It’s the time of year to revist the Ghostly Car Ad!
A creepy video is going around the net with this note attached:
>> Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain.
>> When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.
>> Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you’ll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road….Spooky!
>> Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide.
>> If you listen to the ad, you’ll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial. So turn up the sound!
A little creepy but pretty cool! that I’m awake..that was foul. Thanks to George Nouri on Coast to Coast..I had to see this this morning.
No need for coffee now!
omg i dint scream i just sat in a stuned silence lol im gonna get my mum lata !
Ha… i didnt turn the sound up but it still made me go “FARKING JESUS CHRIST”
good one
Oh My. You just scared the crap out of me . I haven’t been scared like that since I was 8 years old. LOL LOL LOL !!!!
You should have warned people not to be sipping their coffee when looking closely for the ghost….
Real nice but I can’t wait to see the kids reaction when I show them this
This is sooo spooky , me and my classmates and teacher watched it and we all jumped and scaremed………………………. but it is a fun thing!!!!!!!!!!
that scared me so bad…… legs hurt!!!
i heard this on an AM radio show, he told us it was scary, boy you got me good.
i have the hole house up now.
You gotta say that is pretty F ing creepy.
I showed it to my 10-yr old daughter: I think her hysterical scream button stayed jammed on for 30 seconds! Then she cried for something like 10 minutes. Her mother and I must be real bad parents, as we’re still laughing… LOL!
aahh-yeah!! That was a good one ………(yuuh…sneaky son-of- uh-sushi ass mutherless, fatherless cockerspaniel piece of son-a-man bitchum!!!). I HATE U!!! AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!
OK. Fortunately, I had seen this somewhere before. Startled me the first time, but was prepared for it this time — especially since your “header” says “FUN”. What’s really scarry about it is how ugly
the guy is — can only HOPE it’s primarily makeup! LOL!
I can’t really see the mist you’re talking about , but that zombie is really STARTLING! Great ad for getting someone to Pee themselves.
Awesome! I just messed my pants. Great! That will be another 3 months of therapy!
Holy ________. (Fill in the blanks). I showed my 6 year old brother he almost screamed 2 deaath.
Holy shit!!!!!!!!!That skared da hell out o me.
California Luv!!!!!
After the “What’s wrong with this picture?” a few years back, I was expecting something like that.
Still good for a chuckle….
I think I just stamped my shorts… nevermind, I full on shit myself!!! Awesome!!!!
I’m cleaning my shorts now!
Being a Cop I like to listen to George on the midnight shift while parked in our local & from the early 1800’s cemetery. If I had seen this while inside there they’d probably be burying me there myself 3 days from now! I’m sure tonight I’ll tune in from a well lit parking lot!!!!!
daugther didnt think it was funny cause if u listen to the end it saidher name and see got real scared
It’s hard to see the ghost at first… but you can if you lean forward and look very very closely… almost put your nose to the screen… right as the car comes around the corner… up the hill… you see this slight ghostly misty image appear… I had to watch it twice to see it…. so look closely.
um. I didn’t see the mist either. I also didn’t see the car emerge from the other side of the trees either. That is the strange part. The car should have come out just behind that farmer near the end. What could have happened to the car?
oh, and that farmer needs to switch to decaf.
That was definately a classic almost as good as that one pop out that went around on the internet with the staring at the picture deal about ten years ago!!! REALLY NICE