One dead, thousands without power and the first October snow in London in 74 YEARS as Arctic blast sweeps UK | Mail OnlineThe ravages of global warming continue unabated.

One man was killed and thousands were left without power today after inches of snow fell across the country overnight.

Just two days after the end of British Summertime, the first snowfall of the year saw a lorry driver killed when his vehicle collided with another lorry on the M40 in Buckinghamshire.

Tonnes of lard being carried in one of the lorries was left strewn over all six lanes of the motorway causing long delays.

Found by Adam Curry.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Global cooling?

    [Bad link. – ed.]

  2. Eric says:

    Thank goodness for “global warming” and the end of this white death that is menacing London.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    Tonnes of lard…:)

    Hey John! Where’s the appropriate graphic banner for all things GW: Real or Not!

    In Other News…the Arctic really, really really is at the tipping point.

    BBC: Polar Warming caused by humans

  4. McCullough says:

    OOOOHHHH inches of snow! People without power! Are you shitting me? This is some kind of emergency? What kind of pansies live in England anyhoo? Call me when you get some WX, I’ll send flowers when I’m through LMAO.

    Of course I am (sort of) kidding. Come to Colorado, it snowed here 2 weeks ago.

  5. admfubar says:

    inches??? shouldnt this be centimeters?? or as they misspell things ending in er , centimetres???

  6. Mark T. says:

    The recent lack of solar flares on the Sun indicate we are headed into a period of global cooling. So go ahead and buy that SUV.

    Because gas is cheap again and global warming is a scam to raise taxes and get libs elected.

    When people on DU said we would NEVER see $3 gasoline again, I laughed. I told them to wait until fall; kids go back to school, vacations end, we go back to non-summer blend gasoline, and the price will plummet. I was 100% on the money. It happens like clockwork every year. Now we have $2.15 gas. Put that in your memory bank for next year.

    Of course, the Dems will kill the U.S. auto industry anyway with their new global warming regs. Wait and see.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    #6, Mark. I hope the Dem’s don’t kill the automotive industry more than they already have.

    “A massive government spending bill working its way through Congress includes $25 billion in low-interest loans for automakers.” … “Congress approved the loans last year as part of a larger energy bill that increased fuel economy standards for cars. But it did not fund the program.”

    In other words, the brain-dead Democratic Congress demanded more fuel efficient cars but didn’t pony up the money to make it happen. Now they have, and all the major US automakers are coming on-line with some real good cars. Finally.

    I’m dreaming of an electric car that actually gets the job done.

    Even if gas goes back to $1.00/Gallon, I would still consider electric for an around town car because everytime I plug in, I’d smile knowing someone who doesn’t like us isn’t getting my money!

  8. LinusVP says:

    Where is there gas for $2.15???

    I’m always amazed at stories that talk about a little early snow and people actually die. What’s up with that? Do they run outside in a panick and hit their head on the curb or something? I’m guessing a car accident but still.

  9. Mark T. says:

    Ah_Yea, yep, the Dems love to create a problem with “well intentioned”, yet unfunded, legislation and then rush to the rescue with your tax dollars when it turns sour. They get credit from the uninformed voters on both counts.

    LinusVP, gas in Dallas is $2.15 and falling. I just checked a tracking site and they show $2.06 at one station. I bet it will be sub $2 soon.

  10. BigBoyBC says:

    JCD, I can’t wait for this weeks NA, provided Adam isn’t blacked-out too. Love to hear his take on this…

  11. gquaglia says:

    More proof that the Earth does what it does. To think we have even an inkling of the powerful forces of climate cycles of the Earth is foolish.

  12. #9 – Mark T

    >>Dems love to create a problem with “well
    >>intentioned”, yet unfunded, legislation and
    >>then rush to the rescue with your tax dollars
    >>when it turns sour.

    You mean like “No Child Left Behind”? Oh wait…that wasn’t the Dems…

  13. deowll says:

    Gobal warming is supposed to mean a weak gulf stream and a frozen Western Europe.

    Of course England has been cold before and in buried under ice.

    All you got to do is put a luxuary tax on passanger vehicles that get poor gas milage to get machines that get better milage.

    Of course every vehicle on the road will soon be a business vehicle if you do.

    Pain at the pump works and with no pain no change.

    The Europeans and most nations just put a God awful tax on gas. You don’t need to give the automakers money. They will make what sells.

  14. Sinn Fein says:

    #11 Truer words never spoken!

    Did Al “In the Carbon Credit Business for Fun n’ Massive Profit” Gore approve of this Brit snow fall? I think not! 🙂

  15. scadragon says:

    I guess it’s true. What they say down in the south. That it’d be a cold day in hell when they elect a black man to be president of the USA

  16. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    We got snow in New England last weekend!

  17. Mark T. says:

    Mustard, no, I mean like the mortgage market collapse that was created by Dem legislation that required banks to give risky loans to low income people whom would otherwise never qualify, thereby creating the housing bubble that was bailed out with $800 billion and growing.

    Good intentions that ultimately require unimaginable taxpayer bailouts.

