Two members of the Blue Angels, the Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron, have been “removed” from the team due to an alleged inappropriate relationship.

The two members of the squadron — one of them an aviator — were pulled from the unit by commanding officer and flight leader Capt. Kevin Mannix on Sunday, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity since he was discussing a personnel matter. The names of the people involved were not released.

For the remainder of the season, the team will be flying five jets during its shows rather than the standard six, the official added.

According to the Blue Angels’ Web site, the team does not maintain a “spare” pilot who could fill in when another member can’t fly.

Uh, OK. For many people, sex is one of the most important activities in their life.

For some nutballs, sex is one of the most important activities in everyone else’s life.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Maybe that is the problem. Antiquated ideas and codes. So tell us, what makes an officer so much better than an enlisted man that they can’t fraternize? Why do officers need a separate “club”?

    Since no one answered except to give the party line,

    WHY ???

    Why is there that bright line that an enlisted man salutes a fresh officer but not a 20 year Gunnery Sargent? Why can a Sargent have a beer with a private but not a Colonel?

    To suggest that since I’ve never jumped off a cliff I can’t judge the merits of cliff jumping is as retarded as something Cow-Paddy would come up with.

    Sending men to their death happens all the time and rank has nothing to do with it.

    True, not too long ago the peasantry were all enlisted and the gentry were the officers. See General Washington’s army as an example. Even the Civil War had the same issue. Farmers and laborers marched in ranks while their “betters” (aldermen, teachers, lawyers, moneylenders, etc) carried swords.

    And if you have to answer “You don’t understand” then you don’t know either.

  2. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Why can a Sergeant have a beer with a private but not a Colonel?

    Depends on what you mean by “sergeant”.

    If he’s E7 or up, he can’t have a beer with a private.

  3. Guyver says:

    3, Ummm. No. Having been around Naval fighter pilots, they will argue they are better for the sole reason of carrier landings (as though the branch is the reason for their greatness). It’s an ego trip. Dog fights are pretty rare nowadays. We see them before they see us, or we’re doing bombing runs. You should really stop watching Top Gun.

    34. The reason why you cannot have officers or NCOs mingling with the troops is due to fraternizing policies. For someone who claimed to be an officer from a past post (and yet not know what a summary Article-15 was) and then ask these very basic questions pertaining to salutes and fraternizing, it seems you weren’t much of an officer. That’s assuming you were being truthful about your time in the military.

    Fraternizing breaks down the rank structure so it is not permitted nor tolerated if the standards are followed.

    Saluting is a tradition from when knights would raise their visors with their fighting hand to see the other and not be a form of aggression but as a sing of respect. It’s done towards any superior officer.

    But if I recall from before, you’re someone who tries to make some sort of case using polemics out of ignorance. So no. You don’t understand.

  4. OvenMaster says:

    #12: Bob (#30) has the answer: Air Force Thunderbird pilots. They’re just as good as the Angels, right? And if not, why not?

  5. Montanaguy says:

    Won’t be long before political correctness creeps in if Obama and his ilk start running things. He is obviously as ignorant about the military as many posters here are. Civilian oversight boards will start demanding ‘equality’ between officers and enlisted. Civilian oversight boards have already had their way with reducing and ‘sissifying’ standards at the military academies so that women aren’t ‘discriminated’ against.

  6. J says:

    # 36 Guyver

    “3, Ummm. No. Having been around Naval fighter pilots, they will argue they are better for the sole reason of carrier landings ”

    LOL You are so full of shit. Marines fly off carriers and the Navy pilots think they are better than them too. So, your argument is made up bullshit!!


  7. Guyver says:

    39. Ummm no, Navy Pilots do not think Marine pilots are better than them.

    Just like for you in all your rants, it’s an ego trip for the fighter pilots (regardless of branch of service). Ask a Navy pilot who’s the best, they will say they are. Marines are the same. And the Air Force is no different.

    Just like you, many fighter pilots are so self-absorbed in wanting to tell the whole world that they are right. And you want people to believe you’re a PhD in Quantum Mechanics tutoring kids at $500/hr? 🙂

    You’re pretty ignorant if you believe that Naval fighter pilots think Marine fighter pilots are better than them kid. Seriously, you should stop watching Top Gun.

  8. Guyver says:

    And before you twist it around, I just caught that I misread your statement on who thinks who is better. My apologies. 🙂

    Bottom line is who you ask will determine the answer you will get. Each branch’s pilots will argue they are the best.

