
So it looks like Six-Pack Joe Biden falls in with about 80% of all Americans with respect to net worth and savings.
And yeah, sure, he’s got a secure job. BFD. As long as he can keep drawing a paycheck until he’s as old as McBush, what’s the problem? You can’t take it with you, and maybe his children don’t expect to inherit $1,000,000,000 from him when he dies.
Some people choose to be scrooges, saving away every penny until the day they die (then somebody else gets it all). Others fritter away their money on gambling or liquor or loose women.
Mose people fall in the middle, and that’s where Biden is.
Like I said. Not a serious problem.
#94: Mustard
“So it looks like Six-Pack Joe Biden falls in with about 80% of all Americans with respect to net worth and savings.”
You just don’t get it.
Sure, he’s an average guy as far as net worth and savings, but his income has been anything BUT average. That’s the problem – he’s been taking in way more money than the average person, but he still ends up with an average amount of savings? Just admit that this guy is bad with money.
#93 – Cubie
>>did you see Nova last night? It was about
>>Beniot Mandelbrot, the history of fractal
His name is “Benoit”, Cubie, but those Mandelbrot sets ROCK!!
Mustard and brm, figure it out. Biden went into public service early, has supported a largish family through college (including his wife’s PhD), does a fair amount of charity work in education, and has higher than average expenses since he is a Senator.
If he was worth more, he’d be taking money for votes. brm, you may not like his politics (fair enough) but there are reasons that everyone from Senators to Fox news anchors like the guy. He’s honest and he’s exactly who he appears to be.
#96 Since you’re nitpicking, it is actually Benoît.
#95 – brm
Aw, give it up. The median annual income for lawyer in 2007 was $118,280. Budski Biden made a somewhat more than that. Of course, before he became a politician one thing he did was criminal defense law, which pays signficantly LESS than the median.
If you’re REALLY that concerned about what he does with his money (gives it to charity, blows it on the ponies, supports his relatives, whatever) why don’t you look into it and get back to us?
He’s a working guy, and he’s saved up about as much as 80% of working guys. Most senators are either trust fund babies (or like McBush, they married trust fund babies) or they made millions and millions of dollars a year before they became seantors.
If you think there’s some scandal here, or that he’s like the prodigal son, knock yourself out. Let us know what your find.
I guarantee you it won’t be titillating, because if it were, Anal Cyst or Loofah Pad or one of the other wingnuts would have dug it up by now.
#97 – Cubie
That’s what I’ve been trying to tell brm, but he’s bound and determined to find some moral or ethical flaw that explains why Biden’s not a millionaire like most senators.
He’s just a regular guy, doing his job, and he hasn’t deemed it worthwile to become a competitor with Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim and Bill Gates for “richest guy in the world”.
Nothing to see here folks. Move on.
Mr. Mustard…I’d vote for Obama if it means you’ll get your meds…what happened???!
#101 Don’t poke the bear
#101 – Brenda Lee
>>…what happened???!
Usual retarded right-wing true believers.
I know…MM is afraid Palin’s gonna take his meds away if she’s veep…aaahhh…right!
“Women as Chattel”
I can see the residual of that state of mind in this topic. We get protective about “our” women. Other women are free game. Witness the severe attacks on Hillary. Or if a woman happens to be the head of a tech company that has a stupid policy, it’s the woman who is pilloried. If a man is the head, it’s the company.
With regard to the practical joke itself, it didn’t introduce anything we didn’t already know. Maybe it will improve her popularity as being more open.
And the final topic, is it possible to be “qualified” to be President, leader of the Free World? If GW Bush and Cheney are “qualified”, please, somebody used the wrong answer sheet to mark the exam.
#105 jbellies, I’ve seen the same traces of “women as chattel” as you see here, and I’m maybe a bit more aware of the roots of that attitude, and especially how ironic those roots are in this particular case. The source is none other than the Bible, and the Jewish and Christian religions. Few people have so knowingly and thoroughly disobeyed the teachings of the Apostle Paul as Sarah Palin, a fundamentalist Evangelical Christian herself.
Students of the Bible will recall that the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to Timothy, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.” (New Int’l Version)
With her unabashed status as a fundamentalist Christian, I’d be interested to see how Palin interprets this passage as leaving room for her to be governor and (God save us) Vice President or even President 😉
#100: Mustard
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell brm, but he’s bound and determined to find some moral or ethical flaw that explains why Biden’s not a millionaire like most senators.”
I don’t think it’s immoral or unethical that Biden is broke. I’m just uncomfortable that someone who apparently can’t manage his own money is going to be one heartbeat away from managing the country’s money.
