Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. JimD says:

    The REPUKES HAVE ***CREATED A MONSTER*** !!! Palin, the UN-DEAD !!! Watch the GOP DISINTEGRATE NOW !!! Serves them right (no pun intended, but never mind !!!) !!!

  2. McCullough says:

    Holy Shit…I mean really??? NFW! I too am speechless.

    Man, it’s gonna be a great day.

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Jessie Ventura 2012!

  4. brendal says:

    The Dems worst nightmare…buhahahah! Happy Halloween, guys!!

  5. Matt says:

    I dont see why this is such a big deal. She’s just thinking about her options.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    I smell fear in the libs posts so far…

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    teehee, what a maverick. you betcha.
    I predict she becomes persona non grata of the Republican party. If not, what the hey, another slam dunk for any opposing party.

  8. hhopper says:

    If she becomes a popular celebrity over the next four years, the stupid public will gladly vote for her. PR is what gets people elected.

  9. Sweety says:

    #6, Cow-Paddy,

    I smell fear in the libs posts so far…

    Naa, that smell is just John McCain’s Depends needs changing.

    This mother of four, grandmother to 1 1/2 is just flapping her gums. again. If she knew what was good, she would listen to some advise and stick with the cue cards.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ve just figured this out!

    Sarah Palin is actually a plant of Hillary Clinton.

    That’s right!

    McCain dies in an “accident” (Hillary death watch anyone?).

    Sarah becomes President.

    Well, she needs to pick a VP, and who does she get? HILLARY!

    Chick Power!!!

  11. hhopper says:

    You’ll never sell that script to Hollywood.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #11 hiphop – He could if Hillary and Sara put out a girl-on-girl pron on the internet after they pull off the coup. Sex sells baby.

    This is almost as fun as reading PaddyHo’s stories here at the DU.

  13. Deep-Thought says:

    I like to quote Göthes Der Zauberlehrling.

    “Die ich rief, die Geister, Werd’ ich nun nicht los.”

    About not being able to get rid of the spirits he called.

    I’m sure this woman will even haunt you after you have not voted for her. (You will not, won’t you?)

  14. Matt Garrett says:

    You people are seriously daft. She’s talking about SHE’S NOT GIVING IN TO THAT THOUGHT. She refuses to say she’d lose. Are you people so blind you can’t see that?

  15. Sea Lawyer says:

    #8, If she becomes a popular celebrity over the next four years, the stupid public will gladly vote for her. PR is what gets people elected.

    Well, it was Hollywood’s constant campaigning for Obama to enter the presidential race that lead us to where we are today.

  16. Dallas says:

    Not only is the bitch declaring defeat on this this election, she is doing so unilaterally. Goes to show she is a loose canon – just what we don’t need in government.

    It would be music to have the witch lead what remains of the GOP in 2012. We sure need a party where all the wingdings, white supremacists and religious nuttballs can congregate to.

  17. Cephus says:

    She already is admitting defeat on Tuesday and is looking ahead to the next campaign. Granted, she has no shot, she’s largely responsible for McCain blowing this election and I can’t imagine anyone intelligent on the Republican side encouraging her to actually run again in 2012, except maybe as a way to shut her up.

  18. grass4 says:

    When Obama gets elected, our image to the rest of the world will improve greatly… and that’s important. We’ve been the ‘evil empire’ too much lately.

    If McCain should get elected… we’re screwed.

  19. hhopper says:

    #12 – TM Lawyer – They could call it “Beauty and the Beast.”


  20. Don says:

    She’s a Goof Ball. The only place she is gonna be in 4 years is prison when all of the ethics and corruption charges in Alaska play out.

    What a disaster. Can McCain drop her from the ticket? Could he find anyone reasonable to join him on his sinking ship?


  21. Carcarius says:

    #19 – too late, Don. Too late.

  22. grog says:


    fear? HA!

    not so much. i’m laughing my ass off.

    watching the gop self-destruct is just plain awesome.

    but actually palin will be a really good candidate in 2012 and to be fair, i honestly think she was caught off-guard and should have been groomed more.

    unfortunately, she lacks the class of john mccain, so 2012 won’t be as civilized as sens. mccain and obama have kept it.

    but we’ll see. i have no fear. i am american.

  23. QB says:

    Sorry brendel, but Palin is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time.

  24. contempt says:

    #17 grass4

    >>We’ve been the ‘evil empire’ too much lately.

    You need to get out more. Please turn off your computer then go play in the Monster’s Lawyer yard. He might yell at you but at least it will give you something else to think about.

  25. mthrnite says:

    On the surface it seems that she wouldn’t have a chance. Really she only appeals to the right of the right-wing, and that’s just not enough if you’ve got an option on the other side. Then again, if she ran against Gore or Kerry… all bets would be off. I remember 2000 all too well, I never in a million years though Bush would win. He was just too much of a doofus. Sound familiar?

    I do think Wolf was reading a little bit too far into her comment though. Palin talks like a shotgun “Here’s a buncha words for ya, you figger it out.” so she could just as easily have been saying that she was gonna shoot the pope or something. I mean, you just never know with her.

  26. Stephanie says:

    What the White House will be like with Palin in it:

  27. robin1943 says:

    As usual CNN has misstated the comments of Sarah Palin by taking your words out of context to push CNN’s choice. Below is the full context from ABC’s web site in which she first states she is not expecting to loose this election.

    ELIZABETH VARGAS: If it doesn’t go your way on Tuesday … 2012?

    GOV SARAH PALIN: I’m just … thinkin’ that it’s gonna go our way on Tuesday, November 4. I truly believe that the wisdom of … of the people will be revealed on that day. As they enter that voting booth, they will understand the stark contrast between the two tickets. …

    VARGAS: But the point being that you haven’t been so bruised by some of the double standard, the sexism on the campaign trail, to say, “I’ve had it. I’m going back to Alaska.”

    PALIN: Absolutely not. I think that, if I were to give up and wave a white flag of surrender against some of the political shots that we’ve taken, that … that would … bring this whole … I’m not doin’ this for naught.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #25 Hmm, Energy independence, Colin Powell, saving animals from extinction.


  29. Special Ed says:

    No matter what she says, I’d still bury a bone in her backyard.

  30. J says:

    # 4 brendalpuss

    “The Dems worst nightmare…buhahahah!”

    That is not a sentence. It lacks a verb of any kind.

    Doing what I can to correct arrogant assholes and their hypocrisy one idiot at a time.


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