UPDATE: Thanks to Mark T. for exposing this video.

Found by Doug Edwards.

  1. Mark T. says:

    Sorry, that landing looked super fake. This is a viral ad campaign:


  2. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Mark T

    Yeah, the landing looked really fake.

  3. cme1ca says:

    I love super cheesy CG work!

  4. hhopper says:

    Sure fooled me.

  5. mthrnite says:

    Aww.. they cut out the part where the Cloverfield monster takes a Calvin-wizz on the plane!

    (‘k, I confess, fooled me too.)

  6. Matt Garrett says:

    This guy needs to join the AF Flight Test group at Edwards like NOW.

  7. The DON says:

    …and people were fooled by this? Cleverly done, but still obviously a RC plane for the majority of the video.

  8. snuffmuffler says:

    What a load of crock.

  9. Special Ed says:

    Yeah, it certainly would have been better if he augered into a crowd.

  10. hhopper says:

    Yeah, and then exploded into flames.

  11. Eliot says:


  12. Eliot says:


  13. Buzz says:

    Dear Camera Makers,

    For god’s sake, can’t you make a video camera that doesn’t randomly go out of focus at exactly the most critical times when unusual things are being shot?

    We shoot hundreds of tapes without ever having the camera blur out, but when the Yeti steps from the Flying Saucer with his arms around Ambrose Bierce, all of the sudden the camera goes kerfluie and we get that critical match-up moment where we could have seen truth or fake, now obscured forever by your shoddy autofocus system designs.

    Stop it.

  14. deowll says:

    If this was a fake the planes matched up real good.

    Some really freak things have been known to happen.

    If not a fake I doubt if he’d want to try that again.

    You guys have fun.

  15. deowll says:

    Now if he’d gotten out with the wing off side clearly showing…

    Those little planes have a staggering amount of lift because of powerful engines and small weight….

    I wasn’t there so…

  16. Li says:

    The bit there at the end looked very fake to me for some reason, but it might just be a very clean plane and an odd light angle.

  17. Debdiego says:

    I was just waiting for Godzilla to come out of the cockpit.

  18. Brian says:

    hah did anyone honestly think this was real?

    Fake, fake, fake.

    Why wouldn’t the pilot bail when his wing fell off? That should have been the first signal to anyone who thought this was real. Second, the craptastic CGI editing should have told you.

  19. pjakobs says:

    I’d say this does not look very convincing for a few reasons:

    – the wing break looks totally clean. In a real wing break event, it would not just separate at the root spar but disintegrate. This is more a “wing loss” event, which seems very very odd.

    – Those wings are built to withstand +/-10g. The wing separated down, so the negative acceleration would have been amazingly high, even if a structural failure had been present, it would still hold more negative g than a torque figure (lomcovac?) would create and the pilot could withstand. Those torque figures are flown using the torque from the engine, therefore, they’re usually flown at rather low speeds.

    – just before landing, in that “wing high” attitude, there’s no rudder deflection to be seen. If you’re flying with vertical wings, you have to produce lift by using the fuselage, which means you have to have a high angle of attack, which, because you are 90° off your normal attitude, means that you have to use full or almost full rudder “away from the ground”. Can’t be seen here.

    now, having that said, I have seen a case where a very similar thing happened to a model airplane and the pilot saved it. It’s entirely possible by physics, this just doesn’t look very convincing.


  20. RP says:

    OK Darpa just did a test where a 1/3 FA 18 model lost 2/3 of its wing and landed safely. Which was hailed as a outstanding achievement, may win the Collier Award for that. It looked like a model airplane just by the way the plane was moving around. RC planes have such a HIGH power to weight ratio they can do things that would kill a pilot. I’ve got to call B@@@@@it on this one.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze, you guys are probably the same ones disputing Santa, the Easter Bunny, and Great Pumpkin. What a bunch or poop heads.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    Cool RC video.

  23. Miguel Correia says:

    Wonderfully well done! It’s just a shame the plane spins to left after loosing the right wing. 😉

  24. moss says:

    This note from an aviation artist/pilot who also happens to have survived an A7 losing a wing:

    Fake, so fake! The airplane would spin with the good wing on the outside, not on the inside of the spin. Remember the helicopter leaves from the Swisher Tree?

    When the wing broke off, it flew off to the right. It wouldn’t do that in real life, the plane was going up, the wing would follow the flight path of the plane.

    When the airplane lands, the bounce is so unnatural.
    More important, when it landed it would have leaned into the wing when it stopped because there would be more weight on that side. (If not tip over completely).

    Last, when you look at the shadows, there’s a shadow on the ground (CG) but there is no shadow on the aircrafts’ stab/elevator.

    Someone sure went to a lot of trouble to make this video. It’s good entertainment, but that’s all.


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