Wow, what a shot!

  1. doug says:

    if I owned that van parked next to the car, I would have to wonder, “What can I do about the ‘youtubiots splashing crap on my van’ problem?”

  2. eggman9713 says:

    Dude, that is just !@#$%^& mean. And furthermore, if this idiot actually had a car worth not wanting to have cat prints on it, he wouldn’t be parked crooked nor at what appears to be an apartment complex.

  3. Skippy says:

    Nice one. I hate cats. Ungrateful, self-centered little bastards.

    [I love cats. Ungrateful, self-centered little bastards. – ed.]

  4. Dog says:

    Sweet. I hate cats on my car.

  5. sargasso says:

    #4. I hate cars on my cats.

  6. Ziggy says:

    Actually I would do that to my own cat, hilarious. We play practical jokes on each other all the time 🙂

  7. ECA says:

    GOOD HIT..

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Any asshole that parks crooked like that (taking up >1 parking space), I either pull in RIGHT NEXT to him on his driver’s side, or key his car. Only douche bags do that.

  9. jobs says:

    My neighbors cat leaves paw prints and has left scratches… Bucket of water at the ready.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    Excellent shot.

  11. jim h says:

    Somehow I knew this was going to be about an idiot inflicting cruelty and harm on a cat, then laughing like a drunken frat boy.

    I suppose someone will respond, asking why I read this blog. I’m now wondering the same thing. Originally I thought it was more or less about the technology business. Time to move on I guess.

  12. mthrnite says:

    One more for the “that was mean, guy’s an asshole” camp.
    ‘cuz, that was mean, and the guy’s an asshole.

  13. bobbo says:

    The water doesn’t hurt the cat, so whats wrong with this?

    Over Disneyfication of the animal world to think that disturbing the sleep of a cat is somehow cruel.

    or–those of you who have mind melded with cats please explain the short term or long term harm involved here.

    Otherwise, its just operant conditioning.

  14. cc_bucket_ready says:

    well done !!
    and nice aiming !!

  15. mthrnite says:

    Well, I’m no expert, but I’m just assuming that a bucket of water to a cat would be like a barrel of water to a human. In other words, something I wouldn’t want coming at me from three stories up. Maybe I’m wrong there, but if nothing else, the gleeful cackle at the end qualifies it as mean in my book. Overkill for the fun of it. I think a good spritzing with a spray bottle would have achieved the same conditioning effect.

  16. Fedup says:

    LMAO! That dude is lethal with a bucket of water. Fucking cats! They are just like liberals. The progressive kind!

  17. hhopper says:

    I’ve got five cats and love all of ’em. They’re pretty much like little people. Each one has his own distinct personality. When they’re bad, they get a shot of water. Most of them don’t much care for it but one loves it.

  18. Mark says:

    I agree the guy is an asshole, but assholes can be very funny people and make entertaining videos. The cat had the shit scared out of it and three minutes later it was business as usual. No need to call PETA on this one.

    [Exactly! – ed.]

  19. Zappa says:

    that was mean, and I do hope peta gets on that guys ass. I am a cat lover, best pet in the world. What an asshole to treat a small poor animal like that.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    I’ve read that animal cruelty for entertainment is one of the surest signs of anti-social and criminal personalities.

    I wonder if that also applies to those who vicariously enjoy it?

  21. Judge Jewdy says:

    If that was my cat, that asshole’s windshield would be laying in his front seat.

  22. RASTERMAN says:

    I wonder if simply beeping his car alarm would have accomplished the same effect…

    Probably not, as the jerk would not have gotten his rocks off without actually inflicting some trauma.

    When I see something like this, all I can hope for is that the concept of Karma is actually true.

    Now a funny video would have him missing the cat and him losing his grip on the bucket so that it crashed through his windshield.

    Play nice folks!



  23. bobbo says:

    The question remains–is it cruelty, is it trauma?

    Elsewise, amusing to see “cat lovers” wanting to take revenge on people as if cats and people were the same.

    Now, I wouldn’t do what he did, (well, maybe once or twice unless I thought it did actually hurt the cat in any way) but I don’t think “My” morality should extend to everyone else. Its called FREEDOM, and not being so ass-self centered.

    Car alarm sounded like a good idea too==upset the whole neighborhood to get at the cat. Why aren’t their leash laws for cats? They are allowed to shit and cat paw print as they will. No such license for dogs (or people). Cats are elitist!!!!

  24. jim h says:

    Cats and humans are the same in a lot of ways. For example, we both feel pain and fear. And we’re both susceptible to broken bones and head injuries, either of which could have resulted from what was done in this video. If that jerk had gone downstairs and found the cat laying on the ground thrashing in pain, I wonder if he’d have stopped laughing.

  25. Special Ed says:

    I’d kick that guys ass so far up around his neck he’d have to take his shirt off to take a shit.

  26. Goeffrey says:

    I think the animal cops on the Animal PLanet TV show have arrested people for doing even less than that to a dog.

    Dogs have more rights than cats according to the governments in USA, so there’s no worry of course. It’s just a cat.

  27. MotaMan says:

    cuck fats

  28. Thinker says:

    Like the song says…”Hey Man nice shot!”

  29. Miss_X2b says:

    One thing I know about cats is when they want to exit FAST, they generally use their CLAWS for traction. Bet the guy was pissed when he found DEEP claw marks on the hood of that crappy car. Should have been happy with paw prints.

    [Har! You’re probably right. – ed.]

  30. Uncle Patso says:

    Dude can’t park worth a crap


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