1. HalfAdder says:

    …. tearing stuff UP!

  2. mthrnite says:


  3. Splinty says:

    Local Scientologists Suspected in Vandalism (Tom Cruise was unavailable for comment)

  4. admfubar says:

    the secret of happiness is… cheap paper signs!!!!!

  5. admfubar says:

    or that was weird…. how did it get on there twice???

    wait!!! wait!!!!
    the secret of happiness is!!!! double posting!!!!!!


    well that wont last long……………..

  6. admfubar says:

    wow there is one hell of a lag today from submitting a post to having it actually show up!!!
    I’ve noted over the past several weeks i’ve had trouble even getting onto the site…. anyone else have such trouble??? and now today there is this large lag…

    sorry about the double post…. and all the others i made right after it…………. 😀

  7. Paddy-O says:


  8. Framecrash says:


  9. Mac Guy says:

    …triple-ply toilet paper!

  10. SparkyOne says:

    the Obama

  11. Improbus says:

    The last three letters of the sign are: its.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    The secret to happiness is t…

    …o be an atheist.

  13. chris says:

    Oh man…. I guess now we’ll never know.

  14. rance bleester says:

    ..a girlfriend named Sea Kitten.

  15. Buzz says:

    “…his; ‘r chwnsel chan ddedwyddwch.”

  16. ECA says:

    …a warm puppy. (charlie brown classic)

    …A WARM HOME, Food on the table, friends to share it. (classic, basic)

  17. Karl Rove says:

    The sign WAS on a RNC building and ended with “(t)he removal of G.W.” Obviously, we had to remove the later. Damn liberals probably think the sign was funny, don’t you.

    Just wait until our NEW LIES surface this weekend to slur Obama. All our rednecks (oops, I mean educationally-challenged) voters will be back on our side.

  18. mthrnite says:

    ight pu**y, loose shoes, and a warm place to sh*t.

  19. Balbas says:

    “… is the number forty-two.”


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