I don’t understand why you think this is strange.
When Bush was running for president, everyone kept bringing up how the guy ran a bunch of businesses into the ground as (good) evidence that he has poor judgment.
My parents are younger than Biden, have always made less money than Biden, and put their kids through college too. Yet their net worth is like, ten times as much as his. He’s either lying, or incompetent with money.
Palin lacks diplomatic experience, but Biden lacks financial experience. Both are important. That’s all I’m saying.
John C Dvorak said: “…not so much Palin’s screw-up but again the campaign management who should screen and research calls.”
But who is responsible for hiring this campaign’s management team, John? DOH! That’s right… John McCain and Sarah Palin. They’re at the top of the ticket and the buck stops with them. If her campaign is staffed with nitwits, maybe it’s because they were hired by nitwits.
And, btw, if widdle Sarah can’t stand the heat, she should pack up and head back home to Alaska. She is an Evangelical Fundamentalist fanatic who would plunge this country back to the days of the Salem witch trials if she had her way and has willingly courted the worst kind of right-wing fascist Jethros this country has to offer.
So keep your “poor Sarah” ballad of woe. I, for one, ain’t buying it. She deserves to be run out of office after this election is over. And she certainly doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near the White House.
#107 – brm
>>I’m just uncomfortable that someone who
>>apparently can’t manage his own money is
We have yet to determing that “he can’t manage his money”. Until someone describes what Biden spent his money on that your parents did not, I’m willing to assume that he’s just one of the 80% of Americans who have save what he has saved at that age.
However, if you’re not comfortable with that, and don’t care to do the work to find outhat he does with his money, just vote against him.
I’m not cofortable with McCain’s history of erratic behavior, his lifelong womanizing, his inability to work and play well with others and a number of other things. I’m also not comfortable with Palin’s obvious lack of qualification to be president, her extreme right holy-roller status, her lack of any regret for her abuse-of-power debacle, and am not aware of any benefit she brings to the table (other than catching the eye of any womanizers at the table).
Plus, I think Obama and Biden to have a lot to offer, and waaaaaaaaay more than McCain and Palin. So I let my fingers do the walking at the voting booth.
when i reach dvorak’s age, i’m sure i’ll find palin as smoking hot as he does.
leave palin alone, you haters!
It actually shows how stupid this bimbo is. Her lies and rants show her as an eighth grader mentality. McShame was looking for the woman vote and got a prom queen instead. John as we all know is a republican and does not take kindly to Obama. He is showing his MCP side. Somebosy get that racing chick on his show so he will shut up and do the great job he does on the Cranks!!!!!!!!!
Boy the left wing nuts are out today. John you may have found your new MAC crowd. Do you all get a memo on these talking points from some one you all say the same line.
#90, brm,
What’s ignorant, and offensive, is equating “being broke” with “working class,” which is what you’re trying to do.
??? Joe Biden works for a living. He does not live off of inherited wealth as does John McCain. Nor is Joe Biden “broke” as you imply. Now, how the hell am I equating “being broke” with “working class,”
Everyone I know comes from a working class family. Your personal situation is no different than most Americans. If you don’t have pride in where you came from then that is your problem. If you have a few child molesters or mass murderers in the family closet then sure, I can accept that.
That’s also just a fact. But what galls most of us is when we see some guy, who has been making almost $200k a year, for 36 years, with all the perks that come with being a Senator, and he has NO savings.
So why doesn’t he have tons of savings? If you can point us to where his money has gone then sure, I’ll agree. Until then you are just shooting off your gums.
A few years ago I was talking with our local State Representative. Their salary was $19k and change. With all the expenses of her office, travel, etc NOT covered plus the requests from every little Tom Dick and Harry charity, it cost her money to represent us. How does she say no to the United Way from several different town? How does she not buy some fund raiser from several leagues?
The sad part is that you seem to believe that because he earns more money than you he should be quite rich. If only you understood basic home finances.
John, dued, you are way out of line with trying to provide a defense for someone for whom there is no defense.
We now have yet another example of her lack of knowledge and her incapability to select a competent staff. If Palin, herself, did not know or remember Sarkozy endosed Senator Obama, then surely the person who answered the phone should have been aware of this fact. Knowing who has endorsed whom would probably helped the person responsible for screening calls to stop the pranksters before they get their prank on !
It shows the class and quality of the lowlifes who did the “Prank”. Low class and no quality. I already voted against her and McCain but some people come from such a vicious bend of thought that they should be taken off the air. There was a so called Comedian in Britain who did a similar thing and the level of revulsion towards him caused him to quit before he was fired. Be funny, don’t be hateful.