    But I’m sure you will find a way to use your PhD in Quantum Mechanics to somehow prove I am wrong while you still talk like a kid. 🙂

  9. Guyver says:

    And one other thing, my answer about the Carrier landings was with respect to why Naval Fighter Pilots think they are better than Air Force Fighter Pilots.

    When the Naval Fighter pilots compare themselves to Marine Fighter pilots they may argue they’re smarter or some such thing. The Marines counter they come from the same schools and are not as feminine as their Navy cousins.

    It’s all friendly rivalry… sometimes it can get out of hand, but deep down inside they all believe in the mantra each of them preach.

  10. bobbo says:

    Well, “back in the day” Navy pilots could brag about carrier landings but we in the AF called them “crash landings.” No flare, no finesse==just pick a straight line thru the carrier and hit it.

    On dry land, AF pilots could fly in worse weather (lower minimums) than could the Navy–flying similar class aircraft. How good they were on instruments no one can say but their commands didn’t want to find out.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Guyver,

    Fraternizing breaks down the rank structure so it is not permitted nor tolerated if the standards are followed.

    Yet it is fine for a raw Ensign to be near a 4 star Admiral or a 2nd Lieutenant around a top General. Won’t that break down rank structure too?

    Everything else you say is just more blah blah blah it’s always been that way. So what makes that god damn raw Ensign so much better than a 20 yr Petty Officer?

    Sure I knew even before I asked what the “code” requires. But all the sheep want to follow the one in front without ever knowing why.

    So again, the challenge is there. WHY is it wrong for an enlisted man to fraternize with an officer? If your answer consists of “it’s in the regs” then you don’t know the answer and can’t think for yourself.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #39 J “LOL You are so full of shit. Marines fly off carriers and the Navy pilots think they are better than them too. So, your argument is made up bullshit!!”

    The USMC is part of the U.S. Navy…

  13. #37 – O’Furniture

    >>That is the aim of many who rail against
    >>military codes of the ethics, etc.

    I think maybe they were trying to follow in the footsteps of the next failed wannabe POTUS. That guy was banging anything with an available orifice.

  14. J says:

    # 40 Guyver

    “Ummm no, Navy Pilots do not think Marine pilots are better than them. ”

    What? Where the fuck did I say that?

    “t’s an ego trip for the fighter pilots (regardless of branch of service). ”

    Yeah! And? Thank you for proving my point.

    “Just like you, many fighter pilots are so self-absorbed in wanting to tell the whole world that they are right. ”

    Yeah I know I grew up with two of them. They also tend to be Republican much to my dismay.

    “You’re pretty ignorant if you believe that Naval fighter pilots think Marine fighter pilots are better than them kid. ”

    WHAT? It would be the other way around.

    “Seriously, you should stop watching Top Gun.”

    I have never seen the movie and probably won’t because I won’t support Tom Cruise and his Scientology habit.

    # 41 Guyver

    “Bottom line is who you ask will determine the answer you will get. ”

    Finally you have learned how to read!!! 🙂

    “But I’m sure you will find a way to use your PhD in Quantum Mechanics to somehow prove I am wrong while you still talk like a kid. ”

    You either need to STFU or bother to educate yourself about why I posted that.

    I do find it interesting though that you seem so insecure about the fact that someone has earned a degree in a subject that you can’t even comprehend.


    “It’s all friendly rivalry”

    On the surface but not underneath. I have seen the bruises to prove that.

    # 46 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “The USMC is part of the U.S. Navy”

    You are so fucking stupid. The Marines are only administratively part of the Navy. Operationally the act independently. I keep telling you Wikipedia is not equivalent to an education.

  15. Rick Cain says:

    On the good side, the USAF will be expending 17% less money on fuel and maintenance.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #49 Mr. Flywalker said, “The Marines are only administratively part of the Navy. Operationally the act independently.”

    Yes, they are under the Sec of the USMC. LOL

    You’re ownage has just begun.

  17. J says:

    # 51 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Yes, they are under the Sec of the USMC. LOL”

    Like I told you Wikipedia is not equal to an education.

    There is no official title of “Sec of the USMC”. The official title is “Secretary of Naval Services” and that person is what you call the “Sec of the USMC”. lol It is the same person and it is a civilian position.

    Now I need to ask you, does the concept of administrative confuse you? Doesn’t Wikipedia explain any of that for you? Just because the President is Commander in Chief doesn’t make him a Marine or a Naval Officer.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #52 JJ dynamite,

    Does the concept of Operations confuse you?


