1. chris says:

    Coke is better. The only reason Pepsi is served anywhere is because it is cheaper. They also give substantial cash bonuses for switching from coke.

    If you eat at a restaurant that serves Pepsi you might want to wonder where else they are cutting corners.

  2. Ron Larson says:

    I’m curious about this new packaging and if it will increase sales. I think that this is designed to gain new customers.

    Humans, as hunter gatherers, excel at detecting change, such as motion, and looking for patterns. Since Coke and Pepsi assault us hundreds, if not thousands, of times a year with their logo. I wonder if after enough time the brain starts to ignore it because it is static. So when a change comes along, it is brought to front for attention because it is different. The mind recognizes a change, something new has been introduced to the scene. So it focuses its attention to figure out if it is a threat or an opportunity. That act of paying attention, even if unintentional on the customer’s part, is enough to get some new customer to try it.

    In short, we are being played by marketing masters.

    Just my 2 cents.

  3. Rick Cain says:

    Pepsi could win the cola wars by doing ONE simple thing.

    Put sugar (sucrose) back into the formula. Corn syrup tastes awful, and pepsi tastes terrible because of it.

  4. lividd says:

    cripes, this blogsite has reached a new low. dvorak you really need to do better.

    [There’s just no pleasing some people. There are plenty of pr0n sites on the net for you. – ed.]

  5. Winston says:

    Oh, boy! A new logo for grossly overpriced and unhealthy corn sugar water!

  6. #37 I didn’t post this, but found it interesting.

    As for the Obama bashing/worship/love/hate/logo thing I suspect this is not going to ever go away. Get used to it. We always have to remember that commenters probably account for less than 1-percent of the readership. We have about 250,000 unique readers a week. Only a few hundred actively comment. The rest chime in only rarely. The bickering and carping within the comments is an endless source of amusement for many.

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    If you like a sweet and bland taste with a hint of cinnamon, then they should have matching bland looking cans too.

  8. Digby says:

    Gee. That doesn’t look ANYTHING like the Barama Flag. Same crap, different design. Pepsi gives you cancer. So does Barama.

  9. QB says:

    250,000 unique readers a week? That’s pretty amazing.

  10. deowll says:

    Looks worse than what they have.

    Don’t mess with your logo unless you want to waste money.

  11. used cars says:

    I only drink pepsi and liked thier previous logo. but this is not that bad.

  12. I don’t like it – the proportions and shape just feel wrong to me.

  13. the other guy says:

    Mmmmm… Pepsi contents: sugar and brown

    Your footer’s a little hosed, Dvorak.

  14. hhopper says:

    What in hell are you talking about?

  15. DynamicGuyNC says:

    Looks more like an airline logo than a soda logo – like it should be on the tail of a jet.

  16. I did not like their new logo. The prev version is still stunning

  17. I dont think there is anything wrong with new logo. It’s fantastic.

  18. car spares says:

    I dont bother about logo but always liked and drink pepsi

  19. Free UK Directory says:

    When i get pepsi from shop, i confused if i took the diet pepsi. then check it again if i am wrong. The pepsi with old logo and design was much better and should be back


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