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Did this make you want to vote for Barack?

  1. Miss_X2b says:

    Did it convince me to vote for Obama? Nope….but the thought of Utopia is just soooooo dreamy….ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! LOL!!!

  2. Ivor Biggun says:

    #21, tell me where to go get a job from a poor person?

  3. Dallas says:

    What an amazing leader.

    President Obama was not only presidential here, he connected with real American lives, has a plan built with the help of smartest minds in America and has a VP with a brain. DONE

    Contrast that with old man John, My Friend, McCain.
    – His Palin pick is the fatal blow right there
    – Angry , erratic version of Bush with lipstick
    – a 19th century dig dig dig energy plan
    – Borrow and spend (what’s new?)
    – Palin will run this old guy over
    – Creationist, hate and selective teachings

  4. KevinL says:

    JCD – I thought you had a free pass on your own blog? Your post on Auntie O and comments there and here say otherwise. What I can’t get over is the Obamabots who refer to him as “a great speaker”? He sounds robotic and still doesn’t say anything. Is that what makes him qualified? I still haven’t figured out how he is considered qualified and Palin (who is not running for president) is so not qualified? I know he has a fake Ivy League affirmative action degree but so did Bush. I don’t vote by Party so at least my vote still counts.

  5. I says:

    “There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party…and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt—until recently… But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.”

    I doubt that when Senator Obama is elected he will invite the PLO/Al Queda to join the cabinet. The rich will not leave America in droves. The coming depression will be weathered and in 8 years a revitalized Republican party will nominate an as yet nationally unknown person (a woman would be my guess though not ‘her’) for election.

    This election is just a course correction.

  6. Cursor_ says:

    I stopped it at 30 seconds.

    When they showed amber waves of grain that was enough for me.

    Again here is another man that is not understanding that our nation changed in 1925.

    We are NO longer agraian.
    We are NO longer industrial.

    We are a consumer driven nation. And we need to put away the cow pattie stumping and hard hat photo ops of industrial factories.

    Those days are over. Our farms are mostly corporations. Our industrial areas are specialty work in which we put together stuff we bought overseas. Its over folks. We had our run and its over.

    NOW we have embrace the change of the last century and focus on consumer based businesses. The selling and reselling of goods and services.

    Its a new era with the US and if they continue to try and cling to out dated models of business they will end up like the UK, France and Spain.. aka the other world powers of their day.

    To continue we must adapt and move forward.

    This is not a man of change and neither is McCain. they are the old guard and remain firmly rooted in that old style of thinking.

    McCain wants to return to Reagan Era and Obama to Kennedy Era. Neither is going to bring about the era we NEED now.


  7. geofgibson says:

    Crap, crap, and more crap.
    I normally turn off commercials. This had all the elements which infomercials the worst form of media, except Keith Olbermann.

    I can’t imagine this helped The Obamessiah in any way.

  8. geofgibson says:

    Oh, and for all the Obamatards:

    Yet another example of Liberals and their Big Lies. You all complain about Bush? Get set for Bush times ten in terms of spending and deficits. Oh ya, and getting out of Iraq. Let’s set a date for tea in Baghdad after the troops come home. Don’t worry, plenty of time to save, we’ll be long retired by then.

    Here, I’ve got more Kool Aid for you …

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    geofgibson – Calm down son. It’ll all be over in a couple of days. Of course you can save yourself the agony and do yourself in now.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    Did it want to make me vote for Barack?


    The video was financed with thousands of illegal non-American overseas donations.

    We are electing a crook. ODS is cranking up and it will in full force by next year. Have a fun 4 years Obama, until the Fed throws your butt in the slammer.

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #74 jb – “The video was financed with thousands of illegal non-American overseas donations.”

    You gonna throw that out there without expecting someone to call you on it. Put up or STFU.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    I watched but the only thing new I learned was that he’s already reneging on his promise to not raise taxes on those making less than $250k.

    One should wait until they are in office before breaking their word. I guess it is just in his nature…

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #74 – Jay Benson II

    >>The video was financed with thousands of
    >>illegal non-American overseas donations.

    Haw! Haw haw haw!! What, from dem starvin’ darkies over dere in Afriker? From the ghost of Saddam/ Obama?

    You are so full of shit that you stink so bad, if you were in my ‘hood I’d burn the place down.

    Let me reiterate: Haw! Haw haw haw!!

    Suck it in and deal with it, boy. President Obama. Eight years.

  14. brendal says:

    Thank you, Mr. Dvorak.

  15. grog says:


    move to china, they don’t have a bill of rights, nor do they allow dissension, nor do they allow anything other than a single political party.

    no pesky labor laws, no epa, no osha, free reign to pollute and plunder at will.

    it’s a conservative paradise.

  16. grog says:

    #76 by the looks of it, you’ll be chanting “impeach obama” on tuesday night.

  17. qsabe says:

    Anyone but a sleezy republican will do.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #82 grog – “by the looks of it, you’ll be chanting “impeach obama” on tuesday night.”

    Naw, gotta wait for for a High Crime or Misdemeanor 1st.

  19. Rick Cain says:

    H. Ross Perot did very well in his presidential bid, and the infomercials were a hit. What killed his chances was his vice presidential pick who was borderline senile, 90% deaf, and had stage fright.

    McCain, see what happens when you pick the wrong VP candidate?

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #86 – pedro

    Hugo Chavez seems to be such a pet peeve for you… Why don’t you just go back to Venezuela and vote Hugo out of office?

  21. Mick Cain says:

    #86 Pedro

    You do know that everytime you fill up at your neighborhood CITGO that you’re sending money to Hugo Chavez don’t ya? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Better him than the terrorists in the middle east that John McShame is so afraid of.


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