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Then there’s North Carolina. And the Finns. Next Wednesday should be an exciting news day what with the wrong candidate winning and all. If you can’t win fairly…

This is just getting worse and worse. Now it’s happening in Texas. (And in MO, if you read to the end of the article). And the vaunted “thousands of attorneys” from the Obama campaign and the DNC are still nowhere to be found.

With every incident so far reported of touch-screen vote-flipping during early voting in this year’s general election — from county to county in WV and in Nashville, TN) — it’s been the ES&S iVotronic touch-screen machine that has failed, flipping votes from one candidate to another not chosen by the voter. In every instance [see update below], it’s been an attempted Democratic vote, flipped to a Republican, or another party.

These are the same machines that lost 18,000 votes in Democratic-leaning Sarasota County in the 2006 U.S. House Race for Katherine Harris’ old seat. The Democrat, Christine Jennings, was declared the loser to Republican Vern Buchanan (whose own wife had trouble voting for him that day), by just 369 votes. Several academic studies, and even the GAO, have been unable to rule out either tampering or hardware/software error for the disappeared 18,000 votes.

As we wrote earlier this week, after there was finally one report of a vote flipping from Democratic to Republican in TN (a very rare instance, btw), these machines need to be taken out of service now, impounded and quarantined immediately, and every voter needs to be given a paper ballot where these machines are currently being used. Voters who have such problems need to inform other voters waiting in line which machine should not be used (and we offer other tips below, as well).

[Update: The rare vote-flip from Republican to Democratic now seems to have been a hoax carried out by local Republicans, according to a TN election integrity activist who did some digging and reporting. Details here…]

And then there’s North Carolina.

Here’s what to do if it happens to you.

  1. indy says:

    I’m doing my part to get an accurate count, by being an election judge 11/4, figuring they’ll need some tech-savvy people in there. My county is paper/electronic mixed voting – yes, you do get to choose how to vote. And the electronic voting has a paper trail in my county as well, so it’s looking good so far.

  2. bobbo says:

    Election fraud–I saw two segments on touch screen voter fraud. Both showed the voter clearly putting their finger “on the line” between the two candidates. I assume there was more pressure on the tip of the finger giving the vote to the top candidate rather than the lower candidate. Voter fraud or fat fingered voters or fat headed reporters. You decide.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #38 I just think simple paper ballot is easier and easier for the voter to check to see if recorded properly.

    #36 I know that. I was teasing him about paying for the drugs he takes.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Cow-Paddy Ignorant Shit Talker,

    What ??? You can’t find any case where ACORN has been charged with voter fraud??? Well, gee whiz !!!Imagine that. Our resident brainiac made a claim he can’t back up.

    Actually I know you can’t do it. Simply because ACORN has never been charged. In fact, I bet you don’t even know what ACORN does without looking it up. I’ll bet you don’t even know why they are called ACORN.

    Just more cow shit from an illiterate homophobic troll.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    Here is an article that states ACORN employees have been convicted with voter fraud.

    In recent years, ACORN’s voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Missouri and Washington, with some employees convicted of voter fraud.

    How much more proof do you need? Here you go.

    Of course, I am suspecting every flaming democrat on this board to come up with some excuse as to why we shouldn’t believe anything in these links.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #41 & #42 Under the new ObamaNation laws you have been found guilty of posting the truth.

    You are hereby sentenced to the new Omama Reeducation “recreation” camps…

  7. geofgibson says:

    This is incredibly refreshing to see Liberals and Democrats in apoplexy because the shitty technology they rammed down the throats of the voters is doing exactly what the opponents said it would back in 2000.

    Just because GW won the election, rabid Democrats couldn’t be good losers and had to whine and bitch all the way to the Supreme Court. Once they lost they foisted ‘election reform’ on the voters. Well, congratulations, you got what you asked for.

    Do you really believe that there is any good reason not to just use paper ballots? Come on, too hard to use? If you can’t tell you’re voting for Pat Buchanan, maybe you should reconsider voting at all.

  8. QB says:


    Can you guys just vote already!

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Loser,

    and Washington, with some employees convicted of voter fraud.

    Names please.

    As to your other “link”

    First link,
    Registration fraud typically stems from workers striving to meet their daily quota of submitted voter forms, Miller said.

    Second link,
    Michelle Malkin is not a news source and in this link couldn’t post ONE conviction for voter fraud.

    Third link,
    World Net Daily is not impartial.
    in 2006, four part-time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Mo., for voter-registration fraud after being caught, fired and turned in by ACORN.

    In other parts of their story, lots of accusations but no actual “voter fraud” convictions.

    Fourth link,
    Why are we hearing so much about voter fraud and so little about election fraud? After all, the odds of someone voting fraudulently are about the same as those of an American being struck and killed by lightning.

    Actually, much less than even odds. Off the top of my head, the odds of being hit by lightening in a person’s lifetime is about 650,000 to 1.

    In 1998, Allan J. Lichtman, a consultant on voting rights, was asked by the state of Maryland to investigate charges that the Republican candidate for governor lost because of some 6,000 fraudulent votes. He writes that he found “not a single fraudulent vote [among] the 1.4 million ballots cast in the election.”

    Gee, doesn’t that sound similar to what the “liberals” have been saying?

    Heres a little more from that same story

    A 2007 experts’ report to the federal Election Assistance Commission concluded that “false registration forms have not resulted in polling place fraud.” The Department of Justice, which according to the attorney general has “made enforcement of election fraud and corruption offenses a top priority,” convicted only 24 people between 2002 and 2005 for voting fraud, an average of eight people a year. And these convictions were of individuals guilty of themselves casting illegal votes, not of instigating widespread voting fraud.