  18. brendal says:

    No…OPEC ordered the Brit freeze so heating oil demand would rise.

  19. travis says:

    Don’t y’all know the new term is “Global Weirding”. Please use this term from now on.

    You see, we had to replace the term “Global Warming” after people started noting that we’ve had a decade of non-increasing temperatures.

    In recent years we tried to go with the term “Global Climate Change” but it was ineffective. People want change (go obama, lol) and the climate change isn’t scary enough.

    So now we’ve devised a new term. This term is “Global Weirding”. Got that? See everything can be called global weirding. Since the word weirding has no scientific definition it can be used in any number of ways to better scare the public into cooperating. Please be sure to update all your documentation to reflect the changes.

    This has been a message from the Ecofriendly Talking Points Board. Thank you for your cooperation.

  20. I says:

    Re: Global Warming

    This is a single data point and as evidence for anything is pretty useless. I could say ‘It used to snow all the time in October and now it only happens once every 74 years! It might not happen again for 174 years. It’s teh warming!!!’

    But I look forward to Adam and John’s ‘expert’ interpretation on No Agenda.

    #5 the metre was defined by the French Academy of Sciences so they spell it ‘…tre’. Only with the NIST is it ‘..ter’

  21. Brian says:

    Means nothing, just like the polar ice melting. All it means is that the earth goes through cycles of warmth and cooling, it has for billions of years, and will do so until we’re all gone.

    Anyone who wants to suggest that mankind can somehow, someway alter that is just begging for attention.

    The same overreactionary people who cry in March when it hit 90 degrees one day ‘it’s global warming!’

    Settle down people – the weather is and has always been unpredictable.

  22. I says:

    Re: Global Warming

    This is a single data point and as evidence for anything is pretty useless. I could say ‘It used to snow all the time in October and now it only happens once every 74 years! It might not happen again for 174 years. It’s teh warming!!!’ I look forward to Adam and John’s ‘expert’ interpretation on No Agenda. They should get the occasional third person on that show, somebody who ‘knows stuff’

    #5 the metre was defined by the French Academy of Sciences so they spell it ‘…tre’. Only with the NIST is it ‘..ter’

  23. jobs says:

    Look! Obama is not even in the White House yet and he fixed Global Warming!

  24. Dick Dawkins says:

    #12 not to nit pick but…

    “No Child Left Behind” was co-Authored by Democrat Rep. George Miller of California and Democrat U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts.

    Not that that really matters since no child left behinds means no child can get ahead…funny how the good intentions of gov’t screw things up royally. Keep them dumb and they’ll grow up to be good serfs.

  25. jbellies says:

    #17 dusan – no, #13 is correct. Shutting down the gulf stream and associated Atlantic Ocean circulation, which today makes Britain warm and Nova Scotia cold, is a predicted effect of Global Warming. Not necessarily in all scenarios, of course, but a lot of them. Preliminary symptoms, including the decreased upwelling of cold water in the N. Atlantic, have already been observed.

    Of course, one swallow does not a damned hot and long summer make.

  26. Athon says:

    Besides the inches of snow —

    The US auto industry killed itself.

    Three times in the last 30 years they have found themselves twamped by competitors that are more nimble and better executed.

    To me, every US car looks like it was designed by a committee, which is a shame, as many concept vehicles held a lot of promise. But once they are dumbed down for production and the masses…well they are embarrassing to drive.

    And just what are US cars anymore?
    Is the BMW built in South Carolina any less American than the Nissan built in Tennessee, or the Toyota built in California?

    What defines an American car?
    Stock Ownership?
    Employing Americans to build cars in America?

    –and why does a little snow in England make the news anyhow?

  27. ECA says:

    i MENTIONED that FUEL oil was a commodity…
    that FUEL corps, bring it in, THEN sell it to the market, EVEN if THEY are he ones that brought it in…And sell it to YOU…

    ITS WHAT they SELL on the stock market…NOT the wholesale price(what they BOUGHT IT AT) price..

    YES they are…to many promises sense the 70’s

  28. JoaoPT says:

    So where did you took that picture from???

    Just the first cars show two porsches,a BMW seris 7 (maybe 8), a Miata, one VW Golf and an Audi A3.
    Looks like Dickensian gloom, except it isn’t.

    Is that nrº 10 Downing street? Looks like the crisic Cabinet is gathered.

  29. Local says:

    I live local to that lard accident. The lorry driver who died was not from the UK and possibly not use to driving on the correct side of the road. 😉

    I watched the local news about it too. The woman police officer who was interviewed by the press had a really hard time keeping a straight face when she said: “Yes it has been difficult dealing with the aftermath of the lard”

  30. Angus says:

    So, we’re saying it happened 74 years ago, right? I’ll get worried when things that have NEVER happened start happening.

    Global climate change is real, and has been with us for millenia. Global warming pundits needs to get off the scare tactics and approach this from a rational outlook of conservation of resources, good stewardship of the land, and fair use. Until the giant smokestacks that are China and India are told they need to reduce as well, it’s all about redistribution of wealth, and not protection of the environment.


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