What’s next? Renaming politicians as ‘cute puppies’ so we don’t chew them up and spit them out during election season? Then we can have phrases like, “Did you watch the cute puppy debate last night?”

When you take a look at this photograph, what do you see? It’s a stupid question, but while most of us are quick to respond with: “it’s a fish, obviously” it seems that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals would give you quite a different answer. They would tell you that this slimy little creature is in fact…. a sea kitten.

Yep, that’s right, a kitten – of the sea! It’s all part of their latest campaign to re-name fish in an attempt to discourage people from killing them for food and hooking them for sport.

The organisation has claimed that if fishes’ ‘similarities’ to cuter, more popular animals were highlighted, people would be less likely to hurt them. As campaign-coordinator Ashley Byrne, points out, “who could possibly want to put a hook through a sea kitten?”

So, if the idea were to take off, the next time you hit your local fish bar after a drunken night out, you’ll be asking for “sea kitten and chips” – with ketchup, please!

  1. hhopper says:

    Yeah, right… what a sweet little kitten fish.


  2. Dallas says:

    Just slap on some ruby red lipstick and it’s good to go as a VP running mate.

  3. Gigwave says:

    Here kitty kitty kitty.
    Om nom nom nom.

  4. GregA says:

    delete this post…

    but your webserver is acting like its been infected…

  5. Floyd says:

    “Filet of Kitty combo, please.”

    By the way, that cat knows that a goldfish by any other name is still lunch.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is somewhere between stupid and really stupid. Strongly leaning to the latter of course.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    Hey, Unk! That gruesome bug-eyed monstrosity in the picture is NOT the “sea kitten” shown in the PETA article. The real one is cute. I still bet it would be tasty with chips and a beer though.

  8. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    Something about an organization like PETA makes me wonder if Chairman Mao knew the right way to deal with the Upper Middle Class and other stuck up wankers who live in la la land.

  9. Jägermeister says:


  10. Cursor_ says:

    And in some areas of the world cat is fair game.

    Why hasn’t PETA tried to stop them?

    I have eaten squirrel and rabbit and both are quite cute. Though I prefer rabbit as there is more to them than most squirrels.

    I don’t care what they look like. I am an omnivore. I will eat meat and veg. Evolution has made me this way and given me a set of teeth and digestive system to handle both food sources.

    Until the dutch get this lab meat to the market I will continue to have meat. It is this source of protein that sped the growth of the brain in homids in the first place!

    We would NOT be able to whine and bitch on an internet without meat. End of the friggin story.


  11. MikeR says:

    Cripes, if these folks had their way there’d be nothing to eat but Soylent Green

  12. Mark says:

    #7 – According to PETA’s site, they want people to view all fish as “sea kittens” (not just the photo in the article), claiming that fish are just as intelligent as dogs and cats. I’m not a marine biologist, but my experience with fish would say otherwise.

  13. Dallas says:

    #9 Nice find.

    So now that SOB is eating kittens. How disgusting.

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’ve always been amazed at P**A’s ability to garner news headlines with ridiculous statements and campaigns. My deepest suspicion is that their fund raising revenue spikes higher the more outlandish the pronouncement.

  15. Buzz says:

    We need new names for EVERYTHING. Toss the baby out with the totmarinade.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    They’re not cows. They’re bovlovies. They’re not pigs. They’re Babes.

    They’re not Repubicans; they’re Lil’ Publies.

    This could go a long way toward reducing stress …oops, sorry; twitchums.

  16. Small In the Pants says:

    Many years ago, I remember hearing people talking about what good Musky bait that kittens made when rubber banded to a big hook.
    The downside seemed to be that they couldn’t tread water all that long.
    I’m not advocating this, just passing along something I hadn’t thought about for a long, long time that this article reminded me of.

  17. Darth Dearth says:

    I’ve eaten kitten. Real kitten, not sea kitten. Gave me a heck of a furball. Coughed for hours. Finally, I had to get a fishing hook and haul it out of there. Surreal!

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Actually, I love kittens. Sliced thin and saute with onions and garlic over a low flame. mmmmmm

    And cat eyes make a nice light snack, if you can enough of them. Just lightly coat them in bread crumbs and bake at 350 for about 8 or 9 minutes. Sprinkle some kosher salt and sit down with a good movie. Girlfriend optional. For something different, try them with blue cheese dip and celery sticks or marinara sauce and spring onions.

  19. small in the pants says:

    I worked with a guy in Soldotna.
    He swore that he once lit a cat on fire, and it ran right under his car.
    I personally have never lit any of my pets on fire.
    Once, though, someone hit a dog with their car at the end of my driveway and killed it.
    I was worried that the owner of the dog would think that I had something to do with the death of his dog.
    It was winter, Soldatna, I had a big brush pile to burn. I thought, why not?
    I threw the dog carcass on top of the pile.
    Not a good idea.
    Wouldn’t do it again.
    When a carcass gets hot, stuff comes out of the orriffices. How the hell is that word spelled?
    It ain’t pretty, anyway.
    If you’re thinking of disposing of a 100# body by fire, trust me, you’re gonna need a lot of wood.

  20. jcj7161 says:

    Reminds me that real name of the Chilean Sea Bass whose real name is the Patagonian toothfish

    So the fish industry does the same thing but the opposite reason

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, small,

    Thanks for the heads up. I’ll keep that in mind next time I burn a large carcass.

    HINT, If you are doing this in FireFox and it tells you it is spelled wrong(wriggly red line) then just RIGHT click on the word for several suggestions on which word you really want. The same also works in Open Office. Can’t tell you about Explorer or MS Office as I don’t use them.

    I couldn’t work without spell check.


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