It’s the time of year to revist the Ghostly Car Ad!

A creepy video is going around the net with this note attached:


>> Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain.

>> When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.

>> Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you’ll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road….Spooky!

>> Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide.

>> If you listen to the ad, you’ll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial. So turn up the sound!

A little creepy but pretty cool!

Now CLICK HERE to watch the video

  1. dcoop says:

    Clip needs a ……WARNING ……not for young children!

  2. Barbara Carter says:

    At the expense of some person possibly killed in an accidnet I feel sorry but the actual show was a roit! A real shocker!

  3. David says:

    you got me …..but you might what to tell people not to have their little kids around when they see this…my 3yo. is still holding his mother crying and It’s all my fault.

  4. Sean Wolfe says:

    Whatever I clean from my shorts I am throwing at you!

  5. Dan Harville says:

    Subtle, It does look like a … I guess it could be… I watched it a couple times. I did have goose bumps

  6. Mark says:

    Wish I had some Depends on before I watched that. But then when I read eveyones comments, I most certainly needed them from laughing so hard are everyones comments. THANKS!!!
    CLASSIC! Happy Halloween! 🙂

  7. Dan Harville says:

    Subtle… but I can see it!

  8. kelly says:

    that got me good

  9. Daquo says:

    I thought it was “Great “

  10. CLM says:

    Totally taken by surprise. I screamed and my poodle started howling.

  11. JAY says:


  12. Trent N says:

    Thanks alot. These were my lucky boxers. That was awesome though. I loved every single minute of the next ten my heart was racing.

  13. Carson says:

    I SHIT ALL OVER THE CEILING AND ON MY MOM!!!!!! IT WAS LIKE ROCKET FIRE!!!! MY MOM’S A BITCH!!!!! I DONT KNOW WHY THOUGH!!!!!! but it changed my life and im now MADLY in love with the ghory creature….. kisses

  14. Joe says:


  15. bob says:

    OMG!!! my teacher showed us and i had to go to the hospital cuz i fell down screaming and hit my head on the overhead projector behind me thx that was awesome! i would do it again and again!!!

  16. Hollister Woodrowe says:

    Gave the wife & I a right proper good shock, wot ?
    Absolutely smashing old chap, smashing.

  17. David says:

    Holy Shit is right! A colleage emailed this to me and didn’t tell me about the ghost. I screamed so loud, the entire department where I work came running to see what was wrong…

  18. booboo says:

    haha very funny teachers at my school show this video. its the best i love it!

  19. Nathan says:

    When you look really close at the car you can see something under it, I wonder why they play such beautiful music, turn it up you can really almost here the ghost say something like “Thats not nice” listen real close. Let me know what it says.

  20. Jeff says:

    you tricky bastard,, you scared the dookie out of me,, but i was constipated,, so thanks,,,

  21. Skylaark says:

    In response to comment #39…that wasn’t Harriet Miers, you ninny. That was Ruth Bader Ginsburg!

  22. Angela says:

    Geeeez!!!! So glad I just went pee before watching clip! We let my 8yr old nephew and friend watch to give ’em a good scare….we laughed until we cried…thank you!

  23. Len says:

    If this upset or scarred you congratulations! you are a normal human being. I’m afraid of those of you who did not experience shock, you need help.

  24. Tony says:

    I keep repeating it so that I would flatten my reaction to it. It made me jump the first few times, and now it’s better.

  25. MICHAEL L. says:


  26. william says:

    thats messed up…

  27. wesley storer says:

    I say old chap. This guy must belong to “the clockwork Orange” gang, so he is definitely nobody to mess with. We can’t see what he has in his rookers.

  28. Sandra says:

    HOLY PHUQ……….had to pinch myself and make sure im still breathing……be a long time in hell be4 i watch something like that again……lol Good One!!!!!

  29. George Gillis says:

    Is there a doctor in the house? my rectum just prolapsed, a new chair is definitely going to be needed after this spook.

  30. Melissa says:

    HOLLY SH*T That was good!


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