Wow, what a shot!

  1. Brian says:

    One of 2 conclusions can be drawn from this video, and both end up with this guy being an asshole: (1) its his car and he wants the cat off the hood, which means he parks like an idiot and therefore is an asshole, or (2) he saw an opportunity to be cruel to animals and it was his car which still means he’s an asshole.

    Being cruel to a cat for the sake of being cruel is just idiotic. If you’re truly that worried about your car, you would either park it straight or put a fucking car cover over it.

    The guy’s a douchebag. If he truly wanted to keep the cat off his car he could have the same result with a glass of water and not a whole bucket.

    Fucking moron.

  2. Floyd says:

    PETA is not into preventing cruelty to animals. They’re the jerks who don’t want any of us to have pets.

    On the cat: the idiot who owns the car apparently can’t park, so he takes it out on the cat. Hopefully the water left spots all over his car…

  3. jobs says:

    Easy cat lovers it’s just water. Anyone who has experienced rain can tell you what water falling from the sky is like.

  4. mthrnite says:

    #33, does it really rain that hard where you’re from? I thought “It’s pourin’ down buckets” was just a figure of speech.

  5. Winston says:

    #22: “I wonder if simply beeping his car alarm would have accomplished the same effect…”

    It would have gotten the cat off of the car, but probably would have resulted in many claw scratches from its hasty exit. A much smaller stream of water would have done it, too, but once again, with claw scratches. Flushing the cat off the car quickly with a large amount of water probably avoided scratches.

    I’m not saying that this guy considered these factors, but he might have.

  6. Wallyho says:

    Great video, worth watching a few times. I wonder if he practiced to get the aim right. I’d have used a water balloon for more precise aiming, but he got it right on.

    To all those that are saying this guy is an ass or aww he scared the poor kitty, get a grip please. Have you seen the video of a soldier in Iraq throwing a puppy off a cliff? That was mean. This was just funny. If you can’t see that then you need to take life a little less seriously.

    As for the comments about how the guy parked the car – if you notice he actually is boxed in where he parked, so he couldn’t have pulled into that spot unless other cars that are there now were gone when he parked. It’s quite possible that was the only way into the spot. You can’t draw any conclusions except that the guy has good aim and a sense of humor.

  7. wetpussycat says:

    Only 1 car out of the 5 visible is actually parked properly in a parking space.

    Also, any animal startled like that probably lost all control of its bowels and bladder.
    Just let sleeping cats lie.

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I feel sorry for the cat. It probably thought that it was caught in a sudden, violent, and very short rainstorm. It will now start carrying an umbrella, and all the other cats will tease it for being such a pussy.

  9. GetSmart says:

    #21 Yep, asshole would’ve found his windshield in his front seat. Sugar in the gas tank would have been a lot of laughs as well. I’d probably stopped short of pinholing his brakelines.

  10. deowll says:

    Ever had a cat leave a fur ball on your car?

    The cat got wet. It will live.

    A new paint job on the other had is a serious investment that most likely won’t stay stuck.

  11. andy says:

    this is way better than theh 38 videos i just watched of people dumping buckets of water randomly missing otherwise hilarious targets

  12. Lou says:

    Good one !


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