It’s the time of year to revist the Ghostly Car Ad!
A creepy video is going around the net with this note attached:
>> Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain.
>> When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.
>> Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen and you’ll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then following it along the road….Spooky!
>> Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide.
>> If you listen to the ad, you’ll even hear the cameraman whispering in the background about it near the end of the commercial. So turn up the sound!
A little creepy but pretty cool!
Dvorak your a funny guy!
That was not right…
yeah, it gives me the creeps too… spooky
LOL, really funny!
Haha, Got me good then again it’s 4am and I’ve been messing with a wordpress plugin for hours trying to get it working right.
A ghost?
Take a closer look and you will see that it is just some flare on the camera lens. Often times it is even called “ghost flare”. Good camera operators know this and take steps to eliminate it, such as cleaning their lens’ and filters properly.
Pretty shots though.
Holy shit. I woke up my whole family screaming.
OMG! that was scary
That’s just mean, John. 😛
Uh, you better post a warning so no one with a Jarvic 7 or a heart problem doesn’t watch that.
WTF are you guys trying to do, kill someone. Pretty damn funny you weisenheimers. I almost fell out of my damn chair.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
funnee….. ?
didn’t this kinda crap go out of style at age 10?
Well, anyway, Happy Halloween to you, too
You got me. Damn you!
Bastards! I knew it was going to do that! I really knew it, yet I fell for it hook, line and sinker!
At least I didn’t turn up the sound.
I’m surprised you posted it John. I really didn’t take you for someone who likes that kind of thing. 🙂
Why you sly…two timin’…no good…!!!
I have been double crossed!!
John, you are one mean guy! 🙂
Help. I need new shorts.
I while back I emailed this to my wife. She opened it late at night while working alone. She woke me up screaming and cursing me viciously. I was far more frightened that she was.
-5 points for resurrecting an old joke.
Um this was on Kevin Rose’s blog back when there was a station called “TechTV” and a show called “The Screen Savers”.
So yeah,
I hate you. I will continue to hate you until I can peel myself off the ceiling and crawl back into my skin.
you got me good on that one.
I don’t get all the comments telling me this is “old.” SO what? Do you only listen to a song once? Do you ever watch a rerun? If something was posted on UseNet in 1990 should it never be posted again? I’m baffled. What is the point of this buzzkill? Most people enjoyed seeing the ghost(s), if you haven’t noticed.
wow, that really, really scared me. You’re focusing on the car so much that you don’t see the other part coming
Deep breath in – deep breath out – check pulse – present? Good….
Well it woke me up – but I will NEVER trust you again!!! 🙂
(did we ever?)
ummm thanks John?
I hate you.
You know what, I would still be hating you right know if my sister, who was right behind my laptop monitor, screamed and dropped her mirror at the sound from the computer and my scream. I laughed.
no way, Mr. Dvorak. nobody’s getting me with that video…
I get so tired of those “scary” emails…