    Secretary of the Navy
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    Chief of Naval Operations ADM, USN
    Commandant of the Marine Corps

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #54 – O’Furniture

    >>Secretary of the Navy
    >>Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    >>Chief of Naval Operations ADM, USN
    >>Commandant of the Marine Corps

    Nice work with Wiki-Whatever, but that’s not what you said in #51. You said (and I quote) “Yes, they are under the Sec of the USMC. LOL”

    Note the “LOL”.

    Time for a warm glass of milk and beddy-bye.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #55 “You said (and I quote) “Yes, they are under the Sec of the USMC. LOL””

    You idiot. That was sarcasm in response to some other idiot who thought the USMC was separate from the USN.

    Wiki? ROFL!

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #56 – O’Pinocchio

    I think I can now say, with complete and utter confidence, and with no fear of rebuttal, that YOU HAVE BEEN OWNED!!!

    LOL!! Giggle, giggle! Titter, titter, tee hee!

  22. Guyver says:


    First of all, if you were in the military you wouldn’t be bothering to ask these questions. Fraternizing breaks down the rank structure BECAUSE if you have an NCO / subordinate be buddy-buddy with a superior officer, the level of respect changes and other subordinates will notice and scream favoritism. What if that person gets promoted faster because of the relationship? Yeah, yeah. It happens in the corporate world, but the military actually take a more proactive stance on minimizing this. A commander / superior officer cannot be friends with their subordinates. That’s the military professional code and that’s how it’s done. If they choose to approach commanding subordinates using Fusion’s Friendly approach, then the CO or superior officer will start losing order and morale of their troops. That is one of the major reasons WHY. And that’s WHY it’s in the regs. Now you can argue that this isn’t always the case, but like I said, if you were an officer in the military like you have claimed to be, then you would also know that argument is out of ignorance because you have seen some cases where officers have been lax in their professional code and what it brought upon themselves.

    You are the same Mr. Fusion who claimed to be prior service and didn’t know that military service members get their constitutional rights abridged, right? 🙂

    Everything you gripe about smells of a liberal civilian who has never served in the military and is arguing out of ignorance using polemics.

    49, Good grief kid, you could have skipped post #40, but I suppose you like to read your own rants. Sorry, I glossed over your original post while at work. 🙂

    Proving your point? I merely told you from my own actual experiences having been in Fighter Squadrons. Bottom line, Naval Fighter Pilots mainly think they are better than AF Fighter pilots due to carrier landings. The other reason being is they think AF pilots are a bunch of sissies. Then you got your panties in a bunch AGAIN because you didn’t like that answer and introduced a tangential argument with the Marines as though the Navy would have the same reasons of why they think they’re better than the Marines like with the AF which you originally commented on. Each branch will say they are better than the other for differing reasons. Your original comment was negating the Air Force… not the Marines. If you were being sarcastic, then I missed it. Oops. Sorry. Ask me if I care. 🙂

    As for your reasons on why you posted that you have a PhD in Quantum Mechanics or that you make $500/hr off of stupid people who want to learn really doesn’t matter to me. Do you really think I or anyone else really CARES about your educational background or are impressed that your PhD is reduced down to being a tutor? Are you so self-absorbed you need your ego stroked because being a tutor with a PhD isn’t doing it for you? 🙂 I think the most impressive thing about you is that if you truly are a PhD in Quantum Mechanics, you’ve got the maturity and mannerisms of a teenage kid. But I don’t care either way. 🙂 So keep it up. I enjoy the teenage rants.

    If you’ve seen bruises and think it’s much more than friendly rivalry then you my friend are a sissy. LOL.

    And about the Marines being part of the Navy, Paddy-O is right. Although the Marines will fight tooth and nail over insisting that they are not. The Marines are the only branch in the DOD which is NOT self-sufficient. Case in point, they do not have their own medics. They have Navy Corpsman assigned to them.

    The Marines are the only ones with a seal that does not say Department of their own branch. The Marines’ seal says “Department of the Navy”. Be that as it may, the Marines’ Commandant of the Marine Corps is considered equivalent to the Navy’s CNO and he sits among the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    BTW, what service academy do Marine Corps officers come out of? LOL.

