It’s the time of year to revist the Ghostly Car Ad!

A creepy video is going around the net with this note attached:


>> Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain.

>> When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.

>> Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you’ll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road….Spooky!

>> Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide.

>> If you listen to the ad, you’ll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial. So turn up the sound!

A little creepy but pretty cool!

Now CLICK HERE to watch the video

  1. BROOKE AND stEPH says:

    Freakin scary!!!! Hilarious!!!

  2. Jesse Brown says:

    HAHAHA that was hilarious it scared the hell out of me. I sent it to all my friends and it scared the hell out of them too. Awesome!

  3. alexis says:

    OMG i watched it with my boyfriend. We both freaked out…. but i think i took it to the next level. i bit him in the arm and managed to curse at the top of my lungs at the same time. Well now he is it laughingso hard he’s crying because he has scared the shit out of me twice since then and its only been 2 mins since the video.I AM SO ANGRY.

  4. Katie says:

    My literature teacher showed it to the class and was told not to do it again because of the screaming. So, I came home and showed it to my mom, who is easily frightened, and she almost had a stroke!!!! It was great. I enjoyed watching it, and will probably do it again within the week.

  5. zach marvin says:

    My teacher showed it to me at school and when i got home i showed my mom. i also thuoght it cool!!!!

  6. Joe says:

    ya it scared me the first time i watched it but its not really scary anymore i scared my family and all my friends really funny

  7. Lorraine says:

    I thought i was going to have to change my pants when i watched it … my dad laughed so hard.!!!! lol

  8. alison says:

    oh my gosh that is the spookiest thing i have ever seen in my life it scared the hell out of me and my mother inlaw we both screamed and the whole apartment building heard us . that was crazy and funny !

  9. kate says:

    my gym teacher showed me this and the whole soccer team got scared

  10. steph says:

    Damn..that was scarey….made my heart jump but i loved it

  11. eileen says:

    You scared me to death……Nearly had a cardiovascular attack……….

  12. Lance says:

    Poo nugget. Poo nugget.

  13. hheheh says:

    omg thats so wiked scary it looks like a car commercial at first!

  14. Valerie says:

    For some reason I wasnt able to get picture, but, I was telling the
    story to my 13 yr old daughter and playing the sound, When that scream came out she must have jumped 5 feet in the air. God, I
    love getting my kids good. Thanks
    Keep it up!

  15. mmm says:

    mmm sexy ghostman

  16. lala says:

    not funny
    really mean!!!

  17. bob says:

    come on do better than that

  18. Jesse says:

    That scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it now its just funny

  19. Haley says:

    That is crazy…i dont think that is real, but it scared me half to death

  20. Kylie says:

    Holy Snot-Bubbles!!!! Great Job, I think I need new shorts as well. My friends and fellow classmates loved it. I’ll give the credit to my teacher for the scare!!!

  21. James says:

    man i was i class when my teacher show us this and said look close so the whole calss did and when it got to the part every one in the whole class screm out Ooooooooooooooooooo lol. =-) but it was funny!

  22. Misty says:

    That was the scariest!! I went to my friends house to watch it and she told me to get really close to the monitor or it was hard to see. Well it was me and all mine and her kids. I really didn’t scare me until they all screamed and about gave me a heat attack. Way to go, that was brilliant.

  23. JordanC says:

    holy balls i almost shat myself. I also got my mom with it

  24. Danielle says:

    OMG! You scared the holy poo out of me! I jump and screamed…lol..Dog looked at me like I was a nut!!! Thanks for the adrinaline rush!! ~whew~

  25. Audrey says:

    holyshit!!!!!! hahahaha! that was fuckin awesome!

  26. kia says:


  27. kia says:

    I hate you

  28. Raul R. says:

    Dang gummmitt! got me!!! Happy Halloween & Happy dia de los muertos too!

  29. Dave Strommer says:

    You asshole!

  30. Alan Knockwood says:

    Damn Good! fell for it bad!!!! followed the link fron Coast to coast so was already set up(buggers) ROFLMAO


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