Legendary, liberal cartoonist has next weeks strips in the can and in his world, Obama wins.

That has many newspapers worried that, if McCain wins, they’ll be stuck with cartoons that read like an ongoing “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline.

Trudeau sees it differently:

I never considered NOT writing about the election, but to avoid lameness, I had to predicate it on an outcome,” wrote the usually comment-averse Trudeau in an email sent exclusively to the St. Petersburg Times. “The way I look at it is this: If Obama wins, I’m in the flow and commenting on a genuine phenomenon,” he added. “If I’m wrong, there’ll be such a global uproar that a goofy call in a comic strip isn’t going to be much noticed.

The extensive interview with Trudeau is revealing.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “That has many newspapers worried that, if McCain wins, they’ll be stuck with cartoons that read like an ongoing “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline.”

    Easy fix for the newspapers. If that happens they just run an explanation in place of the strip that says Trudeau screwed up and you’ll see a new strip next week.

  2. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    I think Trudeau has a point… if McCain where to win allegations of vote-rigging, racism, and corruption that a simple cartoon would easily be missed!

  3. Buzz says:

    I like Trudeau’s analysis of what will happen if he is wrong:

    “Obama would graciously say that the voters have spoken. Someone like Bill Maher would call them idiots. I’d split the difference and say the idiots have spoken.”

  4. Cursor_ says:

    There will be no difference either way as these are both the same beast.

    Just one has spots and one has stripes.


  5. doug says:

    I don’t see the point in not running the cartoon should the unthinkable happen. I mean, really – “accuracy” on the comics page?

    For years, I have been complaining about the many historical blunders in ‘Hagar the Horrible’ and nobody has listened …

  6. Chris Mac says:

    Doonesbury is the last bastion of great comicstrip/socialcomedy in todays green age. hehe<

    don’t forget… they pick the new pres on tuesday.. but the new guy doesn’t take over until january or so

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    As expected of lperdue, he lopped off the beginning of Trudeau’s quote:

    “Fivethirtyeight.com, which is probably the most respected of the poll analysts, has the likelihood of a McCain victory at 3.7%. That was risk assessment I could live with.”

    … perhaps the poster, as they say in French, “a perdue…”


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