Daylife/AP photo by Guillermo Arias

Mexico’s drug wars are fueling a boom in the funeral industry near the U.S. border as undertakers capitalize on soaring murder rates and gruesome killings…

“We’ve seen a big increase in the number of clients because of the drug war, especially since September. It’s gone from a few (bodies) a week to one or two every day,” said Fernando, a funeral home owner in Tijuana across the border from San Diego, California. He declined to give his last name.

About 4,000 people have been killed in Mexico this year as gangs vie for control of the cocaine trade amid a crackdown that has thousands of army troops battling drug cartels on their home turf.

Gun battles and gangland mutilations are also boosting demand for facial reconstructions. Funeral parlors can charge more than $1,000 to make the dead presentable for their wakes.

And because of the rise in decapitations in the city, undertakers offer to hold the body and wait for the head to be found before proceeding with the funeral…

Ain’t nothing like a growth industry is there?

  1. gquaglia says:

    Maybe if enough of them get killed, there will less coming here.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Murderers and drug dealers – how can they be stopped? How about a double fence with patrol cars?

    Nope, can’t do that. The liberals, the tree huggers, and the lawyers continue to resist any form of protective fence along the barrier.

    As Joe “Plugs” Biden would say “Once Obama is President and ramps up the hype about Universal Health, the activity crossing the border will increase dramatically.”

    Wow! Free health care for [FILL IN THE BLANK} my Mexican family, my Belize family, my Guatemalan family, my Honduras family, my El Salvador family, my Nicaraguan family, if we just move to the USA.

    Stephen Sondheim lyrics of ‘America’ in West Side Story are coming true: everything’s free in America!

  3. Improbus says:

    Drug prohibition causes a black market in drugs. A black market is an excellent breeding ground for violent criminal gangs. Solution? Repeal drug prohibition, tax it and control it. Duh. It really is that simple.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    Too bad liberals are against protecting this country by securing the borders…

  5. Deep-Thought says:

    gquaglia, you are a racist asshole.

  6. ronwp54 says:

    Make it legal to sell illegal to use. Problem solved.

  7. Digby says:

    Si se puede! Si se puede! Si se puede!

  8. Digby says:

    Oh, La Raza! What are we going to do with you? La Raza… La Raza….Hmmmm. Wouldn’t be any racism there, would there now?

  9. Lou says:

    Nothing like a lame drug war.

  10. teliscop says:

    Hey, how about the xenophobes start doing something about the immigration problem by promoting abortion south of the border? No different, really, than what gquaglia wishes.

    What a laugh that would be, righties finally finding a reason to love abortion.


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