(Click pic to embiggen.)

  1. Les says:

    Smallest prison population = most free criminals.
    Mobile phones per capita = worst wired infrastructure.

    Most of these are bogus, how do you measure “freedom of the press” or “lack of corrucption”?

  2. J says:

    Saying that Geothermal is not renewable because of entropy is like saying that the sun is not a renewable resource. I don’t know why anyone would even argue this point unless they are nothing more than a troll

  3. grog says:


    the gop only wants to drill for oil.

    this is because there is already an existing infrastructure for the importation, refining, and distribution of petroleum products, and because the overwhelming majority all american transportation machinery is powered by petroleum products and as such, ultimately because petroleum is an integral part of the economy as it currently is.

    but most of the conservative commenters on DU aren’t bright enough articulate this very valid concern and aren’t brave enough to boldly challenge the status quo and actually make the moves necessary to achieve energy independence.

  4. grog says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  5. J says:

    # 36 peso

    “Good to know stars don’t collapse.”


    First. Not all stars collapse.
    Second. Another 4 or 5 billion years of energy. When it comes to the sun I think it is safe to classify that as renewable.

  6. QB says:

    #36 pedro, let’s be very clear on something. Stars subside, the Cubs collapse.

    [Nah… the Rays collapsed. – ed.]

  7. J says:

    # 40 QB

    Oh! Hey now! Lets not pick on my Chicago Cubs!! We all know they choke but they have made it to the playoffs a lot recently. More than most teams.

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    This argument is more exciting than the “soak the rich, they’re all crooks anyway” one from yesterday.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath,

    You still haven’t answered which category is untrue and given a link to the correct data.

    Wait !!! You never do back up your asinine comments.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #29 Boy in short pants – “LOL You are so not even close! LOL”

    Fraid so. What you had in mind may be different but it is ALSO a valid calc employing the Maxwellian distribution function.

    At least it was 30 years ago

    I was talking absolutes. Do I think we can exhaust the resource in a meaningful period of time? No. I stated it wasn’t renewable.

    Please show that it is.

  11. James Hill says:

    I don’t know what’s worse, that the Obama supports can’t actually site examples from his platform that will “change” these numbers for the better, or that these numbers really aren’t a bad thing.

    The fact remains that our short term reward for bestowing* freedom on the world is not being the best at much of anything. Democracy allows different groups to focus on different things, and we must deal with them all in good faith.

    I’m curious as to what “tax rate” would look like on that chart. When you boil down all of the meaningful political arguments in this country, that’s what we care about the most.

    (* – I use the word bestowing with some reservation. Safeguarding may be a better word.)

  12. Angus says:

    With Obama, a Democratic Congress, and a Democratic Senate, we can finally get around to fixing these problems with our country, and not spending all our money defending the rest of the world.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    Omama lays plans to deaden expectation after election victory.

    Yep, promise the moon (bread & circus) to get elected and then once in office will say, “You are all screwed! You actually believed what I said? LOL.”

  14. JimD says:

    USA NO LONGER #1 ? – “Mission Accomplished” for the team of Dumbya Bush and Prick Cheney !!! About time for SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT – OBAMA !!! Bring it on !!!

  15. J says:

    “What you had in mind may be different but it is ALSO a valid calc employing the Maxwellian distribution function.”

    Uh? No! It isn’t.

    “At least it was 30 years ago”

    LOL Uh? No! It wasn’t.

    “I was talking absolutes.”


    “Do I think we can exhaust the resource in a meaningful period of time? No.”

    The first part of healing is admitting you were wrong.

    “I stated it wasn’t renewable.”

    That is where you were wrong.

    “Please show that it is.”

    I charge $500 /hr for tutoring stupid people in the earth sciences. I have a Ph.D. in Quantum Mechanics and a masters in mathematics and physical science from University of Chicago so, I am well worth the money.

  16. QB says:

    #41 J

    It is more than choking. The 1984 Cubs are definitive proof that God does not exist.

    Excuse me while I pull out my 1959 Tops Ernie Banks MVP baseball card and grind my teeth.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, QB,

    Stars subside, the Cubs collapse.

    Well, not quite. Stars don’t subside, they get hired to panel games shows or do ugly rash cream commercials. The Indianapolis Colts collapse.


  18. J says:

    # 51 QB

    OK! OK! No need to rub it in. lol 😛

  19. Named says:


    Technically, the sun is not renewable. But, on such a timeline, its meaningless.

  20. grog says:

    oops, sorry @James Hill, wrong link
    here’s obama’s energy plan in full detail

    and before you ask, yes, i actually read john mccain’s web site in full.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #17, You need to read “Free to Choose.”

  22. Sea Lawyer says:

    #55, the u.s. defends democracy when it suits its interests, and only then. don’t be so naive.

    People and nations pursue their own self interests? Wow, that’s a revelation worthy of some kind of fancy award I’d say!

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, “J”,

    Ya? Well, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath has a diploma, AND a McDonald’s coupon for a Kid’s meal, from his Gr. 5 graduation.

    PLUS, he can tie his shoes all by himself now!!!

    Go ahead, beat that.


    (Cow-Paddy, I’m sticking up for ya here)

    AND, he used to eat shit sandwiches until he became gluten intolerant.

  24. QB says:

    #55 grog

    Accepting his worship would also be an acceptable answer.

  25. gooddebate says:

    #59 fuse

    Actually, I have a child with Celiac and it’s not funny.

  26. MoparPower says:

    Scandinavia, but we’re commies right?

  27. Thomas says:

    Noooo. If it were not for LEGAL aliens we’d still be shooting caribou. We did not have the concept of illegal aliens until the late 19th century.


    > I have a Ph.D. in Quantum Mechanics

    If that is true, then it is the greatest sign of our failing education system. Your posts make you sound like a whiny teenager. I’ve met many Ph’d’s in my day and none of them end their sentences with “LOL”.

  28. grog says:

    @QB Accepting his worship would also be an acceptable answer.

    yeah, james gets little weird when he’s cornered, most conservatives do. it’s like watching a computer crash.

    i was just pointing out that “[defending|spreading] democracy” is naive rhetoric that only fools believe.

  29. Shogun says:

    Lack of Corruption…behind Chile!! haha

    Effectiveness of Education #35 behind Russia! Yeah, No child is left behind haha

  30. KevinL says:

    This is an odd poster. Was it an art project or something? I’m not sure what the one called “Democracy” means? The number of mobile phones was weird too. I was curious where Canada fell on the “Effective Health Care” list?


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