It’s the surge you won’t hear anyone boast about.

Never before in U.S. history has the national debt increased as much and as rapidly as it has over the past month.

Since September 30, the day the national debt hit the $10-trillion mark for the first time, the government has run up over $500 billion in new debt.

That’s more than the federal deficit for the entire 2008 fiscal year, which ended September 30. And it’s the most rapid increase in the national debt ever: over half a trillion dollars in less than a month – 23 days to be exact.

The government’s latest calculation of the national debt stands at $10,530,893,033,778.21 – that’s $10.5-trillion for short. It took less than four months for it to rocket to that level from $9.5 trillion on July 21.

Less than four months! To put it in perspective, consider this: it took the U.S. government over four decades, from 1940 to 1982, to run up its first trillion dollars of debt.

more …

  1. Dallas says:

    The republicans are about to leave office so it’s time to rape the treasury one last time.

    Since Americans are already numb to enormous national debt, another 1/2 trillion dollars squandered will not even be noticed.

    The eight year reign of Republican squandering of the US treasury will hopefully soon come to an end.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #2 Dalass said, “The republicans are about to leave office so it’s time to rape the treasury one last time.”

    Yeah, glad the Pelosi & crew pushed this one through.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #1, McBama voted for this power. They gave the power to spend this extra money to the current administration.

  4. Eric Tan says:

    wow it took 42 years to accumulate $1T back in the day and now just four month… I recently posted about the national debt and what could have been:

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #5 Bush must have a mystical power over the House. Repub or Dem, they write checks at his command. Amazing.

  6. #2 – O’Pinocchio

    >>Yeah, glad the Pelosi & crew pushed this one

    Good one, O’Pinocchio. Trying to blame this financial meltdown on “the Pelosi (is that like “the Google”) & crew.

    Anyone with a third-grade education knows that most of this additional debt comes from government bailouts necessitated by 8 years of Repug laissez-faire economic policy.

    But hey. On the bright side, you’re not exhibiting your usual financial ignorance, failing to recognize the difference between a budget deficit and the national debt.

    Maybe by election day, you’ll be smart enough to vote for Obama. Just like all the elites (i.e., people with at least a third-grade education) are doing.

  7. Dallas says:

    #4 You can call me a blind believer or whatever your latest GOP slime action committee email says.
    I like to refer to myself as being “hopeful” of what the new administration will bring.

    If McCain, wins it’s still better than what you fuck heads installed for 8 years to run this place.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #8 Dallass “I like to refer to myself as being “hopeful” of what the new administration will bring. ”

    Well, I’ll clue you in. Massive spending (bigger Nat debt) and MUCH higher taxes.

  9. chuck says:

    #1- “The eight year reign of Republican squandering of the US treasury will hopefully soon come to an end.”

    And in a little while the eight (probably) year reign of Democrat squandering of the US treasury will begin.

    If you’re taking it up the a**, does it really matter whether it’s a donkey or an elephant that’s doing it to you?

  10. Winston says:

    And the debt soared $1 trillion in only four months! To give you a _concept_ of how much money $1 trillion is:

    One $100 bill weighs only 3/100ths of an ounce, but $1 trillion worth of $100 bills would weight one billion, eight hundred and seventy five million pounds (1,875,000,000)! The Statue of Liberty not including its concrete and stone base weighs four hundred and fifty thousand pounds. If you were to place on one side of a huge balance scale $1 trillion in $100 bills, it would take 4,166 Statues of Liberty to balance it!

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #13 – ‘dro

    >>Apparently, there are a lot of donkey lovers
    >>frequenting this blog

    That’s “enlightened, educated, progressive students of life in the 21st century” to you, m’hijito.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #13 If Omama gets in, it will be fun. The donkey dong lovers here will be madly trying to spin the new bigger deficit as a surplus. LOL

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #15 – O’Furniture

    >>Omama…donkey dong lovers…LOL

    The only thing I can conclude is that you’re a 12-year-old girl pretending to text your imaginary friends. Nobody past puberty would put so many idiotic valley-girl utterances in a post.

    “LOL! LOL! ROTFLMAO!! OMG! OMFG! I know some a that kewl internet slang. Bitchin!!”

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #13 Notice how Mr. Mustard can’t deny the truth?


  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #17 – O’Furniture

    >>Notice how Mr. Mustard can’t deny the truth?

    You’re right, O’Furniture. As much as it pained me to point it out, you write like a pre-pubescent girl

  16. QB says:

    Oh joy. The Canadian Conservative finance minister just announced a deficit for the first time in years.

    What is with “conservatives” these days? Their strategy seems to be lower taxes and dramatically increase spending and then become mystified when the books don’t balance. Time to egg and toilet paper 24 Sussex Drive a la Corner Gas.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #18 Mr. Mustard said, “As much as it pained me to point it out, you write like a pre-pubescent girl”

    And, we all know how much you “love” pre-pubescent girls… LOL

  18. QB says:

    Paddy, that’s not fair. Mustard prefers older babes like Nancy Pelosi and Betty White.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #21 QB.

    Oops! I forgot. My mental defenses must have blocked that.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #20, #21, #22

    >>Blah blah blah.

    Hey, at least I’m not a Log Cabin Republican, like you two star-struck boys.

    LOL! ROTFLMAO! AIGHT! Is there an AITR?

    Buh-bye! LOL!!

  21. QB says:

    Um, yeah. You want to take this one Paddy?

  22. Thomas says:

    The Democrats have controlled Congress recently. How many bills have they proposed to reduce spending? How many Democrats voted for the bailout? Reasonable people can clearly see that both sides are at fault for the bailout.

    Can someone explain how any of Obama’s policies will do anything to even slow the increase in the national debt much less reduce it? I already know that none of McCain’s policies will do that but since Obama is likely to win the election I’m curious if someone can explain how they envision Obama is going to reduce the debt? Other than Ron Paul, I haven’t heard any politician even mention the national debt (not the deficit, the debt).

  23. Dallas says:

    Why do you guys keep feeding Paddy-LOL?

    This creepy valley girl wanna-be (thanks Mustard) appeared about a month ago and won’t leave.

    She’s like a fucking pigeon. Stop feeding it and it’ll fly away.

  24. Lou says:

    It’s time to play the blame game.

  25. ECA says:

    to tax(TO DEATH) all the corps and rich, WHO just got ALL OUR MONEY..

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #25 Thomas. “Can someone explain”

    Yes, it will increase the debt & the tax increase will reduce revenue into the Treas thus further accelerating the debt and at the same time killing jobs.

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    The dogs have gone wild at the dog park and started biting people. Time to go back on the leash, dogs. (Any some of the dog walkers as well.)

    (This place has degenerated into a den of trolls.)


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