    So loser, I guess that kind of disputes your argument.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, peehead,

    From your own link.

    Workers accused of concocting the biggest voter-registration-fraud scheme in state history said they were under pressure from the community-organizing group that hired them to sign up more voters, according to charging papers filed Thursday.

    And if that doesn’t dispute your allegation,

    The defendants faked cards as an easy way to get paid, not as an attempt to influence the outcome of elections, said King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg. None of the phony registrations led to illegal voting.

    Keep trying, one of you might find something. But I do suggest you read your proposed evidence first.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, peehead,

    Gee, wonder why Fuseblown flew away from here

    Unlike you and a couple of others, most of us have other things to do besides watch you tucking your dicks between your legs so you look like that woman you want to be.

  12. wiglebot says:

    Herman Hollerith’s punch card tabulator patented in 1889 counted and organized government census data better than this 2008 voting machine displays and processes data.

    The voting machine is crap

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #45 QB – “Can you guys just vote already!”

    No, we require ~3 years of expensive ad campaigns & debates where the candidates don’t really answer questions. THEN, we’re kinda ready, maybe. 🙂

  14. geofgibson says:

    We can’t vote until the TV tells us who to vote for …

  15. QB says:

    I’m going to ask a naive question since I’m Canadian and have never voted in a US election. Is voting in the US so complex that it requires a machine of some type? How many people and initiatives will you vote for on Tuesday?

  16. the answer says:

    If all else fails, Riot

  17. geofgibson says:

    #54 – Where I live, there are half a dozen State wide candidates, about a dozen propositions, and another half dozen or so Federal candidates.

    No, voting is not complex. Some parties are sore losers. Others are too stupid to breathe.

  18. Rick Cain says:

    Interesting that there have been no incidents of McCain votes flipping TO Obama.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    #47, Names Please

    Here’s one.

    Clifton Mitchell – Mitchell was convicted last year and spent nearly three months in prison. He’s one of the ACORN workers convicted of voter registration fraud.

  20. #54 – Liberty Loser

    The guy was trying to register REPUBLICANS. He was “log cabin”.

    Mission accomplished?

  21. #47 – Uranium

    >>Michelle Malkin is not a news source and in
    >>this link couldn’t post ONE conviction for
    >>voter fraud.

    Michelle Malkin is nothing. If she weren’t hot, she’d be the samething as Sarah Palin or Two-Dollar Whore Coultin without the looks.


  22. LibertyLover says:

    #59, Liberty Loser If Obama gets elected, that will be my name.

    Your twin brother didn’t ask for someone stuffing for the republicans. He asked for anything on ACORN. I believe I supplied that. And just so know, ACORN does register for reps and dems.

    I don’t really care which side of the republicrat plate he was stuffing for (though I find it hard to believe that he was stuffing JUST republican names). ACORN might have started out with a good heart, but like all social programs, unintended consequences have given it a bad name. It’s rotten.

  23. deowll says:

    Pencil paper scanner. If the scanner can’t read it forget it.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #54 QB said, “Is voting in the US so complex that it requires a machine of some type?”

    No. The Dems couldn’t figure out how to use paper punch ballots in 2000 and blew it. So, as a “fix” they demanded complex, hackable, expensive computer based voting machines. Which they now complain about endlessly.

    “How many people and initiatives will you vote for on Tuesday?”

    Varies by state but, Pres. Senator, Congressman, various state elected officials, bond measures, state propositions.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:


    In answer to your question, yes.

    This election we will vote for, in my district,:
    President of the US,
    (No Senator but 1/3 of the States will)
    State Governor,
    State Attorney General,
    State Auditor,
    State Senator,
    State Representative,
    County Counsel – District,
    County Counsel – At large,
    County Surveyor,
    County Auditor,
    School Board

    If we lived in town there would be more. Some offices are voted on in another two years, such as Judge, Sheriff, and Prosecutor, AND, I probably missed a few.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE: 66,

    Oopps, I missed it. 2/3 of the States will vote for a Senator. Each Senator is up for re-election every six years and there are two per State.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #68, peedrool,

    Voter Registration Fraud is signing your name that you are eligible to vote or signing a card that you have registered someone who is eligible to vote. A crime, but no one is injured.

    Voter Fraud is when you actually go into the voting booth and cast a ballet. A more serious crime since your vote will cancel someone who voted differently than you.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #69 Oh, like all the fake registrations in Ohio for absentee ballots where you can’t verify if the voter is real once the ballots is counted.


  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath,

    69 Oh, like all the fake registrations in Ohio for absentee ballots where you can’t verify if the voter is real once the ballots is counted.

    How many of those “fake” registrations had a person show up, show identification, and cast a ballot?

    Now, in 2004, how many people showed up, showed identification, and were not allowed to vote because the Republican State Secretary of State cut them from the rolls?

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    #63 – O’Pinocchio

    >>No. The Dems couldn’t figure out how to use
    >>paper punch ballots in 2000 and blew it.

    So what you’re admitting as that Dumbya stole the election in 2000 by having poorly desigend ballots!!

    This is refreshing!

    (btw, if you had ever bothered to look at the Florida ballot

    you would note that reading directly over from “Democrat” is the hole that actually counts a vote for flaky Pat Buchanan of the Reform Party.)


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