It’s the time of year to revist the Ghostly Car Ad!

A creepy video is going around the net with this note attached:


>> Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain.

>> When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.

>> Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you’ll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road….Spooky!

>> Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide.

>> If you listen to the ad, you’ll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial. So turn up the sound!

A little creepy but pretty cool!

Now CLICK HERE to watch the video

  1. Shelly says:

    I almost pissed myself! Loved it!

  2. Shelbi says:

    omg that scared the crap out of me that is just because it is halloween today and yea that was mean!!! but really funny to!

  3. tana says:

    I laughed at myself. Good. Thanx.

  4. Azure says:

    Two of my cats plus my dog were in bed with me when I looked at it on my laptop. One cat immediately jumped off the bed, and the other one jumped out of her skin, I think! The dog was the lucky one. He’s DEAF! LOL

  5. bobby says:



  6. Luis says:

    My science teacher got the e-mail and showed it to at least 30 students every hour. Kids got so scared they are fell on the floor.
    Scared me even!

  7. murda says:

    wtf man my bf told me dat it wazz some creepy shit wtf he aint tell me dat i wazz gona stop breathing for like 10 mints .man scared da living shit out my paints man dog .i swear.shit it aint funne tell u tell some bade on AIM to go on it and let them wach it man shit still scared da shit out off me man.i think i need some new boxerz shit man good very funneee

  8. Loretta says:

    My heart is still beating 100 beats a second. I just got home from work and now I can not go to sleep… It scared the $&^%&^%^&%& out of me!!

  9. Sam says:

    Patch, I’ll get you for that… I woke up two neighbors in the building….

  10. AK says:

    That was suprising man!!

  11. Vishneil says:

    that was bloody beautiful..i luved more

  12. Meghan says:

    Very good….I actually had my face right next to the screen looking for the stupid mist even though I knew something was gonna show up it scared the crap out of me.

  13. Joe says:

    Who’s gonna pay to clean my pants?

  14. Emily says:

    THAT, was freakin awesome! My mom showed it to me and all my sibilings. The youngest cried forever and we all screamed and laughed forever. :-p hehe It’ll scare the crap outa ya.

  15. Joy P. says:

    my teacher showed our 7th grd. class!!!everyone screamed and the principle came in!!!! one boy was on the floor on his stomach and he was kicking the ground!!!!! i almost had a heart attack!!!!!

  16. halie wallace says:

    my music teacher at cjhs showed us this on halloween day

  17. Eddie says:

    I almost fell when I saw it!

  18. Eddie says:

    I dont hear any guy whispering!

  19. chris says:

    haha i loved it

  20. sofi francis says:

    cuzzzzzzz yall, scared me so bad

  21. Jon Ricco says:

    A totally different spin if your a voice over guy…. I told my friends to watch this commercial because I voice the ad. Needless to say they were very scared!

  22. Kallie says:

    That was the scariest thing in the world!!
    At first it’s like a stupid car comercial.
    Then a guy pops out.
    I mean there is not even sound effects that like something was going to pop out.
    Then I was like scared right out of my own house.
    I mean I keep watching it but wow!!
    He like wants out of the camera or just likes to jump into things and be scarey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. chantelle says:

    its awsome cause it makes ppl jump ill alwayyz abale see him/her all da tyme

  24. Marvin says:

    Showed it to family, never been happier on seeing sister freak.

  25. Angelwalker says:

    Gosh, that shit aint funny ,It made my chest hurt, damn that ghost thing is scary. Yea, get close to the screen, in order to see the mist, but make sure you have your will, and life insurance up to date. My brother said his cat was hanging from the ceiling cause he turned his attached stereo up to max volume…now nobody will talk to me.

  26. Jessica says:

    Man . . . that was the most freakin amazing thing I have seen. Could nt scream . . . I just sat there in stunned silence.

  27. says:

    you got me good woke up the whole neighborhood, including the dogs and my sleeping uncle whale

  28. says:

    that shit was sooo freaking freaky!! i woke up the neighbors and the the dogs including my uncle whale!!!! was awesome

  29. Andy says:

    Okay, you got me, I admit it. but go back and watch it again and this time in slow motion. After the part with the ghost and before the change your shorts line, the words
    “So Wach warul du noch nie.”
    appear across the screen. What the heck does that mean? Anybody?

  30. angel says:

    WOW!! good job. i like it cause the music is so relaxing. and then that is so unexpected
    I have seen stuff that would make your hair curl. but that .. was faint time


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