    55, Paddy-O was being sarcastic in the comment you’re quoting. There is no such thing as a Secretary of the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps answers to the Secretary of the Navy. That’s why he said J got owned. It’s another thorn in the Marines’ side in trying to make the case they are their own branch. The Commandant of the Marine Corps is their only saving grace that they are somehow their own branch. Either way, Paddy-O was merely showing how ignorant J is despite his teenage tough talk. 🙂

  23. Mr. Fusion says:


    A commander / superior officer cannot be friends with their subordinates

    Then I guess you never sat down for a friendly chat with your squadron members. Trust comes from knowing the person. Knowing comes from understanding and learning. When your life is dependent upon a select few, it is best to trust that that person will be there. The squadron commander has to trust those under him as much as they have to trust his judgment.

    If they choose to approach commanding subordinates using Fusion’s Friendly approach, then the CO or superior officer will start losing order and morale of their troops.

    As I pointed out before, a fresh Ensign is allowed to sit in the same club as a Fleet Admiral while a 20 yr Chief can’t. Ask the Admiral who he would rather have beside him during a “situation” and we both know the answer.


    Earlier you referred to the historical origination of the salute. That was very true. In a class society such as Europe, that transferred to infantry and other branches of the military. BUT, America is not a class society.

    In the first half of the 20th century we had two peasants become among the most powerful men in the world, Stalin and Hitler. While both were more than a little crazy, they were also smart enough to do what they did. Most of the professional, upper class military from several countries, fell before them.

    So I guess the discipline argument is shot.


    Again, WHY ??? The answer that it is and has always been is bullshit. An officer can prove that when he points his gun with a certain charge the shell will land within a specified area. An officer can prove with certainty that certain counter measures will cloak his force. An officer can prove that his force can all run a mile, shoot efficiently, and salute on command. But I have yet to meet the officer than can show how his men’s morale disintegrated because of fraternization.

  24. J says:

    # 54 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Does the concept of Operations confuse you?”

    No, it confuses you because the first two in your list are administrative and NOT operational command.

    I am loving the ignorance that you display about the military.

    You have the “chain of command” listed wrong. Which doesn’t surprise me.

    The Commandant of the Marine Corps does NOT answer to the Chief of Naval Operations he answers to the Undersecretary of the Navy. which is a post in the Department of the Navy NOT the U.S. Navy

    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff does NOT answer to the Secretary of the Navy. He actually out ranks the Secretary. It is an advisory role to the President and the Secretary of Defense. He falls directly under the Secretary of Defense. Since 1986 he has NOT had operational command authority over any of the U.S. military forces. Also, the Job is NOT always a USN officer. As a mater of fact the last one was a Gen in the U.S. Marine Corps, the one before that was a Gen in the U.S. Air Force, and the one before that was a GEN in the U.S. Army.

    The Department of the Navy and the U.S. Navy are not the same thing. This is something that you and your dipshit butt buddy Guyver can’t seem to grasp.

    The Marines is a part of the Department of the Navy NOT part of the U.S. Navy THEY ARE DIFFERENT!!!

    The first two positions you list, incorrectly at that, ARE ADMINISTRATIVE NOT OPERATIONAL COMMAND!!!!!! They are also civilian posts.

    You are wrong. You are ignorant. You are stupid. You don’t know jackshit about anything but you pretend that you do which makes you a complete fucking tool!!!

    # 58 Guyver

    “And about the Marines being part of the Navy, Paddy-O is right. ”

    No. They are part of the Department of the Navy. It is different and I call bullshit on your claim of ” having been in Fighter Squadrons” because you didn’t know that. Another piece of evidence that you are full of shit is that you didn’t know that Paddy Cakes listed chain of command was wrong.

    “Bottom line, Naval Fighter Pilots mainly think they are better than AF Fighter pilots due to carrier landings.”

    BULLSHIT!!! You don’t have a fucking clue.

    “As for your reasons on why you posted that you have a PhD in Quantum Mechanics or that you make $500/hr off of stupid people who want to learn really doesn’t matter to me.”

    That is because you are an ignorant fucking dolt who doesn’t want the truth or facts to get in the way of what he believes.


  25. Paddy-O says:

    #60 J “Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff does NOT answer to the Secretary of the Navy. He actually out ranks the Secretary. ”


    Yes, a General outranks the Sec Nav!


  26. J says:

    # 61 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker


    I don’t know why you are laughing because the Secretary of the Navy has no “0” command control and is a civilian appointment. You didn’t even know that nor did you know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff doesn’t answer to the Secretary of the Navy.

    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff out ranks the Secretary of the Navy because the Secretary of the Navy doesn’t hold rank you dumb fucking troll. That is why the Marines and the Navy are two different branches of the U.S. armed forces.

