Today [Oct. 29], Pepsi, with strategic help from Edelman, reached out to 25 “digital and social media influencers” with three separately-shipped packages. The first contained five cans representing logo design from 1898 to 1950. The second contained five cans representing logo design from 1962 to 1998. The third contained (yes, you guessed it) the newly launched can design – six of them full of actual Pepsi.
Accompanying the final shipment was a DVD highlights of the company’s 110 year history including the debut of the new logo and packaging across all product lines. You can watch the video here.
When the logo was unveiled last week, it received somewhat of a lukewarm reception. Seeing the final product though may sway some naysayers. The logo and product design are sleek, simple and refined. It’s a welcome change from the rather boxy typeface used since 1962.
At least there was some cool old stuff in the video… and the audio’s not bad either.
Anyone know what the song was in the last part of the video?
Also, the new logo is kind of cool. Just think, from the symbol alone people will be able to identify exactly what product it is.
OK. Is it just me or does that remind you of the Obama for America logo? Does that make John McCain Coke?
I hate the spam filter.
More here
This product redesigns itself more often than any single product.
Because most people don’t drink their cola. Only their dew.
That’s the big seller at Pepsi.
Nobama’s logo….
Guess I can avoid that brand….
Yeah no. 4. No one drinks Pepsi. . .
Enjoy your inferior cola.
First, as noted above, it looks a helluva lot like the Obama logo.
Second, I don’t care what the can looks like so long as the delicious contents remain unchanged (I’m a 3 Diet Pepsi a day man, myself).
But if the contents DO change, well…that’s too depressing to contemplate.
Obama’s logo? That’s a stretch.
Anyway, crappy font is crappy, looks like bottled water or something. I don’t drink the font or the logo though, so I care not.
Pepsi Please!
Very, very cool redesign. I only hope the keep the cans looking a clean and uncluttered from other text as those in this clip.
I don’t understand why they think it’s a good idea to put the name onto the bottles and cans sideways. The only time I’ll see the name right-side up is when some idiot has spilled Pepsi all over the table.
Cute video, but the lyrics – “twelve full ounces, that’s a lot”???
I guess they hadn’t discovered the 256-ounce Mondo Glug-Glug at that time.
Does anybody except programmers (now known as “engineers”) actually still drink colas?
Gak. No wonder we’re all headed for extinction.
If you sell Pepsi at your restaurant you get a free machine.
My first impression: A twisted smirk-smile.
Sort of goes with “Hneh, hneh, hneh.”
Another corporate america yawn!
This is like putting lipstick on a pig. Kind of reminds of the Mac vs PC ads. Lets put this money into advertising (and branding) rather than fixing the taste problem.
How did Obama get in here..
Looks to me like they’ve found a way to steal the Nike swoosh.
When I get a hankering for a cola I drink Coke Zero. Regular Coke and Pepsi just have way to much sugar aka high fructose corn syrup.
Looks like someone is jumping on the web2.0 bandwagon to me. They should change their name to Ppsi or something.
Coke and Pepsi may be expensive sugar water but they are both still a lot cheaper than Starbucks. I’ll take a Big Gulp over coffee any day of the week.
“twice as much for a nickel” … my, how the times (and prices) have changed. You don’t get “twice as much” Pepsi for the same price any more….
SO! Pepsi can use…..
Aaaagh! Help us all!
#22 – J. C. Cal
>>I’ll take a Big Gulp over coffee any day of
>>the week.
I’ll take a glass of cool, refreshing water over the two of them any day of the week.
All I have to do is look at the people who drink Big Gulps, and I’m running to the water faucet.
Looks like a plumber’s crack wearing a red shirt
Honestly who gives a shit? Does anyone who drink soda look at their pepsi and say ‘damn, they haven’t updated their look in awhile, I’ll switch to coke?’
The biggest waste of money is advertising soda. Second is paying money to drink them
And 3 diet pepsis a day? Good lord.
That’s Pepsi HUSSEIN Cola!
The ad was very articulate though.
[Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]
I really like the new design, very clean, crisp, and eye appealing. I really like the solid colors, and anti-classic look, Really sets them apart from Coca-cola.
Also to the people saying it is not important, it really is. Every large company puts millions, if not billions on the look and design of their product, because it really helps sell.
The logo, packaging and fonts looks very shampoo oriented. That’s the vibe I get.
While some might care, I don’t.
My wife is addicted to Diet Pepsi. I’ll be going to the store regardless of whether they change the logo, promotions, cans, or whatever. Even if Coke puts nude male models on their cans I’ll be buying Pepsi.
Change the contents and this might have a different ending.