(Click pic to embiggen.)

  1. bhavekost says:

    And still the greatest country on Earth!

  2. Errakis says:

    Iceland makes a good showing and aren’t they just about bankrupt?

  3. chris says:

    Wow! Iceland seems like a pretty decent place to be right now.

  4. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    I don’t see average car size, average square footage of private property and average house size. Those are more important measures. Also most urban sprawl, which is a good thing.

  5. Dallas says:

    This is a nice post. It shows we need a president that comprehends the significance of globalization and what it means to America. That leader is Obama.

    In addition to the above post examples, it’s also the little things that tell a big story of the effects of globalization.
    * America no longer has the tallest building, largest mall nor biggest airport.
    * There are more people that speak English in China than in the US.

    Understanding the ramifications of globalization to the US will help put this country back on a good path to success and respect in the world. First, we need to get Bush out of the Whitehouse. We can even leave his head in his ass because it won’t matter any more and it’s probably a good thing anyway.


  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #6 – ‘dro

    If it weren’t for “illegal aliens”, we’d still be shooting caribou with bows and arrows.

    And that might not be a bad thing. At least we wouldn’t have had to go through 8 years of misery with Junior.

  7. brian t says:

    Iceland is a major user of Geothermal energy. How is that classified as “Renewable”?

  8. Dallas says:

    #5 Get over yourself, Pedro. The only thing being spread around is bullshit generalization from people like you and your dysfunctional party.
    It’s no wonder the US can’t make any progress or compete for the opportunity in front of us. In my company (Intel) it’s often referred to as lack of moving forward because we keep stepping on our own big dick.
    Your role is simple. Step aside and let the future be managed by grownups.

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Hey, you forgot one category that would deflate your holier-than-thou liberal position.

    How about a scale to show the ranking of immigration into a country?


  10. Paddy-O says:

    Pretty cool charts but, untrue.

  11. Libertican says:

    And still everyone wants to come here. Must be that most personal freedom thing.

  12. J says:

    # 10 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit talker

    Prove it!!

  13. turbo63 says:

    The US is still the land of opportunity. No where else in the world, can someone go from welfare, to being billionaires so easy.

    This provides hope and makes everyone work hard.

  14. J says:

    # 7 brian t

    “Iceland is a major user of Geothermal energy. How is that classified as “Renewable”?”

    You didn’t seriously ask that question did you?

  15. Billy Sunday says:

    The slums will soon be a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and corn cribs. Men will walk upright now, women will smile and the children will laugh.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #11, True, but unfortunately I think it has more to do with free ice cream than anything else.


  17. jescott418 says:

    Our obsession with freedom and our greed for monetary things has left our infrastructure crumbling and our health taking less and less importance. Whereas other countries have maintain traditional values and beliefs. Ours is a mixed bag of beliefs that only a few truly follow.
    Too many in America get left behind and it has put a big burden on our social survival. Not to single out Blacks because other ethnic groups have a belief that everybody else owes them something. We still have people in this country who fall back on their race for being the problem for them not becoming productive workers. Many countries I think feel that Americans need to start looking in the mirror for who’s the blame for their problems. America is not strong in a lot of areas now because we have allowed ourselves to become that way.

  18. booshtukka says:

    Ever heard of a humble American? “patriots” – you’re all hilarious.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #14 Boy in short pants said, “You didn’t seriously ask that question did you?”

    You really don’t know about entropy do you?

  20. J says:

    # 19 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “You really don’t know about entropy do you?”

    The fact that you even asked that question as a rebutal argument shows that you have a serious lack of understanding about earth science.

    dE / dt = 0.5 ( 4 2 4 RE2 c / 45) (kB TE / c)3 122 1036s -1

    Does that answer you question you dumb fucking punk!!

    Get back to me when you understand what I wrote.

  21. Ralph says:

    I don’t see anything about penis size. We have to at least beat Japan in that category. So let me try to get this: some dipshit ex-Long island artist living in London makes a colorfull f&c*ing chart and it gets blown through the internet as fact. Gotta love this dumb ass generation!

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, SnotLikeAnIdiot

    I don’t see average car size, average square footage of private property and average house size. Those are more important measures.

    Are you one of those 13 people that still support Bush?

    #9, benson,

    Hey, you forgot one category that would deflate your holier-than-thou liberal position.

    Would that be the number of asshat conservatives to normal people? Yup, as this election cycle showed, we would certainly be a contender.

    #10, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talker Sociopath,

    So which measure is untrue and could you link to the correct information.

    #13, turbo,

    The US is still the land of opportunity. No where else in the world, can someone go from welfare, to being billionaires so easy.

    I believe China and Russia have produced more billionaires in the past 15 years that the US has in the past 30.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #20 Too funny. Clearly shows you have a limited understanding of the 2nd law.


  24. J says:

    # 23 Paddy the Ignorant Shit Talker

    You don’t even know what the formula I posted represents do you?

    Until you can explain what that formula is……I will assume you just got caught in your own web of bullshit.

  25. QB says:

    These numbers are completely distorted. There is no way Macedonia is #42 in freedom of the press.

  26. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    13 turbo63 The US is still the land of opportunity. No where else in the world, can someone go from welfare, to being billionaires so easy.

    How true! How true! Well, okay, there a few other places in the world, like most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Korea. And sometimes India, and China. And a few other countries. But other than all those, where else can you go!

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #24 Boy in short pants, The Maxwell distribution function doesn’t negate the 2nd law. Why do you want to assert that?

    Get a life.

  28. J says:

    # 28 Paddy the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “The Maxwell distribution function”

    LOL You are so not even close! LOL

    Nice guess though!! LOL

  29. smartalix says:


    I have a serious question for you. I still have hopes that you are just a misguided guy, not a complete shit-talker in all facets of enterprise.

    Barring geological activity that would shift its ability to be accessed, are you seriously suggesting that a geothermal energy source will be tapped out and/or degrade to the point it cannot be harnessed within the lifetime of the society extracting that energy?

  30. J says:

    # 30 peso

    Let me know when you understand the formula I wrote.


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