    You can try to twist anything you want. The fact of the matter is YOU WERE WRONG and you proved it more than once in this thread.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #62 J “I don’t know why you are laughing ”

    I’m sorry. Every time I think of a General “outranking” Sec Nav I just burst into laughter.

    You should have skipped the PHD route on gone directly to SNL.

  28. J says:

    # 63 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “I’m sorry. Every time I think of a General “outranking” Sec Nav I just burst into laughter.”

    You do realize that anyone with Rank out ranks someone with “0” Rank? Probably you don’t which is one more example of how ignorant you are.

    Lets get back to the fact that you thought the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs reported to the Secretary of the Navy which is an example of your lack of knowledge. Also, lets reaffirm that YOU WERE WRONG. The Navy and the Marine Corps are separate branches of the U.S. Armed services. Just because the Marines are part of the Department of the Navy does not mean they are part of the U.S. Navy. That is because the Department of the Navy and the U.S. Navy are two different things.

  29. J says:

    Paddy Cake the Delusional Ignorant Shit Talker.

    Once again

    The Commandant of the Marine Corps does NOT answer to Chief of Naval Operations. They both answer to the Undersecretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Navy.

    The Joint Chiefs of Staff does NOT answer to the Secretary of the Navy.

    The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff is NOT a General. He is currently an Admiral.

    The Marines is not part of the U.S. Navy. It is part of the Department of the Navy. They are not one in the same.

    Those are all things you have claimed and they are ALL WRONG!!

  30. Guyver says:

    59, Oh, I’ve had plenty of interesting conversations with superior officers including two Admirals, but we did not have a beer together nor socialize. There’s a line drawn in the sand over that. BTW, Ensigns do not just sit next to a Fleet Admiral unless the Admiral does this as a PR thing. For dining accommodations, Admirals have their own dining facility in which his immediate staff eats with him. Likewise for the Captain of a ship. Everyone else is segregated into other dining facilities based on rank.

    Now if you’re making your case that the salute is nothing more than maintaining a classed society of old Europe then I’m afraid you really haven’t been in the military. Whatever your gripe is, the hand salute is simply a tradition. No one really cares and no one feels they are being looked down upon for having to salute a superior officer. It’s not discrimination. LOL.

    60, You have no clue even though you supposedly grew up with two fighter pilots.

    Let me be crystal clear. EACH branch has their OWN department. The Army, Air Force, and Navy each have a department named after them. The Marine Corps does not. They have a Commadant, but they don’t have their own department.

    What service academy do Marine Corps officers come from? They come from the U.S. Naval Academy. The Marines don’t even have their own medics. Unlike the Army, Air Force, or Navy, the Marine Corps is not a self-sufficient branch. Now why is that? The Marines get their medics from the U.S. Navy. Not from the Marine Corps. If you remove the Navy, the Marines need help.

    No “separate” branch actually needs another branch to fulfill occupational holes. The Marines need the Navy to fill their holes that no other separate branch suffers from. The Marines cannot function on their own without the Navy. Do you think the Navy does this out of charity or love for the Marine Corps? Why would it be the Navy’s problem to expend their money and their troops to aide a supposedly separate branch as you say who couldn’t help themselves? Why can’t the Marines get their own medics since they are a “separate” branch? Why would the Marines need to have their hand held by utilizing U.S. Navy assets? Because they themselves are a U.S. Navy asset… who insist they are their own branch.

    It’s a sore spot for Marines and understandably so. As I’ve already told you before, the Marines will fight tooth and nail over insisting they are their own branch… it’s a matter of pride. But even so, with a Commandant who sits as an equal among the Joint Chiefs of Staff, there’s really nothing else to indicate they are a separate branch of sorts.

    If you removed the Commandant, you essentially remove any argument that they can potentially be their own branch since there is no other evidence of being “separate”.

    As for Paddy-O’ Chain of Command, I didn’t even refer to it. Did you miss that I said in a previous post “the Marines’ Commandant of the Marine Corps is considered equivalent to the Navy’s CNO and he sits among the Joint Chiefs of Staff.” ? What part of the word “equivalent” did you not understand?

    Now when you said 5 branches of the military, I’m assuming you mean the Coast Guard as being the fifth. The CG was a member of the Department of Transportation… now it’s a member of the Department of Homeland Security. The CG is not DOD but they have been considered an “armed service”. They have fallen under the Navy and DOD during Wartime (if they got utilized). But they are not considered a DOD branch (even though they do have a service academy of their own… even though the Marines do not). The Navy jokingly calls the the CG “shallow water sailors”.


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