1. Paddy-O says:

    Falsely attributed to red necks.

    No misspellings…


  2. bobbo says:

    Paddy–good catch.

  3. McCullough says:

    #1. Yeah, I think it’s fake too.

  4. Dallas says:

    You know it’s bad for McCain when the GOP base of confederate rednecks are taking a second look at Obama. Ouch, that must sting.

    I was at Phoenix Skyharbor airport yesterday and NOBODY was looking at McCain’s interview with Larry King on the TV displays. Will Arizona go Obama? OMG

  5. Somebody_Else says:


    I’ve heard a couple of stories of rednecks in Pennsylvania and W. Virginia telling pollsters “they’re voting for the nigger cuz he’s smarter than the other guy.”

  6. RushL4evah says:

    I always thought those rednecks were to educated to be true conservative supporters. You liberals should ask those of us who marry our cousins, have multiple pre-teen wives, or do without your fancy-shamancy edumcation who we support in the electshuns. Thems’ wuud be Dan Quayle, GW, and now Sarah Palin you dern radicals.

  7. buzzerd says:

    Pennsyltucky comes to there senses!

  8. Libertican says:

    Politics make strange bedfellows.

    This is probably 1% of people who call themselves rednecks and 5% of those that other people call rednecks. One man’s redneck is another man’s Blue Dog Democrat.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Come November 5, sunny days will once again warm the American landscape. And, to tell the truth, I won’t give two poops about the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the right wing nut side.

  10. Brian says:

    The big media outlets don’t want to tell you this, because you won’t watch their election coverage, but there’s a landslide coming nov 4th the likes of which we haven’t seen since reagan v. mondale.

    It’s going to be bloody, its going to be over quickly, and the republican party is going to be in turmoil for years trying to recover.

    Get ready…it’s a-coming.

    Best part yet is Billo claiming the ratings are now being fixed in trying to explain his losing to Countdown.

    Who will watch fixed news when they are no longer the mouthpiece for the administration?

  11. grog says:

    the only people left voting for mccain ideologues who cling to their tired cliches and refuse to admit that the gop, who fought so hard to win (and won) control over the entire federal government completely blew it once they won on a orgy of spending the likes of which has never been seen.

    bottom line: the only difference between the gop and dems is their spending priorities.

  12. James Hill says:

    This furthers my Palin ’10 theory: These are the same people that will vote in a GOP majority in Congress.

    Do you really think they’ll be happy with anything Obama does? The guy could cure cancer and they’d still be unhappy.

    This is just bandwagon jumping… not that they were ever on the McCain wagon to begin with.

  13. Sea Lawyer says:

    #10, Come November 5, sunny days will once again warm the American landscape.

    I also hear that peppermints will rain from the sky and the rivers will run full of milk chocolate.

  14. MikeN says:

    If that had said McCain, the media would have breaking news coverage of the hate crime.

  15. I got an ugly wife says:

    #10, When that happens I really hope the gov will make you share your wife with me. Mine’s really ugly and it isn’t fair yours is prettier.

    Come on Obama!

  16. RoflPost says:

    Is that symbol on the sign what Confederate X-Men put on their uniforms?


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