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Well, don’t blame me! I voted for Kodos!
96, With a PhD in Quantum Mechanics, why did you even bother responding? Surely in all your vast intellect, you would have realized by now that I don’t care. ๐
BTFO? You’re getting your buttons pushed. ๐
#104, peedrool,
Why? Is that what all the other little boys are doing in Venezuela?
#105, Guyergurl,
Who cares? You are another one of those that have nothing constructive to add.
I think you do care. Why else would you constantly respond to “J”? Are you sure there isn’t some resentment for people with higher education? Instead of insulting “J” and acting hypocritical, you should use your intellect (if you have any) and argue a point.
106, I’m afraid in this particular forum you’re right. ๐ I just enjoy seeing J get bent out of shape telling the world about his PhD and how everyone around him is stupid.
107, Oh no… I too have a higher education. I just choose not to flaunt it. That being said, J exhibits an immature personality centered around what seems to be his ego. I’m merely having fun with him. My only reasons for continually responding to J is to just fan the flames. ๐
In response to your last post I would say I don’t think “J” is bent out of shape about his or her degree. It reads, to me, as if you have grossly misunderstood something. It appears as if “J” has made the point that his or her post about the Ph. D. was a sarcastic imitation of another poster. I am not sure if “J” posses a Ph.D. or not. That is irrelevant. What is relevant is your obsession with it. That chimes of ego.
Does “J” exhibit an immature personality? Most certainly, but no more than yourself or any number of others that post here. Your response is a bit hypocritical. You claim, falsely I believe, that you are merely having fun with “J”. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps it is “J” that is having fun with you? Maybe he or she is also just fanning the flames?
109, Nah. Just having fun. I see the guy obsesses about his education and I’m merely exploiting it. If it chimes of ego, that’s a misinterpretation on your part. I just merely zeroed in on his abrasive personality and how he justifies virtually most of what he says based on his vast intellect. He stands out in other words. I can assure you there is no other motivation, but if you don’t believe me then I won’t lose any sleep over it. I truly do not know if he actually has a PhD, but then again I thought I made it clear that I didn’t care.
I’m sure J is quite happy that you’re coming to his defense though.
Now saying his level of immaturity is somehow about the same as mine is a bit exaggerated, but then again I’m biased on that one. ๐
Touche, on the J possibly having fun with me. So we can call it as being symbiotic. ๐
Either way at least one of us is having fun and the other is possibly too.
You say “the guy obsesses about his education” but I find only one post where “J” initiates discussion of his or her degree. That post, “J” has claimed, was a sarcastic response to another poster. The rest of references to “J’s” degree or education were initiated by others, mostly you. If he or she was being sarcastic why do you persist in attacking “J” on this issue? It is clear that his or her post was not to be taken as literal, in my opinion. Again “J” may have a Ph. D. but that is irrelevant.
As to “J’s” abrasive personality I would say “yes quite so” but no more than many, including yours, that I have read on this blog.
Having read all of the posts I would vehemently disagree with you on the foundation of “J’s” arguments. He or she does not rely on their “vast intellect” as evidence of fact. I most certainly do not think he or she stands out in any way from the cesspool. I would classify yours and many other posts as lacking in substance. In this matter “J’s” do not stand out. It appears to me that he or she has struck some nerve in you by his or her declaration of status.
“J’s” happiness is not in question. I am sure he is as miserable or content as anyone else who regulars here. What is in question is your obsession with him or her.
It is no exaggeration to say your post are as juvenile, or more so, as you claim “J’s” to be. I would agree with you that you are quite bias and somewhat lacking in the ability to even rationalize the argument in which you find yourself.
This is not sparing match to be scored or won. It is obvious that is how you view these exchanges and maybe that is reason you find yourself acting as if you were on a playground at school. You are acting quite childish yet you cry from the mountain tops that is is other guilty of your sin.